So... they gonna release anything this year?

so... they gonna release anything this year?

Attached: b4421731b1edda8b8cc56bd74059305e3d3d3baf.jpg (750x750, 190K)

Ask them

I wonder if they can get my guy Maynard to guest in exchange for having Justin on their last album

they officially released gmail at least

How? Do you have their email?

This is the first time I'd actually be disappointed by them. Gmail is ok but I need something with substance.

who the fuck are they? why is the bald faggot not wearing a toupe? it's not good for a band's image to look like that

>Some user discovered a weird API page from thirdworlds
>Some dude who played guitar for 4 of their songs may or may have not mentioned them in a tweet
I might be grasping at straws here but yeah, I'm thinking they're online.

care to elaborate on these two points?


where did their hair go?

What are you trying to get to? Of course Death Grips is online, they even made a song about it.

death grips is online

eh it was meant for noise before concerts so you cant really blame it

Well, here's the thread when someone discovered the API documentation page, this is probably nothing but who knows. And then there's pic related, this proof is more solid. This means they'll probably something later this year or the next one.

Attached: 1543237280563.png (1248x1290, 1.07M)

they'll probably release something*

hopefully not

I hope not.

>As soon as the melon Yea Forums worships stops dickriding them DG becomes irrelevant
Wow, shocking. It's almost like you all have no opinions and just looking for the next edgy hipster thing so you can feel like you're counterculture when you're not.

Death Grips is online

Attached: X3NToAgTOuc3hd4C9XONSOv6i5W7RqQdGwUEdBln160.png (1024x683, 698K)

They made a deal with Justin chancellor, they cannot release anything in the same year that tool releases something. (They agreed, shook hands and got a box of frozen White castles {12pk} for the deal)

zach here,
thanks man

They still get constant threads here even when they haven't released anything new this year. For a band that's "no longer relevant" they're doing pretty well.

they need to bring someone fresh in the band like original god or sybyr and make some bangers again, if not their music feels like it starts to sound like wanker core or something but I hope I'm wrong


Attached: 9AB48727-628F-412F-8061-3D491F4F6FBA.jpg (700x734, 121K)

>Literally nobody:
>Not a single soul, I assure you:

what the fuck is this, this isn't a fortnite youtube comment section

thanks, yeah looks like they're definetley working on something

they usually release something every year so maybe we'll get something small this year and then a full album next year

zach hill is producing a buckethead album

screencap this

I hope not.

They should, the last Run The Jewels albums was some time ago

Go back to wherever you came from (it probably starts with R and ends with eddit, but if i post it i'll get filtered for spam).

not even remotley funny, please stop trying to be funny user it's not gona work for you

Death Grips ft. Amnesia Scanner


Plebbit just sounds gay.

Zac is cute

reddit reddit reddit

Try posting "Go back to R.eddit. "

yall triggerd

[email protected]
be nice to them

he kinda looks like adam 22 without hair

fucking faggot

I see Johnny Sins

tell them you killed yourself because yots was trash, maybe they'll post your message at a show or something

All caps and writting more text under it is cheating.

Go b𝐚ck to Reddit.

That's cheating too.
Switch topic before i get banned, pls.

i hope that’s not your actual result because if so i’ve lost a ton of respect for you. uneducated mong

Go b𝖺ck to Reddit.

Nick Reinhart already said he was recording new stuff with them at Sunset Sound. So yes.



They kept releasing music after that first mixtape and Money Store? What year is it?


Attached: 20190827_191709.jpg (606x578, 125K)

justin here
no problem fren. your schedule is open for releasing an album for the next 2 years bt w, we (tool) and going to put out an album on 2022

Stay noided fellas, they're cooking up something HUGE I can feel it in my bones

The Money Store is one of their worst albums, why pretend otherwise


nice b8 contrarian

>so... they gonna release anything this year?

hopefully resignation letter

He ain't wrong

That's a misleadingly negative way of saying it, it's for sure in the lower echelons of their album rankings but it's still excellent