Name a better synthpop album

Name a better synthpop album.
You literally cannot.

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select any album from this list

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haha fuckin gay. shit opinion m8

any 1984-1993 depeche mode album
decide which one yourself

Some Great Reward clearly

trips of truth

they should've stuck to krautrock

Attached: naughty boys.jpg (900x900, 107K)

It might not be the best synthpop album EVER, but I can't really imagine one that's better than this that came out in the last 10 years.

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Violator was way better

Attached: Pet Shop Boys - Please.png (1000x1000, 29K)


>Mu still hasn't accepted Devolution

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TEE is better

definition of a Singles band, but still a decent album

Some Great Reward is phenomenal, gets overlooked in comparison to Violator often

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The Murder of Love slaps

Attached: Propaganda - A Secret Wish.jpg (640x640, 216K)

just about every depeche mode album is better, including the shittier ones

sorry for being too based

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Computer World

Doens't count as synthpop

Not even his best, but he was never that good to begin with

based, but their best 2 albums are the least "pop" sounding (Technodelic/BGM)

Good one, too bad they went to shit really fast