>10 years on top of the game
How does Taylor Swift do it so well?
10 years on top of the game
Other urls found in this thread:
she was only pop princess from 2014-2016
more like 10 years on top of black dick
By having writers give her the good shit instead of the bad shit
Her music is the most vanilla shit imaginable, so it appeals to the masses.
I wanna see her get fucking obese.
pandering and cultural appropriation
The power of the BBC I guess
>i wanna see her get fucking obese
my nigga
lover is worse than reputation
She isn't fooling anyone with that bra-stuffing. She is pretty much as flat as an ironing board.
Nice push up bra, and she did fill out a little bit. But don't be fooled, she has tiny little boobies. I'm not complaining though, they're really cute. ,
Actually, it looks like she probably got some small breast implants at some point.
It's those Aryan genes, bro
By releasing bland pop music with the help of an enormous marketing team.
In her prime, I would not say her songs were bland, pop is a genre I typically detest and even I liked her songs
This shit is bubblegum perfection, what I consider bland is pop music that tries to be anything other than pop music...because the mere fact that it is pop cancels out any artistic statement it is trying to make, teen pop is best when it's just music about typical teen issues with some overproduced music. It's what the genre is for.
sexy BBW Taylor when
Still it takes talent segregate that good from the bad
What's the age range on "pop princess"? She turns 30 this year.
30 is still eligible I guess. If she keeps attention into her 40s, then she's a diva or queen.