Why does krautrock sound so modern compared to other rock from the same era
Why does krautrock sound so modern compared to other rock from the same era
because the germans completely understood that if they wanted to make a clean break from their unfavorable past they had to invent the future
Because it directly influenced punk/post-punk, which directly influenced modern indie?
Neu! in particular made the decision to make rock music divorced from its roots in blues, which is why it's still fresh to this day
>unfavorable past
The Germans did nothing wrong though
Neu! is based. Fuck blues.
Because it manages to achieve that rare balance of being completely simplistic yet still up its own ass about its “vital importance”band the “avant-garde“ aspects of mid-tempo 4/4 drum beats.
based krauts
t. juden
because Krautrock that would make your mother blush uses a lot of tape edits
Just not buying the “so modern” meme.
They played basic chords over basic drumbeats, and somehow that’s SO REVOLUTIONARY? Please.
Neu! was basic bitch shit and so is modern stuff. There’s nothing innovative about being dumb.
faggot retard
But not wrong.
t. bluesfag
dumb bitch
a member of the ignorati.
fuck blues
Ok, fuck Blues. Never said anything about that.
Doesn’t mean their shit isn’t completely simplistic and dumb. It’s basic chords over 4/4 beats. That’s all.
If you think that’s deep or somehow original, you’re fucking stupid.
>he can't into minimalism
I play this album all the time in my car. It's great driving music.
I made a compilation of all the Neu! motorik tracks specifically for driving and it is simply mindblowing to drive to
nice digits btw
and that's a perfectly good base for the rest of the song to develop off, which is why krautrock influence is so strong in modern prog and psych
The generation that's going to save us from stagnation. I like Neu! but you guys are sheeple
This, history is written by ""the winners""
(((the winners)))
Gay and ignorant
Go home
It's literally not even rock lol
It's better than rock.