>your country
>your political compass
>one of your favorite albums
I'll start:
>Puerto Rico
>Plastic Beach
Your country
inb4 it's another Yea Forums tries to talk about politics meme
>long season
yeah lets see how long it is until jannies delete this thread
i'm really not looking to turn this into a /pol/tard shitfest, I know it's probably too much to ask of this board but let's keep it 4channel civil
>the only one that matters
>decayed race st
hopefully asap
PD:Shit political view, shit country and even shittier album OP . You need to be 18 to post here.
>united states
>pic related
>makthaverskan 2
>Kentucky Mountain Music (v/a)
inbred detected
how can you get that authoritarian and still be "very progressive?" on the political compass test, most authoritarian questions are related to being socially conservative, thinking racemixing and gay marriage are wrong etc.
seething goblino detected
cuz i made it myself lol, i’m aware of how biased the actual test is.
i’m actually white. racism isn’t cool, it’s antisocial and pseudoscientific.
what’s funny, bitch ?
>white light/white heat
i hope that’s not your actual result because if so i’ve lost a ton of respect for you. uneducated mong
>for a tripfag
found your problem
Im like, an inch away from top right corner of the green square
Revered unto the ages (all female Puerto Rican melodic death metal band)
wew lad
massive economic inequality isn’t respectable nor desirable
>Ed Harrison - Neotokyo
>tripfags are the redditors
aha didn't expect that
don't (you) me with your faggot agenda
i'm just saying you talking about respect is gay
>The Beatles - Revolver
>United States
don’t reply to people if you don’t have an argument you waste of bandwidth
Equality doesn't exist.
>muh muh muh argument
>please i need the approval of teenagers when i state my political opinions
fuck off retard, i agree with you, you're just a faggot
i’ve known drop for like 5 years so that’s why i said that.
how vague
united states (missouri/st.louis)
venetian snares - the chocolate wheelchair album
>the approval
do you know what that word means, because i don’t care whether you agree or disagree; my point is that you’re wasting people’s time and clogging up the thread by just shitposting with nothing useful to say.
>i agree with you
oh well that’s convenient
what a piss poor attempt to charm me lmfao
>i’m actually white. racism isn’t cool, it’s antisocial and pseudoscientific.
>this is a real album name
what the fuck
christ, what's wrong with tvu?
a blaze in the northern sky
>do you know what that word means
>what a piss poor attempt to charm me lmfao
p p p please don't lose respect for me too
not two in one thread
>if you're not a free market shill, that means you're left wing
guess im just centerist scum
>f#a# infinity
why'd you kill your brother sal
and yet educational quality, health and educational quantity combined are clearly more influential than that one single factor of genetics
fucking retard lmao
>biological and social differences are mutually exclusive
uhh duh duh duurrrrr
is everyone ITT a metalhead? not what I expecting but it makes sense
does it shock you that scientists recognize that more than one ethnic group exists or something? the point is that “race” (an inherently sociopolitical phenomenon) is a useless categorizer.
>rites of spring - end on end
>Little Kid - Logic Songs
nice album user
keep seething, fags
it's extremely useful actually
Damn, I've really lost a lot of respect in this thread. Fuck. I don't know how I'm going to live with this board. Wow. Like, ummm, how can you have these opinions???
stop ruining the thread with your faggotry and charts that say literally nothing of value, just this once
stop taking the bait just this once
clearly the writers of that study seem to think so (since they obviously separated the factors into four)
hm yes those are certainly colored triangles and circles, very scientific
Fuck stormfront and fuck ancaps
don't be problematical, sweaty
Big dicks in ya asses
>H. sapiens is polytypic, and in this way is no different from other species exhibiting similar levels of genetic and morphological diversity. First it is demonstrated that the four major definitions of race/subspecies can be shown to be synonymous within the context of the framework of race as a correlation structure of traits. Next the issue of taxonomic classification is considered where it is demonstrated that H. sapiens possesses high levels morphological diversity, genetic heterozygosity and differentiation (FST) compared to many species that are acknowledged to be polytypic with respect to subspecies.
>wordpress blog
>I've lost a ton of respect for someone online who I don't know nor have I built up any reverence for seeing how this is the first post he/she has made and I don't have an expectation of quality that I think he/she should uphold
aggressively stupid
>I'VE """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""KNOWN"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" DROP FOR FIVE YEARS HOW COULD HE DO THIS TO ME
thread theme
It's an upload of a pdf that would be behind a paywall unless you have a university account.
The study was published by
>School of Biological Sciences, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey, UK
and so my thread is ruined. That was quicker than I thought. Thanks chartfags
Being racist and transphobic is based.
You are worse than hitler
all those wasted years of seeing his trip
all that time of seeing his username that he didn't have to pick but did because he thinks he's important
all that time just gone
how can i recover
i thought we had something special between us
me, the retarded freshman who posts here when mom's not looking
him, the cool tourist with a tripcode that likes the same bands that i like
now it's worth nothing
respect is a thing of the past
it's over drop
Sal is trying to deny the genetic poly-clusteredness of Homo sapiens again.
find something better to do with your time than dramatizing people’s posts
>mfw non-biologists who probably didn't even go to college try to argue about fst distances and scientific consensus with me on Yea Forums's music board
Fucking amazing taste, 100% love you user
thanks user, love you too c:
Thanks for showing me that.
wait? you don't take this board super seriously? dude, this, is, like, my passion dude. music. ok. why can't you do something better??? quit making fun of me. now. this is serious business. me and the other kids have serious discussions about music and politics. stop now. don't dramatize my posts or any of my other friends. i might lose respect for you if you don't. stop. soon.
>mfw getting called inbred and condescended to for liking american folk music when i'm actually educated at the doctoral level at a top university
You good?
>United States
>Mechanical Animals
Its a great record
based and republicanpilled
i hope that’s not your actual result because if so i’ve lost a ton of respect for you. uneducated mong
>don't like what some nerd in the internet doesn't want you to like
They didn't teach you this at university? Must have been a shitty one.
If you are at position 24 your opinion is shit.
nobody in this thread is good user, we're all fucked
I don't care about your bullshit pseudoscience, this isn't what this thread is about. fuck off