Anyone tried playing their instrument on psychedelics and feel immensely more capable like you fully understood the instrument like it was a part of your body? like i'm sure I learnt a load playing guitar during a trip that I skipped months of practice because of the increased neuroplasticity or something I was learning like a child, it's like a fucking cheat code to learn guitar
Anyone tried playing their instrument on psychedelics and feel immensely more capable like you fully understood the...
lmao just jam to tunes you like and you will feel what's true or not real understanding comes from within not plants or cow dung grown mushrooms
anyone ever played guitar on drugs thread No.3294
>it's like a fucking cheat code to learn
its why everyone studying at university drops acid before their exams so they dont have to study to get straight As
Is this sarcastic cuz it's pretty true where I'm from.
Yeah I use them every now and again if I find my playing has lost its "spark," it gets the juices flowing again for months and months. Dont rely on them tho, the music will start to get soulless. Kinda feel the same way about coke but that's just my preference I guess
Me and my friend (who never did shrooms before) made an improv album tripping once. We just kept switching off on the drums/guitar and keyboard hooked up with pedals. It ended up being pretty fantastic, really out there and trippy but also really fucking heavy too, with silliness thrown in. We typically made grindcore/noisecore and sludgy metal together, and this was us going into psyche territory. There was a clarity and deep sense of knowing what we were doing while playing though. Very interesting
Based and shroompilled
its a good way to get over the inhibition hump that sometimes stifles someone from being comfortable enough with themselves to initiate the type of spontaneous and effortless playing that is expected out of a musician. It can help keep you focused on the moment and avoid having unrelated thoughts clutter your brain with distraction. Over time you should eventually try putting yourself in such a mind space on your own without the drugs.
I just turned on the phaser and a lot of reverb and droned out on one note while staring into space
>inhibition hump
>comfortable enough with themselves
>playing guitar
in private with nobody around - wtf
are you having a laugh?
no amount of drugs could ever help you get over such extreme self-esteem issues
>in private with nobody around
never said that, the only times I have played while tripping was jamming with other people
some of the best albums ive made were on shrooms. my 3 masterpieces were made while i was snorting heroin and smoking shitloads of cigarettes though.
ever wander into a thread and just be amazed at how retarded people are?
this is the thread
>no amount of drugs could ever help you get over such extreme self-esteem issues
heroin does. dope eliminates everything that is wrong with you, depression, motivationlessness, anxiety, pain/physical discomfort, social anxiety/self esteem issues all vanish.
basically heroin is the one thing that would take someone who is about to an hero and make them think "damn i love being alive".
but dont do it, it's like the tree of ultimate knowledge, you can go on forever in ignorance and be a-okay with it, but once youve lived on dope even for just a few months, going back is impossible, you simply cant accept life without it anymore. tread carefully frens
t. dopefiend for two dcades now
thanks booms
jesus christ.
as much as you admit as much about heroin, i wont ever become addicted to heroin for its life encompassing shittyness
and being a smacky doesnt make an all-seeing sage desu.
its just fucking sad as fuck.
it takes a very particular type of person to pull off being a dopefiend without eventually living in a gutter. it sounds ridiculous but to do heroin and function you've got to have GODtier willpower. ive used for almost 20 years, but this past decade ive done pretty damn well for myself because i have a system, no shooting up ever, and every 8 months you have to force a break from it for about a month or two to restart the tolerance, otherwise it becomes way too expensive to get the right feels from it. youve got to use it in a disciplined way and be able to handle occasional ultra-suffering. and you cant have a 'normal" job either, you're screwed unless youre your own boss (which i am, im a contractor and do roofs and hardwood flooring/drywall etc) because YOU WILL get sick every 2/3 weeks, you'll get fired if you you have a job you can get fired from. shit, ill just stop now before i start recommending it to people, but it is possible to be a functioning normal person and a heroin user, but it can be an exhausting life and you have to sacrifice some things (like travelling and vacations)
yeah sounds like an epic lifestyle
everyone knows heroin is the true kino song writing drug
Sounds awesome bro
N-no dude I swear! I made countles musical masterpieces while huffing glue! What's that? Post them here or I'm full of shit? No way bro.
it is for me, but i get a pass, grew up in ghettos and im a 2nd grade dropout and never went back, was homeless/lived in cars/hotels through out my childhood and teen years, got gangbanged when i was 12 an kidnapped by a pimp once for a week, got forced to use heroin when i was 10, saw my best friend get shot in the head, dad got shot in the lungs working at a gas station, have marfans syndrome, been assaulted with deadly weapons alot/fights and have a ruined jaw/giant facial scars etc, and basically just have PTSD. years of therapy and exercise after i became an adult hasnt really worked yet t.t got clean a few times, and once i did it for almost 3 years and it wasnt worth it for me... im a lost cause really, but heroin helps me be a functioning member of society. if your life was pretty decent and normal i wouldnt recommend you use it though
I broke a string while tripping once and it sent me into a depressive episode.
write a book
My bassist and I basically wrote an entire black metal album in a few months with regular lsd use.
Lol, maybe I should, I have more funny stories than sad ones. Growing up in Rockford IL/chicago with crack addicted parents was pretty interesting.
p.s besides the annoying parts of having an addiction and getting sick every once and awhile, life on dope is 10/10. And it's easy to get laid because I have cool facial scar like a squall lionheart. It takes over an hour to cum while boinking which is a blessing in disguise.