Stoner neckbeard edition
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Im getting in to metal but i dont like the screaming shit like slipknot, a fire inside, etc. I do like bands like the sword and tool. Recommend me some melodic metal with singing instead of screaming.
Necro Christos
Dead Congregation
Cultes des Ghoules
Grave Miasma
This is's "similar artists" tab for Bölzer. Is it accurate? Is it based?
The Geds
You can check gay faggot shit like Iron Maiden and Judas Priest
Yeah, nah, they never really appealed to me and i grew up when they were popular.
Really nice independent metal site if you’re looking for reviews and things.
Not really, I think closest there is probably dead congregation
I actually dont mind judas priest.
Stone temple pilots are ok to.
But that screamo crap is for and by people with mental illness.
Screamo isn't what you listed earlier.
Slipknot isn’t screamo, it’s nu metal.
melodeath sucks
Whatever. I dont care. Slipknot/screaming and the like is for edgy teenagers and mental cases and anyone who likes that kind of "music" is weird.
Listen to dopethrone
You don’t belong here tourist.
Come My Fanatics is better
That is what I'm saying
If you don't care about genres then you cannot explore genres.
Thrash sucks.
I'm sorry to hear about your limp cock
post tits
Metal isn't for roasties.
Cure me, thrash-daddy
None of those bands share Bölzer's admiration for the philosophies of Adolf Hitler and his symbology.
Its not screaming shit, but shitknot is shit. If you seriously don't like screams try some basic Heavy Metal bands, such as Armored Saint or Brocas Helm
Ah yes, Adolf Hitler *sip*
now that was a Great Unifier
Every Jew counts.
where do you even go from here since this is the best the genre has to offer. can't get any better but can sure as hell get 100x worse
For opeth themselves Still Life is utterly perfect as well
What’s metal you want that hasn’t been done yet? I want some band, preferably African if possible, to have songs about the Congo Wars, shit was some of the most brutal and inhumane warfare you could possibly imagine.
I want metal that sounds like Bölzer's Hero but is not Bölzer's Hero.
Necros christos
This is legitimately in the top 10 best metal songs of all time imo
That groove, that chorus, those sleazy verses gahhhhdaymnnnnn
*really* hope it's just bandcamp and the final mix isn't like this. why incorporate complex/technical drumming when you can barely hear it
Sarmatian metal
Dumb fuck, you get what you deserve then
I like this. It's uplifting.
I'm just joshin you. I will take your recommendation to heart :)
They’re actually good, give them a chance user
Stoner is the worst sub genre of metal, edging out over power very slightly. It’s all just so fucking terrible with their shitty sabbath knockoff songs and neck beards and lame weed aesthetic. Really a garbage subgenre.
Second and third worst are power and thrash.
Stoner is garbage but power and thrash are nowhere near bad
Rank genres by tiers then. I'm curious of your opinion
Worst genres
5. Symphonic Folk
4. Stoner
2. Grindcore
1. Funeral Doom
Grindcore is bad but it's better than the other 4 you named
heavy, power, and thrash are all pretty boring
Cringy tourist faggot
I did, and it's true. Thank you!
Whats so wrong with "pizza thrash" ?
Pizza thrash is a very brutal tourist filtration system, that's why they start seething
Thought Diocletian did
They can't riff
They're too often just trying to ape off what previous bands did successfully and often better. Not all new thrash bands are bad like Power Trip, Vektor, and Havok
I want the Black Metal that would have happened without all the autistic arson and murder and Kerrang coverage. I love Burzum and Darkthrone as much as anyone, but imagine a world in which we didn't drown in their shitty clones for 15 fucking years, a world in which bands like Beherit, Von, Samael and hell, even De Mysteriis made the impact they should have made given the quality of their music. Can something like that still be hoped for? Can Black Metal move beyond the swamp it's been (mostly) stuck in since the mid-90s?
>Power Trip, Vektor, and Havok
the only good modern thrash bands I can think of are Nekrofilth and Evil Army
I haven’t heard of them but I’ll check them out
Why were people going so crazy over Tomb Mold? They fucking suck
Does /meal/ like KEN mode?
They’re one of the best death metal bands in recent memory, you just have shit taste.
They're making death metal for people who don't listen to death metal (aka tourists like )
It's the latest episode of Reddit Discovers Caverncore
They're similar in quality to every other Dark Descent release, here's some 2019 records that are at least as good
can we agree this is the edgiest man in metal
They're boring compared to other 20 buck metal
tfw stoner/doom is my favorite genre but I don't do drugs
Am I cool or gay?
You are an absolute faggot
Very gay
Lame bait, but to be serious for a minute, MAYH is the best Opeth.
anyone have that "getting into black metal" flow chart?
No, but listen to Zuriaake for black metal kino
It's actually not in the pastebin, there's bm charts but no flowcharts
Listen to Silencer.
charts are gay
Top 3 black metal of 2019?
If you like riffs start with Inquisition's Ominous Doctrines, if you like ambient then start with Burzum. Gorgoroth's Under the Sign of Hell is totally recommended because of the fantastic guitar work and if you like an epic feeling and less shittastic production values go for Immortal's At the Heart of winter.
this one?
I've been listening to death metal for years and never gave Cannibal Corpse a chance, give me their best album(s)
or this one?
Style over substance. It's all >dude >party >lmao and the bands play the same riffs. It's about as stagnant as metal can get without being black metal.
The Bleeding.
They're all garbage.
nah it was definitely a flowchart. it had emperor, burzum and dissection on it, maybe 15 albums total. it implied storm of the lights bane was shit.
My ranking would be (without diverting into insanely picky subgenres like folk and symphonic etc):
Numetal/mallcore, industrial and groove all excluded and chastised.
Should be:
listen to NSBM
The guitar wankfest and god awful overproduced death metal competes heavily with the pretentious and boring post metal black metal for worst niche however i agree its either one or the other as the forefront of metal. My vote goes for black > death because i think they reach higher heights in sheer musicality
Sludge, Stoner, Industrial and Grind are all awful and speed and grove aren't real genres
anything that isn’t stoner rock is generally horrible
Leave the hall
Why do they always look like this?
They're called Steed, and they're awful
>gay faggot shit
>Maiden and Judas
I mean you're entitled to your opinion but please consider suicide
and fucks
Dso, Misþyrming, Hagzissa
Show me black metal musician that wears glasses with corpse paint
>polyphonic/counterpointing guitars everywhere
>the overall atmosphere taken from a rainy day
>DeFarfalla's bass
This was in fact the best BROpeth era. Akerfeldt is a faggot for kicking him out.
lmao what a gay ass italian name
Nobody here likes Slipknot, mate.
Think i heard some of the vocals and they were p scary
Suhnöpfer, Nimbifer, Vehemence
This is the only Slipknot that really matters. Good old Thrash.
I do
so whats up with merch?I need a zipup jacket
Whats the main difference(Besides lyrics) in metal and punk style of playing? Is it that metal way more often changes grips while punk mostly slides?
You are right, Slipknot is shit for teenagers. But give a change for real metal with harsher vocals. I'm giving you some melodic stuff as you are still a metal noob.
Here's groovy track from Carcass' death and roll album:
Here's Amorphis' Black Winter Day. Vintage melodeath/doom with prog elements:
Here's old good Bathory's viking metal epic, A Fine Day To Die. Their stuff after that had clean vocals, so you may also want to check those out:
And here's Darkthrone on their Motörhead phase:
Currently blasting:
Start with Bathory. Bathory is good. Always.
Recommend me some really essential or just generally fucking good 80s or early 90s deathrash.
I already have listened Sepultura, Vulcano, Sarcofago, Possessed, Merciless and Protector. Really enjoyed them.
Cormorant and Enslaved.
Infernal Majesty
Good stuff. Thanks.
Listen to Deceased too
This, but for power metal
Can you read?
Hey. Where's the drummer? What'd he do? Pop out for a smoke or something?
Iron Maiden and Judas Priest, dude
This is indeed very uplifting!
>bands that you listen to
>bands that you listen to if a girl or a cool dude asks
For me its
>deftones, bathory, korn, rammstein
>bathory, pantera, acid bath, slayer
Holding a seminar on Satanism, hit me with some metal to use.
it kinda works though
Yes, you guys listened some Metallica and now you know the whole genre? Listen some real thrash, you posers.
Individual songs are pretty good. The band should dedicate themselves to their namesake tho
This was my jam when I was like 16. Haven't listened in a long time. Ye Olde Magicks is probably still my favorite.
everyone is a poser except me
>a seminar on Satanism
Well you are almost correct. This place is filled with posers.
fucking tourist
marilyn manson
I have listened to a ton of basically fartcore music in my teens and still enjoy some pretty garbage songs. Most of my music taste came from my siblings listening to the classics while I was a kid and it kind of mutated into something awful over the years. Wanted to ask for recommendations
What does /metal/ think?
>bathory, sodom, protector, bolt thrower, darkthrone
>bathory, sodom, protector, bolt thrower, darkthrone
Ah. The Canadian Slaughter. Very nice choice, sir..
>Death, Marduk, Immortal, Bathory
>No girls or cool dudes talk to me
Absolutely enjoyable band.
Which one is better?
Is this cool guy metal or söy böy metal?
Yea Forums
>Bathory, Darkthrone, Celtic Frost, Morbid Angel
>Metallica if girls ask
"Cool dudes?" Are you fucking gay or something?
Why are you asking the posers at here? They don't know shit.
ooh very bad according to me, some random person that never listened to it
What's the closest thing to metal but made with synths?
Been enjoying synth pop but I want heavy stuff now.
Listen Barathrum
Speedcore or doomcore.
Because I'm sure some person will flip their shit and post what they think is the truly patrician alternative, that I would otherwise never hear about and might enjoy.
Söy because you asked
metal for this feel?
Tomb Mold
Nitzer Ebb, Front 242.
Euronymous would be rolling on his grave.
>tygers of pan tang patch
my respect for Hetfield has gone from 0% to 10%
Mercyful Fate
Based Barathrum poster, hail Satan
Trying to buy some weird and obscure metal cassettes. Mostly Black Metal but some death too
Good distros and webshops for this?
Nice one not spotting the Jaguar - Axe Crazy patch you fucking tourist. No wonder you don't like Metallica, faggot
Carpenter Brut, start with Trilogy
Give me /Metal/ to listen to while driving over a negro and slicing through homosexual rapists.
gravplass, black gangrene, harvest of death
Dance With The Dead, The Shape album
Eat my ass faggot I’ve been listening to metal my entire life of course i know these bands. Black/death thrash can be ok like sabbat or nunslaughter or whatever but the pure shit doesn’t often capture the vibe I’m into
Does that include Pressterror? That's like a person barely knowing Metallica listening to Agoraphobic Nosebleed. Don't think I'm that advanced yet.
I saw them open for Ghost and they were so mind-numbingly boring. Is there studio stuff actually engaging?
Hey thanks for the recs!
do you guys have any ehm... distorted retard music for me?
/meal/'s theme song:
DWTD can be generic but The Shape has some good stuff. Not incredible, but what youre looking for is called synthwave. DWTD is good for easing people into the sound. After youre done with Trilogy listen to Beware The Beast. Carpenter is just awesome. Pertubator has some okay stuff but not my favourite.
Yup. Definitely far better than their American counterparts. Why they never decided to sue those hair metal fuckers for the rights to their name is beyond me, though...
Also german poison > american poison
Probably didn't have enough money, plus Slaughter may have only registered in Canada. Idk how it all works though desu.
yo bois, i'm not into meal myself, so i'm genuinely curious:
why do so many people make, 'meal cover of '?
is it just a lifestyle choice or smth?
They think it is funny.
so is meal like an ironic thing?
I have no idea, maybe because normies think lazily painting a layer of extremity on easy listening songs is funny.
Here, have a Brujeria cover
the "epic lulz" metal covers are always made by touristy bands or soilet youtubers (for example Children of Bodom covering Britney Spears and so on)
when a "serious" band covers a non-metal song it's usually done tastefully and is actually a song that can be transferred into metal naturally without sounding like a joke
The basis of humor is the element of surprise. Meal is supposed to be hardcore so juxtaposing it with something soft and accessible creates a feeling of dissonance that is perceived as humorous.
Because it's fun.
Can you give some examples of actually good covers please?
Different way to listen to it I guess?
It wouldn't bother me if they weren't so god awful. Hearing a metal version of Shape Of You made me suicidal.
Been listening to lots of neofolk. Any metal with a good neofolk influence?
That twitter thread linked in the Diocletian entry is hilarious. The dude says it's safe to assume that all western war metal is composed of scumbags but bands like Tetragrammacide and Genocide Shrines are probably ok because they're brown. How fucking patronizing can you be? Like extend the courtesy to be a scumbag to brown people too. They've got just as much agency as the white man.
Oh I gotchu senpai
i mean i guess my real question was, why is it so common in meal.
like it happens with other genres once in awhile, but its like a meal staple.
what is it about meal that makes someone go 'yeah, i gotta take this nsync/justin beiber/britney spears/beethoven song n add some meal'
Because it is extreme. I explained this already. It wouldn't be as funny to make a blues cover of Britney Spears because blues is not extreme.
Bölzer is neofolk, right?
Most metal is "cover of a Beethoven song" completely unironically.
>melodeath su-
Is that James Mason? I love neofolk too but most Metal with Neofolk influences ends up being stuff like Agalloch, at least as far as I know. Hopefully someone can correct me with a cool counterexample.
i mean where's all my industrial techno britney spears remixes.
Again, I'd assume it's because metal is the most extreme genre that people know of, and therefore the one they pick when trying to cover a song in the most extreme manner possible. Ironically, the subgenres chosen to cover in are often the more accessible ones. I wonder what a power electronics cover of a pop song would sound like - probably just regular PE.
>Holding a seminar on Satanism
Hey, rabbi.
This is some truly rotten black metal. Tourists need not apply
Industrial techno isn't as mainstream as metal.
>Bolt Thrower
The absolute state of you
naw i was just asking a legitimate question.
i just want britney spears - operator (Surgeon Remix)
ahhhh. classic
>melodic metal without screaming
god you're a fucking faggot. grow some hair on your balls.
Try the band “northern” specially the album desolate ways to ultima Thule
They share the philosophies and symbols of Adolf Hitler, but do not perform folk music. A high intellect is required to understand their music.
this guy never had sex
It's now gay to keep your social status among other men high?
psych rock to heavy metal
goth rock to black metal
Local record store has a first Brazilian pressing of I.N.R.I with white center labels for $85. It's in great shape. Should I pick it up?
if it's worth that to you then yeah
>drawn out intro into dbeat by the numbers
this needs to stop
>Is it that metal way more often changes grips while punk mostly slides?
Ask a less retarded sounding question.
Lol what a goddamn beta
Is Adorior worth checking out or is it a case of "le woman singer" meme?
>this guy never had sex
Hundreds of times, kid. Why should I hide my music taste? I'm not ashamed of it. That would be quite beta thing.
>not liking Bolt Thrower
The absolute state of you
Whats the main difference in styles of metal and punk?
>best metal guitarist alive
>wears glam era pantera shirt
checks out
When do you think the rest of the band realized Halford was gay?
Oops. Forgot about those guys. Good catch
I say it was a money issue. It costs a shit ton of cash to hire a lawyer. And since the Canadian Slaughter were basically an underground band at the time, I doubt they could have raised the necessary capital to pursue a lawsuit against that other Slaughter...
Is he even gay? He mostly just talk about it. Wasn't that just a buisness move?
No. I'd say he's gay. He's mentioned in interviews that when the rest of the band would go out and chase girls after shows, he'd usually go back to his hotel with a gay porn mag and a bottle of lube and just jerk off all night.
He's an amazing lead player but his riffs aren't that good
Here's another amazing metal lead player whose riffs aren't good
This guy has more interesting shred licks than brandon, but his solos aren't as good
He's 100% gay
Pretty sure that they're closer to all the occult esoteric hipster right-wing radicals of neofolk than to actual hitlerist nazis.
>mfw they say your son is a nazi
comes closest
i hardly ever get to post this meme
>this is considered white in europe
>listen to black metal album
>one of the songs is just a fucking 12 minute long recitation of satanic poems
Why do bands do this? It’s not even music or anything and it’s not atmosphereic at all. I don’t care about their beliefs or “rituals”. This is why I just pirate all my music.
how the FUCK is this guy his son?
You've listened to metal and punk right?
Blackness can be mixed out if there are enough white people in the mix. That's why no one complains about a few coloured immigrants here and there: They can be integrated. Their children's children can be Europeans. The guy's father was obviously already mixed.
fuck metallica and fuck jannies
Yep. It is very different, metal tends to be hard to play and complex, while punk and easy and dumb. What exactly makes them that different?
Trad is truly back...
I want the pure essence of evil in musical form, give it to me. Something that makes satanism look kind
Anubis Gate, Haken & Mystery. Try progressive metal, most bands tend to stay with clean vocals.
>metal tends to be hard to play and complex, while punk and easy and dumb
These things are not mutually exclusive. Von and unholy trilogy era Darkthrone are not complicated at all, while lots of Japanese punk has plenty of complex licks compared to other scenes.
Is there a more based man in all of metal?
Just realized m8l8th is on spotify. Strangely based for swedes.
dude inverted crosses dude pentagram
>I want the pure essence of evil in musical form, give it to me. Something that makes satanism look kind
Obviously no such thing, but this is two decent efforts.
What is it then? What exactly makes it so different?
I follow a complete inversion of the christian dogma. I believe rape, sodomy, and murder are ok things.
They seem like they're having fun.
Thanks, probably the first trad revival band I really enjoy
but Symbolic is even like, better
close enough
Not much really. You could argue drum techniques, song lengths, overall differences in composition, vocals, but a LOT of stuff blurs the lines.
Human is the best Death album.
Leprosy > ITP > SBG > Human > soibolic > TSOP > spiritual
Is there a graph or something that places different bands along a thrashcrossoverhardcore axis?
This, but unironically.
Bonus truth: the original pressing is much better than the onions "muh loud bass and muh brickwall" remixed version.
Cope. I haven't seen any other people than white for two months. I saw one black man in my town in the whole summer.