What are some albums or artists that are meet the 3 criteria of being chad, based and redpilled

what are some albums or artists that are meet the 3 criteria of being chad, based and redpilled

for example
>sonic youth
chad and based but not redpilled
>kid rock
chad and redpilled but not based
based and redpilled but not chad

i was thinking possibly pic related?

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Other urls found in this thread:


QOTSA and Type O Negative


Mercyful fate, immortal

qotsa is redpilled?

too easy

Attached: R-7502760-1451446678-3013.jpeg.jpg (500x500, 114K)

Baste uncle boyd

Attached: 4D450D5C-640F-4677-8991-36CE9D478AD0.jpg (333x514, 64K)

Type O Negative for sure, but
Lnao kys


The Doors
>inb4 not redpilled
Due to being a CIA psyop band they were actually redpilled LARPing as bluepilled



undoubtedly chad, possibly redpilled but very cringe

Oh really? Is that what Pitchfork and the basedboiz told you?

wtf, i put onions and it changed it to based

No, axl rose doesn't like trump. At all.

That's alright though, as long as he's still unapologetic

they'll forgive him because they like his music even though if anyone else tweeted this they'd call them a cuck

No, it's because usually everyone who criticizes Trump is a politically correct made of glass, pussy.

braindead chimp here, whats the difference between chad, based, and redpilled

you're right, you are a braindead chimp.

Based meanie user, frens are for r*ddit

but you are my fren

>sonic youth
yeah they're pretty chad and based if you like listening to a bunch of gay ass fags.

now if you excuse me Im going to go listen to 40 Naked Niggas. A single by Sir Grant Macdonald as that is chad, based, and redpilled

thurstons so chad he cucked his wife

Josh is a chad

using these words to describe music is fucking retarded

Chads don't have to try, Josh has spent his entire career after Kyuss trying to be cool

This is so fucking cringeworthy

soi, cringe and definitely bluepilled

Living Colour
Municipal Waste
Buke and Gase

Yeah he's such a Chad bro. He harassed Nardwaur for no reason and broke a gift that Nardwaur gave to the band, Epic!!
And then his own wife made a song about fucking a black guy and even flirted with one in the video for it!!
He's pretty badass.

Narwar is a cunt besides the gifts, besides kid gave up punk for hip $ hop long time now.

>thurston is the chad
>not lee