good music for coke?
Good music for coke?
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been really enjoying this one
everyone forgets Bowie's other coked out albums, Young Americans and Diamond Dogs
I'd argue Diamond Dogs for it's more schizophrenic mood. StS is pure R&B except for the krautrock inspired title track
Just about everything released in the 70s and 80s
Saint Pepsi
Black And Blue and Some Girls
Suicidal tendencies - Institutionalized
im eatin tonight
based and foodfilled
thing with bowie is, one of his best coke albums was made after he stopped doing it (talking about scary monsters of course)
Stop drinking soda, it, ice cream, and potato chips will make you fat.
silly user, thats pepsi
>listening to music on coke
what the actual fuck is the point lmao
tell me more about your enlightened activities that you engage in while high
Good choice