3x3 4x4 5x5 last.fm collage thread

Collage thread, post your last month here. Discuss, recommend music and be nice. Try to guess ampther poster's job based on his august collage.

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graphic designer

Attached: collage.php.jpg (1250x1250, 764K)

I recommend Califone
Guessing you work as a carpenter for a contracting company

Attached: collage.jpg (900x900, 292K)

IT developer
studying in med school

Public Service Broadcasting - Every Valley
Akron/Family & Angels of Light - S/T

if you like califone try moving to california

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Attached: l30d25.jpg (1250x1250, 580K)


skullflower - orange canyon mind
strafe fur rebellion - the bird was stolen
gnod - infinity machines
sarah jarosz - songs up in her head
brown bird - salt for salt
tarantella - esqueletos
here lies man - here lies man

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>tarantella - esqueletos
good shit.

yoshimi's basically like the soft bulletin but not as good
yo look who's back!!

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crown of thorns - forget the light


love those

good with some garlic and rice

Pepper and carrots, too.

I'll have to listen to it again

still pretty good, tho

oh yea certainly


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up-tight - five psychedelic pieces
grails - deep politics

Pierre Bensusan - 2

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Kiss the anus of a black cat - hewers of wood and drawers of water
>Pierre Bensusan - 2
Thanks ill check it out

+Prefab Sprout, Cocteau Twins,
Rec : Broadcast - Haha Sound

+Califone (One of my favorite bands, Yoshimi
Rec : Amen Dunes - Love

+Comsat Angels, Nina Simone, Emmanuelle Parrenin

Attached: topsters2-36.jpg (1891x913, 148K)

What do you use for these?

Try alexpwhite.me/lastfm

Wrong thread, friend.

For that one i used lastfm.paddez.com
Sonoio - fine

paddez lives?????

Its apperently working again. I had to convert from .png to .jpg to post though

That's a name I haven't heard in a long time.

most likely a cook
coffee shop barista
art gallery
struggling musician
should I go see WHY? live, I'm only familiar with cLOUDDEAD which I did enjoy
food service
data analyst

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Belong - common era
Stoned jesus - even thunders roar
Pigs - you ruin everything

lmfao please put me down

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Brain surgeon. Also a furry.

a high school student, maybe turning 15 soon

Phoenecia - Brownout
Jega - Card Hore
Bitstream - Domestic Economy 7

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>Kanye West - Yandhi

...apparently you are a time traveller

very funny