Name a better synthpop album.
You literally cannot.
Name a better synthpop album
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select any album from this list
haha fuckin gay. shit opinion m8
any 1984-1993 depeche mode album
decide which one yourself
Some Great Reward clearly
trips of truth
they should've stuck to krautrock
It might not be the best synthpop album EVER, but I can't really imagine one that's better than this that came out in the last 10 years.
Violator was way better
>Mu still hasn't accepted Devolution
TEE is better
definition of a Singles band, but still a decent album
Some Great Reward is phenomenal, gets overlooked in comparison to Violator often
The Murder of Love slaps
just about every depeche mode album is better, including the shittier ones
sorry for being too based
Computer World
Doens't count as synthpop
Not even his best, but he was never that good to begin with
based, but their best 2 albums are the least "pop" sounding (Technodelic/BGM)
Good one, too bad they went to shit really fast