I honestly think the culture war on this board boils down to whether or not you like The Beatles.
What do you think of these lads?
I honestly think the culture war on this board boils down to whether or not you like The Beatles
I love them because I'm not a nigger-loving zoomer.
They are based. Love them to death.
Based and redpilled.
>Beatles haters
Cringe and bluepilled.
Yet the Beatles were. But you’re not a Beatles fan. Just another XD EPIC RACISM TROLL!!!
The Beatles were absolute chads. Beatles haters always seem to be screeching lefty communists whose only argument is "BOOMER BOOMER BOY BAND POP SONGS" and have never actually listened to their music. They always show a complete lack of understanding of music history.
Good band, lots of good tunes, a couple of funny stories out there about them.
The Beatles are fucking based. Greatest band of all time.
The culture war on this board boils down to /pol/ fags and /leftypol/ fags being too fucking retarded to keep to their containment board. Can't talk about an album these days without some dipshit coming out of the woodwork to claim they're racist or they're a government shill or something.
you are either on the coldplay side on music or on the nine inch nails side of music, that's what the beatles vs the velvet underground is
the beatles are good but everything pre-rubber soul was bubblegum pop trash
I think the Beatles had a few good songs, but the best versions were covers by other artists.
I prefer The Rolling Stones or The Who.
I don't hate them, but I don't particularly enjoy them either.
I don't trust anybody who doesn't at least respect The Beatles. If you outright hate them, all of your opinions belong in the trash.
We only shit on the Beatles for satire, and to practice being devils advocate for future career in law
why does every 20 something on the internet hates the beatles except on Yea Forums?
Because they're retarded zoomers who want to tear down the accomplishments of those evil old white men. People who hate them are usually (not always, but usually) the same people who want to tear down statues and rewrite history books. They're history destroying communists.
(not true, by the way)
I mean, it's generally true. Leftists hate The Beatles in my experience.
most beatles fans are boring europeans who would rather live in stockholm than chicago and self-hating americans
That’s not true.
If you think retards who actually believe The Beatles are racist or twitter people making jokes actually represent the internet’s thoughts on The Beatles. You’re wrong.
Chicago sucks dude.
you wouldn't survive a day there we get it
bad bait
I fucking love them. They're my favorite band.
I've heard lots of people don't survive there.
>dude the gun crime, swarms of the homeless and dogshit food are part of its charm!
this would be tolerable if it actually had some redeemable features
most of them were beatles fans
boom you are dead and your property has been taken
dont ever come to chicago dumb eurostink
this but replace it with Queen
>grew up listening to queen
>was called gay all the way through high school because of it
I love the Beatles and Scaruffi core. I love the music he recs and I listen to it all the time, but he’s wrong on the Beatles
love the beatles
hate john lennon fanboys
what if I hate coldplay and nine inch nails but like the beatles and velvet underground?
only reason i started coming here was to find albums i could love as much as the beatles.
contrarians on this board just tire me. there isn't a single person here who generally doesn't like a single beatles album
It’s not even that racist, and it’s a very pertinent ideology in today’s age, and especially on this board.
I don’t think any other band has as many really good songs as the Beatles. It’s pretty incredible how prolific and influential they were. However, I think bands like the Velvet Underground and the Rolling Stones has higher highs
>tfw in real life saying I prefer the Beach Boys to the Beatles (even if I like them both) earns me confused looks and even here where that opinion is somewhat more acceptable no one agrees with me or even respects that I have a different opinion
Is there any place for me