>This snowflake's an avalanche
This snowflake's an avalanche
SJW libtarded snowflakes are a plague on this board and society in general, they ruin everything they touch and should be censored and their lives ruined.
i don't care much for Idles music in general but they make /pol/babbies mad so they are based in my book
>The world is a vampire
You're both just terrible
This snowflake's an avalanche
That exposes your evil soul
When I am not on the boards that you see
On Reddit do I shill
You who wish to post in peace
You must learn science, sweaty, learn it well
>dude just let the government decide what you can and can't think, what's the harm?
This t b h
>Govt: don't eat that Twix. It's not chocol.....
I enjoy right-wing cringe as much as the next man but the twix thing didn't happen
Because it wasn't a twix, it was human faeces. Bahahaha
libtard sjw feminazi communist jidf ((())) discord tranny snowflake
Yeah and I'm telling you the faeces incident didn't happen. A quick google search only brings up Twitter posts and memes that refer back to the image you posted.
Doesn't mean it didn't happen tho.
If not a single legitimate news source mentions it, it's a fair bet that it probably didn't happen.
Go back to R eddit
The mainstream media are suppressing the story. I'm not surprised
just stop, tranny.
>Just because there's no evidence doesn't mean it didn't happen
Omg so much this. me and my paki boyfriend love to come home and laugh at these freaking douchenozzles after our evening drag shows
kek based schizo /pol/tard made me chuckle