Why are all of those youtube "musicians" so bad at making music?
Why are all of those youtube "musicians" so bad at making music?
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Cause they focus too much on theory nonsense instead of making 4 chords and interesting lyrics
wannabe artists turn teachers the way fuckups turn snitch -- if you dont have that something that actually makes you creative, you fall back on endlessly obsessing over the technical details cause theyre easier to control
lots of online music making communities fall into this trap IMO, internet EDM culture being the absolute nadir
Why are YouTube film critics shit at making films?
What retarded point do you even think you're making?
Youtubers are worthless people, basically
>make money talking into a camera
Sounds like they beat the system user
Theory is descriptive, not prescriptive.
But this song is a banger
Books don't make noise.
Oh yeah, agreed I guess. I think film people in general have the excuse that they can't get a lot of practice making films to get better and they don't have a lot of resources, which is valid, but to be bad at something as cheap and easy to make as music after years practicing is almost astonishing.
Bent Knee is pretty good, and Rob Scallon has some cool stuff, if that counts.
Also, he's not a youtuber anymore, and he was pretty obscure, but I Vaalvla's music is pretty cool. Like, instrumental depressive nu metal.
that comparison is only applicable to music critics
we're talking about musicians ITT, dumbfuck
You need to be especially talented to write high-end, technical music, that actually has broad appeal, and doesn't just seem like masturbation .
If you have enough creativity to think past what it teaches you, sure. But that doesn't seem to be the case with these people.
Neely for example is so incapable of absorbing art in terms other than the ones he learned in music school that he couldn't even enjoy Whiplash because "akshually that's not the real experience most musicians have", which is a particularly retarded reason for disliking a movie. I'm sure shit like that is what's on the front of his mind every time he listens to music too.
I can't say I disagree with you.
My shit test for judging musicians is whether or not they have an unhealthy level of negative opinions toward Whiplash.
Let's be honest though, Whiplash can't compare to Kids on the Slope.
Whiplash is kind of lame though.
do we need multiple threads like this every day?
But he said that whiplash was decent
pretty decent actually
Levin is so talented. Bent Knee's two new singles have me very excited.
But he thought it was fine movie. He just said it wasn't how jazz academy works.
Want me to ban you so you don't see any of those threads?
Hide them you girl
i'll still see the threads even if i'm banned you fucking retard
Yeah? I wouldn't know, never been banned once. It's called being an exemplary poster.
Because they can't teach you good taste in music college
he liked whiplash you absolute brainlet
Is that so you fags? Well excuse me if didn't watch a 30 minutes Adam Neely video in its entirety, I was busy having some self-respect. It's still a silly thing to complain about and to have it diminish your view of something so my point stands.
Wat. Where do you think you are?
You mean a movie about jazz school depicting an accurate portrayal of jazz school isn't a fault?
Based and BentKneepilled.
Uh, no, it isn't. Most movies aren't realistic, user, and the idea that they should be is a very pleb concept.
not bad is the fact that many frequencies are being covered and there is a lot of tension but - but but but: there are people out there who could pull something like that out of their asses. I kind of don't understand people who take the effort to seriously study something kind of useless like music instead of maths^^
he's not a fucking film critic, he's trying to educate people about what happens in jazz schools
that's the only point of the video
What I'm saying is based on the impression I remember getting from the video, and I believe in myself. Good day.
i don't know if he counts because he does covers but Isto is pretty good
I love the intro to this one
composerily and mayflower are both good tho
Hopefully you like the ones that do. That movie's so fucking difficult to sit through as a drummer especially, I couldn't suspend my disbelief and enjoy it when I was constantly being beat over the head with wrong information about my instrument and field
Rob is based
He also made an album in one day with andrew huang. It was a fun, kinda reminds me of Yea Forums albums who too get done in less than 24 hours
This, Apollon is the closest thing to an actual love letter to Jazz.
It is, if realism is something the movie aspires to do, but that was not the point of the film.
This. It's one of the most annoying new trends among YouTube drummers and other musicians to give flack towards it for its lack of realism, but it makes absolutely no sense.
I remember another thing he didn't like about the movie was that it was more of a sports movie, because the passion for music wasn't really shown iirc. Music was like a secondary thing.
Also while I can understand that you feel that movies don't have to he 100% accurate, you have to realize that if someone did a movie on your job and portrayed it all wrong you would be bothered. The same way policemen probably don't like movies about cops
??? You've probably only a newfag to his channel. youtube.com
>It's one of the most annoying new trends among YouTube drummers and other musicians to give flack towards it for its lack of realism, but it makes absolutely no sense.
Imo if a movie is about your job and it portrays it wrong it bothers you, even if the movie is fine
That's because trained musicians are always coming from a place of insecurity. The Godfather was written by someone who knew nothing of the mafia and criminals loved it because they're alpha.
>not posting the worst youtuber song of all time
>and I believe in myself
Good for you user but you are still worng in the end.
If it had aspirations for realism, sure. But it didn't, and it didn't portray his job wrong, because it wasn't a documentary that meant to portray his job in the first place. It was a movie, and a movie should be criticized with how well it conveys its themes, its cinematography, acting and other similar factors. I'd understand the point of critique if it said something stupid like "based on a true story", but evidently it didn't.
I guess what I'm saying is that subjectively you're going to like a non realistic movie about your job less and you're saying that objectively non-accuracy doesn't mean shit, if the film doesn't proclaim itself as accurate
Our opinions aren't mutually exclusive
And Adam didn't say it was a bad film anyway
Autistic thinking. They believe the can construct good music by learning the ''rules''
That movie was shit though. Whiplash is the Adam Neely of movies
They lack a sense of aesthetic and emotion. Thickly laid on music theory is their way of 'solving' music as if it was a math problem.
The korg minilogue once again proving that only soulless redditors enjoy its sterile nu-Korg sound. Also you've seen nothing yet. Look at this frail show moving around as if trying to imitate a normal human feeling the music.
>that beanie
Instantly uncharismatic
These answers might cover a point or two, but I think the truth is simpler.
Youtube musicians are bad/average as fuck because that's what the overwhelming majority of musicians are like. Most musicians as a whole are bad/average. If you were to randomly pick out 10 musicians from your city to listen to, I bet 3 of them would be unk-tier rappers, 3 would be street-instrumentalists of that one plucked guitar style, 3 would be a variant of metal, maybe 1 would be some jazzer or something.
There's nothing special about youtube-fags, they are merely highly visible in their suckitude
>not posting this
Everything except the first 19 seconds can be discarded
Neely is talented, he just chooses to make cheesy saccharine Mario Kart jazz fusion that probably already sounded dated by the 1980s. The piece he wrote for David Bruce's 5 composers video for example was great, probably the best in the video.
How can he not realize the drums in this sound awful and super out of place
This sounds cheesy as fuck. Why most theoryfags use the ugliest and characterless tones possible for their instruments? Also why study so much to make wanky pop music?
It's not really cheesy but the instrumentation and tone of the song would fit perfect as royalty free music for furniture commercials
This is so tacky and emotionless that i could imagine it having a vaporwave-like appeal to it in ten or so years.
Because they don't
non-musician detected
Rob is not an artist, and he also isn't intelligent. He's basically just an idiot who makes youtube videos
Youtube music personality in a nutshell:
>Self centered
>Originals are absolute shit
>Gives tons of advice on how to be a better "musician"
>Doesn't play live, ever
See pic related.
misinterpreted by insecure person
>Self centered
misinterpreted by insecure person
>Originals are absolute shit
>Gives tons of advice on how to be a better "musician"
is educational channel
>Doesn't play live, ever
is educational channel
>Because they don't
Yeah but like, they do. Not having the ear to just realize that is ironically something only ''trained'' musicians would struggle with.
I'm a considerably well-educated musician so try again pal. I also even dig some jazz fusion and nerdy shit like that but this just isn't good. Try out Jaga Jazzist or something if you want this sort of music that has some taste to it.
>Try out Jaga Jazzist
Ok, maybe he isn't THAT arrogant, but he's definitely self centered as fuck.
He's trying to sound off kilter rhythmically but has no soul for it
music is awful but the video reminds me of staying up late and watching TV as a kid for some reason
>it sounds bad cuz it just does lol!
Amazing analysis.
is this faggot still getting oxygen?
i smell a shill shitter here.
youtube faggot can fuck right off
>andrew huang
he has the same problem as neely. he's incredibly talented at production and sound design and has all this expensive modular synth equipment at his hands and he uses it to make really bland pop music, when he's shown in other videos he can make actually good idm, trip hop & acid techno type shit
Not saying they are that good either but it's somewhat in the same ballpark with the Neely track and compared to that even Jaga Jazzist sounds like fucking Beethoven.
Yeah, it's called taste and intuition. That's what musicians are supposed to be going for and working with, not the mechanical replication of whatever they learned in music school. It's no wonder most of them fail as musicians.
stop giving this technical over-acheiving, god awful popstar wannabe /mu threads.
his music is fucking bad for your ears
trips of truth
lol why are theorylets so self-assured and proud of their ignorance? trained musicians have to use taste and intuition as well, the only difference is they can actually explain why they dislike something without saying "it's bad because it's le bad xD"
>the mechanical replication of whatever they learned in music school
They're just triplets over a 9/8 groove. It's as simple as it gets. There's nothing "off" about it, nothing overly technical, intentionally or otherwise. I don't like the track either, but if you're biggest criticism is "the drums are all wrong," you'd have to be a non-musician.
Excuse me what?
i like adam neely
Sounds like someone trying reaaaally hard to justify their bad choices in life lol.
>"it's bad because it's le bad xD"
Again, it's called taste. If you're to wait for academics to decode all aspects of it - which is impossible due to fact it's constantly evolving - before you can make a judgement, you're fucked. I mean, you are either way because you've killed your music instinct with theory, but you get what I'm trying to say.
>They're just triplets over a 9/8 groove. It's as simple as it gets. There's nothing "off" about it, nothing overly technical, intentionally or otherwise.
Yeah, and guess what? It sounds like a shit. So thanks for the input fag.
Yes, but he said it was merely "ok", when it had fantastic directing, score and acting. I would consider it one of the true classics of this era, which is why such a bad take annoys me.
>They're just triplets over a 9/8 groove. It's as simple as it gets. There's nothing "off" about it, nothing overly technical, intentionally or otherwise.
This is the Music School mindset in a nutshell: you know what something is called, you no longer can recognize if it's bad or good because you had it kicked out of you by other frustrated people.
That is literally trying to sound "off" but it snaps to a grid so I guess some obtuse shitposter has a point
>so I guess some obtuse shitposter has a point
either take my side or don't man
> you no longer can recognize if it's bad or good
I want you to differentiate good music from bad music.
Aww you want a set of written down rules so you can follow it like an accountant instead of listening to music like a human being? Not going to happen.
is this bait? please tell me it is
must be trolling or you are simply stupid
>I absolutely, 100% do not want to understand the things I like
No, I want you to prove to me what a retard you are. Also
>listening to music
Do you create anything or just sit on your ass and consume all day? I've got a nagging feeling that it's the former.
>you no longer can recognize if it's bad or good
No, your "original" taste is literally just undeveloped. You don't know how to feel this music, that's all there is to it. enjoy your rice n beans musical dinner
Stop making a bunch of posts in a row so you can create the impression of "we, the Board, are against you!" you desperate insecure faggots.
You go make the Music School-approved noise that will never be listened by anyone. What an investment.
Yes, it sounds like shit, but it's not because of the drums or the rhythm being "off." It's just fucking triplets. Literal hundreds of thousands of pieces use the same sort of triplet polyrhythms in every genre of music. Are all of those terrible as well?
All I'm saying is that if you're going to criticize a song and try to bolster your opinions with facts, make sure the facts are actually facts. You say the drums are off, that they have no rhythm, but they LITERALLY DO.
>Shiny Eyed Babies (2014), 7/10
This mindset explains youtuber music so well holy shit
>Sounds like someone trying reaaaally hard to justify their bad choices in life lol.
sounds like theorylet cope, you don't have to try so hard to rationalise being less educated than other people. learn a little and it'll ease up your cognitive dissonance
>Again, it's called taste. If you're to wait for academics to decode all aspects of it - which is impossible due to fact it's constantly evolving - before you can make a judgement, you're fucked. I mean, you are either way because you've killed your music instinct with theory
again, you don't have a clue what you're talking about. theory is descriptive, not prescriptive. there are no "rules" or right or wrong ways of doing things.
>The piece he wrote for David Bruce's 5 composers video for example was great, probably the best in the video.
No it wasn't, there was an ocean of pacific magnitude between his piece and the ones of either of the actual composers.
>They're just triplets over a 9/8 groove. It's as simple as it gets.
>just make something up to hoodwink everyone
This post is not even correct at all, and everyone took the b8
What's some good music that uses music theory? I like this one, even has microtonal elements
>music that uses music theory?
you mean the vast majority of music ever written? you do realise even just knowing how to play, say, an e minor chord on guitar means you're utilising knowledge of music theory and also limiting yourself to using triadic harmony
this is what theorylets don't understand. unless they literally only listen to shit like jandek and the shaggs they're being hypocritical
Somebody needs to Dead Poets Society music schools and teach kids to just play from the heart
>i didn't go to music school i went to concerts
Imagine not just making the music you wanna hear cause you’re too busy caring what others will think.
Btw headsup: your shitty soundcloud wallpaper won’t be listened to by anyone either
Calm down bro, yeah we get it a song in 4/4 in E minor that goes E A D uses music theory, not what I'm talking about and u know it.
>those stupid arpeggios
This is the biggest meme among these youtube retards
>Btw headsup: your shitty soundcloud wallpaper won’t be listened to by anyone either
Yeah but I didn't spend time and money learning music so I could fail at it, did I? I learned the very basics of Ableton and guitar on youtube and started failing with dignity.
>if you don't like Zionist propaganda you're a bad musician
>not what I'm talking about and u know it
i don't have a clue what you're talking about and you're retarded
A song that goes E A D isn't in E minor.
You do realize he earns his living entirely from music, right?
This is legit brainlet posting. This just shows me that you think the extent of music theory is I IV V. Every single song ever written can be described using music theory. That is what music theory was designed to do.
>Being this angry I threw out some random letters
try not shitposting for a bit
why don't y'all just listen to/make whatever you want. clearly the youtube musicians want to make that kind of sound, which requires a lot of practice and learning. they might not make something as simple and catchy as most pop songs, but that's a taste issue not a product output problem.
I dunno what the issue is. I guess everyone thinks everyone else has their own specific taste for what is "correct" and just can't understand any other point of view
Kek m8 I can see your takin the piss
The complexity of a piece of music doesn’t really matter. The Beach Boys can make something like God Only Knows which is pretty musically complex, and The Velvet Underground can make something like Heroin which is really simple musically. What matters is whether or not the song is good, which is largely up to personal taste and is much harder to quantify. YouTube musicians, like most people, just don’t know how to make good music.
Most of these people remind me of le band kids who never grew out of the shit and have gay little inside jokes about music theory. This develops into these stupid videos where they derive most of their humor from this type of obnoxious ADD reddit video editing and peguin of doom personalities. Basically they are lame as shit but talented enough to play well and impress normalfags.
I'm talking about music that's more complex than most and uses more in-depth theory stuff like counterpoint, microtones, has more deep and complex harmonies and timbres
Here's another one I like youtube.com
>I have no meaningful way to interact with the discussion so I will just project my biases on to anyone who engages with it
>heh, those people who know more than me? Probably gay little faggots lmao all reddit and shit
You don’t say
I mean those are clearly samples the producer just lifted from actual compositions, there are no microtones there, just tuning issues, and basically two chords looped the whole beat
maybe not the best example
The faggotry comes from their video editing and personalities, it's fine that they know music theory.
>bitching about how the sausage is made
>dismisses how the samples are weaved together perfectly and how the keyboard line isn't sampled, or how the vocal samples add to it
>missing the point of the genre that the beat shouldn't change completely every 10 seconds, is still wrong
>calling melodies he doesn't understand "tuning issues"
Yikes. Try just posting something instead
Thing is, you can understand music from a perspective of harmonic analysis in terms of the actual waveform and so on, but you're like mary in the black and white room. It gives you a new vocabulary to talk about musical ideas in terms of emotional colour, the synaesthesic elements of music are not something that can be so easily determined through maths or science. It's also unlikely, unless you have spent the time learning a huge repertoire of songs, that you'd be able to make a living through your music without a lot of self-discipline.
say complexity then
this is like incredibly shitty melodys echo chamber
why does this have any positive responses
Nothing complex about this. Uses microtones, but basically the only point is to make it sound very dissonant. Beyond that fact it is almost impossible to get any simpler
What really puts me off is the singer. God damn she's annoying. She couldn't sound more self absorbed if she was paid, which she definitely wasn't
This song would be much better if the girl singing wasn't so awful and the lyrics weren't unintentionally funny
>using dissonant dismissively
>impossible to get any simpler
Try harder. The microtones was more the other song anyway
the sample cuts are pretty obvious, not sure what you mean by weaved together perfectly. they're fine for the style and masked by the drums ducking them a bit.
tuning issues are from resampling using old samplers like the sp1200 that don't preserve pitch. especially the 2nd guitar sample, it sounds off due to that reason.
the keyboard is a simple repeating figure, F#-C-B-F#-B-Bb-E. not microtonal though the tritone leap is unusual, I will give you that.
I like the song, but it's not nearly as complex as you're making it out to be.
something actually micro/poytonal would be more like gamelan tuning:
I never said it was super duper complicated like some jazz fusion shit or something, and nah it's not out of tune more than a handful of cents or whatever. Microtonal elements was more the other song
No, but microtones can do so much more than impart intense, constant dissonance. It is a non-patrician use of them that requires no intuition
Reading comprehension
Neither of them are complex in any sense
>It's not complex cause I say so
More to dissect there than in songs like this
Only lyrically
You can say they're repetitive but the parts that repeat are deeper and more interesting than any parts of those other songs, and way more interesting textures and melodies imo they're just better songs. Never said they were the most complex thing
you know that thing people say?
'those who can't do, teach'
well youtubers are like that, but a rung below those who teach.
>at least they can explain why they're shit lol
>drums have rhythm
Based graduate
>y-you don't even create anything
The last refuge of the scoundrel
dave should've stayed in school t b h.
maybe then he would believe aids was real and wouldn't have given all that money to those aids deniers.
>Got to chat briefly with Craig and Nathan after a show in 96, (they were super nice) and I asked them, "how do you guys come up with all of these dissonant riffs and oddball tritone based melodies?" Craig's like "aww, we just move our fingers around to different places until it sounds good."
>has a masters
>still can't write interesting music without using a technical gimmick
buttmad waste of space detected
It's the sort of argument fucking Bengalfuel would use, come on you're better than that
I loved it until the vocals came in. Goddamnit.
this sucks
The only good Youtube musician is Nahre Sol. Adam Neely can't write anything interesting beyond theory gimmicks.
>dude just move your fingers around for an hour to find a D diminished chord
which is why Steely Dan were the best band ever
he means that the tone and production sounds like shit not the rhythm
she is great
But the rhythm sounds like shit too
Uhhhhhh you sure about that?
this is literally a 4 bar loop from the spyro soundtrack
bap bap
You come off like a total faggot but i get what you mean. Studying music isnt useless but it is far from necessary to make it
Mozart didn't know any music theory.
Buildup was totally worth it
yeah and it sounds like dogshit what of it
it sucks
I don’t like Adam’s music, but there seem to be one or two butthurt anons who keep posting these same threads because they can’t get over the fact that he is popular on YouTube. It’s pretty pathetic really, the amount of jealousy some people feel toward some random kid they’ve never met justness because he makes a half-decent living through music.
theorylet cope
mozart was taught music from literally birth by his father in a much more rigorous way than even most universities do now lmao
What did you say about me?!?
role-playing as a Yea Forums mod, you saw it here first folks
all these people and anyone who likes them should be gassed. the reason these music youtubers are so popular is because they're explaining music to laymen in terms that makes the viewer feel intelligent. like they're cracking a secret code or something (also see the recent trend "experts rating cheap vs expensive products"). they're giving viewers a way to turn "complicated" music into another cheap consumer good.
Look Mum No Computer is a fantastic Youtuber and a fucking brilliant artist.
It's because music unironically needs soul to connect with a large audience. So many popular musicians didn't know the first thing about music theory, just what sounded "right" to them and by extension their audience. Music theory isn't a bad thing by any means but creative people get caught in the technicality rather than try and put heart into something
I'm jealous because he's pretty good looking and can impress normies with his pseud shit. But i can't stand him at the same time.
Notice there is no dissonance there: i don't want to be a pleb like him. I want the love he gets
based desu
Neely is good though.
Takes an hour to find a good chord? Also what the fuck is d minshed I just hit the bass until it sounds good lol. I hit it with my hands also my dick sometimes.
Refried Beans, As Digested by a Classical Musician
youtubers are only good at making video essays by reading wikipedia articles and reddit
Hate this reddit faggot
A diminished chord contains a minor 3rd and a flattened 5th and is often voiced in first inversion with the 3rd as the bottom note. This forms the interval of a minor third in the bass which is more stable than the other two inversions which contain the Tritone in the bass. A diminished chord can be extended with a minor 7th creating a m7b5 chord, a diminished 7th creating a full diminished 7th chord. The full diminished 7 chord occurs naturally in the harmonic minor scale and is a symmetrical chord where any of the four notes can act as the tonic, allowing modulation into four separate keys simultaneously, making it an excellent and unique pivot chord.
What the hell was that synthesizer video? That was a yamaha cp lmao
Sigh. I'll start browsing her Instagram, if she has no feet pics I'm holding you all accountable
She can't play synthesizers because they don't have Bösendorfer actions
Are synth keys not suited for her shitty time signature memes?
You're explaining a chord to a bassist.
Let that sink in a minute.
>Let that sink in a minute.
nice redditspeak faggot
unironically, they have no "soul" as corny as it sounds. too cold, too technical, too focused on rules.
look up Jnunezer on soundcloud tell me what you think
You can play chord arpeggios on a bass. Knowing chord shapes is still important on a bass, because the bass often outlines the chords. Not sure what you’re getting at.
He probably means that your average bassist knows more about chords than any randomly picked guitar faggot at guitar centre