Why is nobody talking about this masterpiece? Grew out of metal in my teens but this album is something else...

Why is nobody talking about this masterpiece? Grew out of metal in my teens but this album is something else. Easily AOTY

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at least you learned

Attached: the king gizz poster bane.png (824x5152, 1.52M)

fishing for fishies is a better album imho

S . O . Y . C . O . R . E

What those letters stand for?

holy shit this is the best Yea Forums oc in a while

Imagine how asshurt the faggot that made this must have been


>i don't listen to [genre] because I'm not stupid but this album is really something new

Long time metal fan here. It's pretty weak. Sounds like a bland Sabbath/Motorhead rip-off, and I love King Gizzard. They should stick to what they're good at.

Suck Oriental Youths Cocks Or Regret Existence

is this what wasted potential looks like?

it was barely metal

somebody took the time to make this ahahahahaha

that's a lot of autism to make one image

Literally everyone was talking about this album, have you ever been on this board?

>being butthurt enough about king gizzard to make this

the absolute state of this board

Why is everyone frothing at the fucking mouth over this album everywhere I go?

It is literally a textbook example of a band that doesn't know how to make proper metal attempting a metal album and it shows. I like King Gizzard and all but Great Chain of Being is better than anything on this album.

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This is actually pretty fuckin funny and can be applied to any band discussion besides king gizz, lighten up fags

anyone who thinks this is anything but the most based oc on Yea Forums in ages is clearly a newfag gizzard jizzer

>Why is nobody talking about this masterpiece?
Why do people always ask this about new albums that have been getting talked about constantly?


Im a gizz jizz boy and even I can recognize this is quality