Billie Eilish

Billie Eilish

Attached: 5d10e5939c5101174c54bb98-750-563.jpg (750x563, 59K)

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hahaha based schizophrenic

Attached: buttcore roll chart.png (1644x1216, 2.37M)

Who believes this chick isn't fucking high every second? Cause I sure don't.


Fuck you pedophile janny fucks for allowing this constant fucking spam
And FUCK YOU rabbi for posting this garbage

glad this is what the kids are into. the kids are gonna be alright if this is what she's into

Who else here /sanpaku/?

Attached: the drawing is so glowniggers don't steal my iris.jpg (2112x488, 177K)

She's fucking awful

Looks brain damaged

would still fill ass with cum

post billie feet


Nah she’s just fucking brain dead

Don't Be Her Water Yea Forums

I don't understand why you faggots like this retard so much. She's an industry plant, her music is fucking awful, and she's a 6/10 at best.


post pics of that ass

Imagine the impossible...that no one gives a damn what you think.

Attached: BILLE.jpg (735x798, 88K)

>zoomers unironically believe this is "goth"

She is a generational talent. Your post won't look good in twenty years.

> talent


that dyed hair looks awful

Can someone explain why there's constantly an Eilish thread somewhere on Yea Forums?

Her brother is the actual talent. Without her bro's production, Billie is nothing.

Wrong. She did write a song entirely by herself. There's even footage of her playing piano too.

Dear Ignorant Person,
Billie is 17, which is perfectly legal I my state. There is no connection to being attracted to her with a pedophile. Lumping persons into one group only highlights your ignorance and uncivilized tongue. Your ill-informed libelous statement is reserved for those attracted to prepubescent children, not to a 17 year old. Please edify yourself in the age of consent laws in your state or Provence and the correct terminology when referring to other persons. Have a nice day!


And it sucks. Your point?

enough of her please, yes she made a relatively good album at a time of musical stagnation of certain rhythms and tunes, she broke the cycle good for her.. but now watching her videos how she talks acts and moves she's a mess and an ungrateful bitch it's like she doesn't understand what she made

Teen love clichés the song

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what is wrong with you don't feed this p[lant let her threads die it's just spam!