I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say that this is the greatest album in rock music history
I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say that this is the greatest album in rock music history
But its boring, why would I listen to this when I can listen to real jazz or real rock?
Trust me you are
What does that even mean
I don't trust you
I'm gonna get this tree tattooed on me sometime soon
shut the fuck up
no but after the flood is a contender for greatest rock song
Based and postpilled
New Grass imo
i don't think i'm exaggerating when i say that OP is the plebbiest newfag in Yea Forums history
I actually think Myrrhman is the best track - so haunting and those strings give me chills
dont you mean new grass
You are.
good take desu. DYK they recorded the album mostly in the dark? I like to think they just played the music in pitch black
new grass is my least favourite desu
Can someone explain what's good about it?
Listened twice and not a single moment stood out as interesting, beautiful or catchy
multiple listens required
listen with good cans
drugs highly encouraged... psychs or downers
listen LOUD
lights off too
No moments stood out? The strings in Myrrhman? The crescendo cut-out in Ascension Day? The distorted one-note solo in After the Flood? The piercing horns in Taphead? The organ in New Grass? The way Runeii sounds like it's coming to an end and then starts again. There are so many more distinctive moments but they're first that come to mind
I mean they were alright but nothing interesting
Fuck knows what your idea of interesting is then
this might be the worst take I've ever seen
This and Spirit of Eden are the only post-rock albums I've ever enjoyed. Any more obscure albums like them?
Listen to more music dude
Terje Rypdal / Miroslav Vitous / Jack DeJohnette is a ECM Jazz Fusion album but it definitely shares something with Laughing Stock in terms of the ambience so might be worth a listen
I listen to tons
thanks for the recs, will check them out.
Ok and those moments were interesting to you in what way? Have you not heard similair things done before at all? I wouldn't sperg about something being uninteresting but I feel like that's the best leg this album has to stand on
I don't know how you can't realise that Spirit of Eden and Laughing Stock are unique propositions in the world of rock music. What other albums are comparable in terms of influence, production, and subject?
I don't care about influence when listening to music lol.
Production is nice I guess? How is that relevant?
Never cared about lyrics
You're a bit dim aren't you?
Oh so I'm supposed to like music if it's influential? Interesting take
you just proved his point by only taking a single part of his argument and attacking him back based on that.
user just don't bother this guy is obviously a retard
What argument? What the fuck are you even talking about.
Learn to read mouth breather
the argument that the album is good faglord
It's decent background music I guess...
The ridiculously obsessive level of craft that was put into it. Hollis described this and Spirit of Eden as "arranged spontaneity", hours upon hours of recordings from several musicians pared down to the absolute best ideas and passages digitally spliced together to make these pitch perfect compositions. The only other rock artists I know off the top of my head that even tried this shit are Bark Psychosis and Radiohead on their last 2 albums, and even then not to nearly the degree pursued on the latter day Talk Talk albums. Bjork in the Vespertine/Medulla era also does similar stuff in the context of electronic music, and that's the thing - this brand of composition is so un-rock that it begs the question of if it's even rock music at all. The instrumentation is but the arrangements really blur that line.