>visit guitar store
>ask to speak to manager
>ask manager if I can try out their most expensive electric guitar
>ask if I can try out their most expensive amp
>plug in guitar
>highest volume
>highest amp
>play "Smoke on the water" on the e-string
tell me WHAT THE FUCK you're gonna do about it
Visit guitar store
nothing because i never leave my house to begin with
op is lowkey alpha as fuck
Laugh, probably
>visit guitar store
>ask if I can try the cheapest starter pack
>start shredding like John Petrucci
>visit guitar store
>ask to play mid priced guitar and amp
>play very adequately
>visit guitar store
>ask to see a guitar
>ask the price
>tell that "that's too much money for a guitar" and leave
>visit guitar store
>turn 360 degrees and walk away
>visit guitar store
>ask to try their most expensive amp
>plug in my laptop and play a gorilla HNW set
>visit guitar store
>ask to speak to manager
>ask manager if I can try out their most expensive electric guitar
>they say no because my fingers are coated in cheeto dust
>go home
>shitpost on Yea Forums
>walks into Yea Forums
>posts the same tired copypasta again for the tenth time
>be 2025
>visit guitar store
>it's now a synth store
>visit guitar store
>ask to speak to manager
>Leave before manager is found
>walks into guitar store
>ask kid working there "can I try out a guit"- "The cables are right there"
>Pull 2 American Fenders off the wall to play
>Both severely out of tune, both missing parts
>visit guitar store
>ask to try the loudest amp
>set gain and volume to 11
>make my best merzbow impression fucking with feedback noise
>the employees screech in pain
>walk into guitar store
>greasy long haired shop assistant looks up at me with his black lifeless eyes
>spit at him and then leave
This new pepe makes me uncomfortable
what the fuck is highest amp
Some amps are louder than others.
>try to visit guitar store
>by try I mean I imagined it in my head
>by imagine I mean I just took your thought and took it for my own
>by taking your thought I mean I did piracy with my brain to your copyright
I can't visit guitar stores, I am a wanted criminal.
this one made me actually chuckle
>visit guitar store
>ask to try out a guitar
>play the opening chords to stairway to heaven
>store owner stops me and points to a "no stairway" sign on the wall
No Stairway! Denied!
>Visit guitar store
>Ask the cashier do they have Stratocaster
>He says yes
>I ask if I am able to purchase it
>He says yes
>I purchase the Stratocaster
>I take Stratocaster home and play it in my house
Woah, calm down there Joker
>go to guitar store
>ask for manager
>already has the most expensive guitar in his hands
>I kill him with his own guitar
>go to the front and ask for the manager
>mfw the cashiers are shitting bricks as they see the managers mutilated body
>visit guitar store
>quickly look at all the guitars, too scared to touch them
>go home
The employees will make you turn it down or they’ll disconnect the amp retard
there wont even be stores or synths
I like this pic it reminds me of the the Donkey Rhubarb video
>go to Guitar Center
>grab most expensive Jackson
>plug into JCM 800 in 'vintage' room
>turn all knobs on ten
>do feed back Floyd Rose shit for 2 hours
>Employee tells me to leave
>Mfw banned from Guitar Center
You'd just be walking forward, retard
>go to guitar store
>none of the amps go to 11
>go to guitar center
>there's an ounce of weed taped to the back
>go to walmart
>there's an ounce of weed taped to the back
>go to guitar store
>scream for assistance
>manager shows up
>ask if i can try out their largest speakers
>plug in phone and play fly buzzing noises at max volume
>walk out
One that goes up to 11.
Turn 360 Degrees and Walk Away is a troll phrase which was used often as bait between the years 2006 and 2014, structured as a question-answer joke. The full joke goes as follows: "Why do they call it the Xbox 360? Because when you see it, you'll turn 360 degrees and walk away." The punchline is, of course, nonsense, because 360 degrees is a complete circle, and so if you turn 360 degrees you'll end up facing the same direction as before.
>buttmad retard falls hard for bait and sages thread
glad to see Yea Forums hasnt changed too much
kek'd hard on this one
>visit guitar store
>speak to manager
>ask to try any kind of guitar
>plug a random amp
>i don't even know how to play guitar
You can say that again
Ask you politely to leave the store and come back with some better material.
>visit guitar store
>about to buy some guitar strings for my well looked after medium end guitar
>see chubby 12 year old who's just picked the most expensive guitar in the store for his dad to buy
>he can't even play smoke on water right
>chuckle while forcing the guitar out of the child's hands and hit him on the head with it
>tell the dad not to bother buying anything for his worthless kid
>manager gives me the strings for free
>visit app store
>download garageband free
>use voice recorder feature to record songs I find on mu and show friends
>friends think I'm talented
>Everyone clapped
the amp that manlets can't reach
>visit guitar store
>it is closed, closes at 20:00
>leave and visit different guitar store
>enter second guitar store
>ask for smallest guitar
>visit guitar store
>look around for like 45 minutes
>employees ask if i would like assistance like 3 or 4 times
>i say no every time
>leave without buying anything or trying anything out
>go home and continue working on the 1 song I started making 4 years ago on garageband
>visit guitar store
>go to the bathroom
>piss on the floor