Why is no one talking about the allegations against Thom Yorke? To be honest I wasn't too shocked about them but damn
Why is no one talking about the allegations against Thom Yorke? To be honest I wasn't too shocked about them but damn
the allegations that he's an overrated hack? they were disproved iirc
Nah the shit about him being a pedophile.
>looks like a stroke victim
It seems like literally everybody in entertainment and media is a pedo.
>The allegations of me being a pedophile are spurious, at best. However I will admit that taking my knickers off in the park and having an Easter Egg hunt with those apple-cheeked four year olds was in my best interest and not theirs.
What are the allegations bros? Is everyone a rapist or pedo?
Basically Thom has been sleeping with underaged fans going back to the 90s. A couple girls have come out to accuse him but idk why, it hasn't hit the news yet.
The parents are the problem. They serve their own kids up to these creeps for a chance at auditions and exposure
Bet the whores were wet as fuck while doing it.
They're accusing him of rape, user
>rockstar fucks willing sluts
no way!
who fucking cares? seriously
I don't really rape but you do you
They liked it, they call it rape because theres money and fame in it
>underaged fans
How underage? Thom isn't American. The age of consent is 16 in most countries and it's even lower in places like France, where it's 15.
That doesn't make it legal for a much older adult to fuck a child.
Daily reminder that artists that fuck young, willing teenage fans that love every minute of it are better artists than those that don't.
If they’re of age it very literally does
I know. That's why I asked HOW underage are we talking here? I've seen people get called pedos for wanting to fuck Billie Eilish, even though she's 17 and legal in most countries on the planet and several US states.
I think it varies from country to country, but usually it just means an 16 year old can legally fuck their 18 year old partner and this 16 year old cannot fuck anyone older than an 18 year old. Sorry to get your hopes up
yes thom yorke is super innocent if this is true it's definitely just the parents fault yes makes so much sense
This is a giant bait thread. That's why you're not getting any straight answers. I can't find any mention of it anywhere else.
>In the summer of 1999 when I was working as a studio musician with Thom Yorke on an album I was approached by him NUMEROUS times. At first it was innocent, him introducing himself, trying to to give me "tips" (in hindsight he was just grooming me) and was introducing me to other members of the band (who a few also turned out to be just as big of creeps as Thom.) After 2 weeks in the studio things started to get weird with Yorke, I had given him my phone number a few weeks prior because I admittedly was admittedly very shy around the band and was not performing to my best. He offered to take me out for an early evening dinner and then help me rehearse the very small part I had. We had korean barbecue, a dish I have never had previously and I was upset that they didn't have traditional 'English' bbq sauce but Thom had pressured me into trying the house brand instead. It was way too sweet. Afterwards, we ended up at his apartment to rehearse.
The age of consent in the UK is 16 FOR THOSE BETWEEN AGES 16-18. If you are over 18 it's still very much illegal and pedophilic to sleep with someone under 18. Thom Yorke turned 30 in 1998, he was under no illusions that what he was doing wasn't wrong.
Not defending pedo’s but you can lock them up one by one and it won’t solve the problem
>We arrived to his flat in London and sat at his dining room table to rehearse my part. Within minutes he suggested we take off our shirts, including under garments (he had a very tight white undershirt on) and do our lines topless, because it will remove a layer of insecurity. I obliged and after just one bar Thom was fondling one of my breasts and giggling asking if I liked it. I was shocked, absolutely frozen, and responded with a non-verbal "ewwww." He insisted I rub his hair and I did so why he still sucked on my nipple and rubbed my belly all the while laughing and moaning. Eventually, he tried to take off my pants but I couldnt do it and instead gave him a blow job. Afterwards I was in such shock I called a cab and left his apartment. It was one of the worst nights of my life.
what the fuck are you even saying
You’re confusing the age of consent with Romeo and Juliet laws. It complex because every country has different laws, and in the US every state also has their own laws. But, typically, the age of consent (between 16-18 in the US) is the age you can legally have sex. Period. Romeo and Juliet laws are the grey wiggle room, such as five years older or younger. Without these, it would be illegal for two 14 year olds to have sex with one another consentually, because they’re under the age of consent.
What adds to this confusion is 18 is the age of adulthood, and also the age where pornographic portrayal becomes legal.
god these roasties are so dumb
Show me the law. I’m an American and find nothing that states that. Only that someone in a figure of authority that is over 18 cannot have sex with a minor.
>I was upset that they didn't have traditional 'English' bbq sauce
>traditional 'English' bbq sauce
It’s made up
>do our lines topless, because it will remove a layer of insecurity. I obliged
based Thom for getting that to actually work
I know you're talking about UK law, but I'm American and that's the law in my state. I've found that online sources that list ages of consent sometimes leave out nuances like that.
For fuck sake... If this finishes radiohead's career i'm fucking done... I can't go through this again. it was already too much with Brand New.
Rather than dig any deeper, I will assume you know the laws of your state better than I do, or better than I care to look up. Consider it dropped.
why is no one talking about his album with Flea - does it suck ?
>and instead gave him a blow job. Afterwards I was in such shock I called a cab and left his apartment. It was one of the worst nights of my life.
is this real ?
how about just linking the post? i can't find anything on the internet about this
Is this just a slam thread ? Am i getting trolled ? everyone gets accused of sexual misconduct nowadays so it's hard to care, but still i'm interested
what an incel
>album with flea
It's literally one song, and yes, it's good. At least in my opinion
It was proven countless times with every solo release and Radiohead album.
Also, he is not a pedo for sleeping with willing fan bitches, what a fucked up society we have today. Those sluts will make money out of shagging and then destrying him.
It sucks just like those 15 year olds sucked his dick
>going back to the 90s
He was in his 20s in the 90s, how is it relevant that a dude in his twenties fucked 17-yo girls?
is that the tranny from Euphoria?
Who said 17? Thom's favorite is girls aged 8 to 11. He also killed his wife as part of golden dawn ceremonial magick ritual, a blood sacrifice. Read the lyrics more closely, look at Suspiria which he scored. He rapes little boys too
Thom isn't a kind of guy who would take advantage of a girl. He isn't a kind of guy who girls deserve either. If he'd been born 20-30 years later, I'm pretty sure he'd be a khv and shitpost here with us right now.
Wow, what a stupid attitude to have. So if you had a daughter who was 14/15 you'd be okay with a 20-something guy sleeping with her?
the allegations that he cheated on his wife while she had cancer?
reddit fanboys just say "don't look into people's private lives"
She's 16 years younger than Thom. Think about that for a moment. To be honest I don't think Dajana is related at all to the recent pedophilic accusations against Thom, but it's clear that his taste is for much younger women. He started dating this girl when she was only about 26, not too young obviously, but he clearly prefers them young.
lmaaao you're really reaching for it
why are liberals trying to make guys who date women in their 20s be seen as negatively as pedophiles lately
Lol what planet are you on, liberals don't care as much as conservatives who believe liberal Hollywood is brainwashing them to be accepting of children making adult decisions. That said, Thom is a witch and he fucks children and drinks blood and so does his new girl
This is a bait thread you fools
Yorke is as clean as a rose in Heaven’s gardens
Very true
I'm on planet "let's have the entire media bring up the fact Leo dates adult women in their early and mid 20s like it's problematic behavior every single year" buddy, what planet are you on? NERD planet I bet.
That only applies in the UK if the 18+ party is in a 'position of trust'. In any other situation the minimum for consent is 16 with no upper limit on who consent can be given to.
god made girls to be supreme forms of beauty, take it up with him
Thom rapes boys and girls under the age of 12, they are provided to him by people who are above the law
why are so many faggots engaging in an obvious bait thread? holy shit
jfc.. more like tom DORK!!
You should raise the age of consent or redefine the definitions and terms. The world runs on paperwork. If it's 16. It's 16.
Good, I hope he gave them LSD first and screamed "You're just like an angel!" as he shot his satanic nougat inside them
RIP Epstein. See you in heaven, Jeff..
If thinking that helps you sleep better, then go ahead. You're wrong though, and you'll soon know it.
Does thom yorke like cunny? if this is the case, then he is even more based tbqh
more and more men are being discovered to have refined tastes
>believing that shit
oh wow
>dating a 26 year old outs you as a pedophile
Well it certainly isn't normal behaviour for a man of his age. While she was a baby, Thom was already finding success and releasing albums with Radiohead
That's most males in general. Pic related is from all the data points collected on age preference via OkCupid. Most women tend to like guys around their own age, while most men prefer women in their early 20s regardless of their own age. Kinda sad, but it's the way it is.
>Kinda sad, but it's the way it is.
Why? Every single one of those studies say women for the most part would not date short men, poor men, balding men, men of certain races, men with small dicks, they always show preference for aggressive traits and shit like that. They're very picky and weirdly specific.
Their preferences are way more unrealistic too because they'll all be 22 one day, but most men will never be 6'2 and handsome like me.
That sucks in its own way, too. I'm not trying to imply that women are better. Was just telling user that it "certainly is normal behavior for a man of Thom's age."
It's almost like women look best in their early 20s or something
I was just saying that that belief isn't unusual
if it was a real study with a full age range it would show more that we prefer mid teens
>Think about that for a moment.
51-16 = 35
What's wrong with that?
I dont think that qualifies as a "belief"
hell, probably
what does this even mean anymore. I mean who else would make the decision to sleep with rock stars but immature teenagers? I swear to god if thots kill Radiohead like they killed Brand New...something has got to change. Bands need to stop apologizing.
I think the solution is to not let women work in the industry anymore.
you seem mad about trivial word choice on an American image board
same...it's time to put an end to these thots wielding this much power. Louis Ck is back on the road, there is NO reason they shouldn't just tour anyway, regardless of these spurious allegations.
mad about what? I'm just saying it's not a belief if it's a fact
Babe, my shirt is chaffn me
Trust me, whether he'd care or not, she'd fuck a 20 something year old anyway. You act like this is a rare occurrence when 15 year old girls sleep with 20 year olds all the FUCKING time and usually it's consensual. Girls are major sluts nowadays and really, have always been attracted to and wanted to fuck older men. It's an unspoken fact of life.
Here in Brazil it is 14, just as God intended, no questions asked.
Because of the power imbalance. They're jealous and want men to have to settle for their bitter 40 year old selves when a man their age has a lot more power than they themselves have (though this is not the case when they are younger and hold much more power).
Chuck, my Sneed is feeding me.
Reporting this thread the federal authorities, on the phone right this moment, on hold. Bunch of pedo scum here
based thomcel
btw all these "rumors" were posted by some bitter nobody from oxford on reddit over a year ago.
>not one source this entire thread
wow this sure seems legit
look up the definition of pedophilia before you post again on this topic.
pedophilia is being attracted to prebuscent girls, ie age 11 or even lower.
I'm not saying you should bang young girls if you are 30, but at least get your definitions straight.
Thom rapes boys as young as 8. I don't need a dictionary to know it's not right
I saw him do it on stage in Tampa
That’s exactly what the age of consent means. If they’re over the age of consent then they can consent to sex with anybody else over the age of consent. You’re thinking of Romeo & Juliet laws, which cover an adult sleeping with somebody under the age of consent but within 4 years of their age (in most jurisdictions). You might morally disagree, but from a legal standpoint there really isn’t anything to punish the adult if the young girl or boy consents.
do you have an internet connection? do you have google?? just look it up. there's nothing in this thread that wasn't already common knowledge anyway. radiohead have been getting away with toxic and abusive behaviour their whole career.
are you the same guy who was posting on reddit?
>radiohead have been getting away with toxic and abusive behaviour their whole career.
They're not that great a band, but they arent that bad. I always enjoyed httt
boys age 8 is pedophilia
girls age 16 is not, no matter what the law says.
It wasn't common knowledge that Thom and his gf rape children, especiaply boys aged 8-12 that's new and not from reddit's accuser last year. Look at the damage control itt trying to avoid that and make it seem like it was just a young girl
i don't know about that. but i do know that anyone with an internet connection and a modicum of sleuthing skills would know that yorke is a creep (yes haha funny like the song). man was cheating on his wife for a LONG LONG time and always with much younger girls. hope he finally gets taken out soon. unfortunately even if the evidence was all laid out right in front of them 90% of these fools would deny it anyway. cultish, insane fanbase.
you can't do it. not a single link even. lmao
the entertainment industry is filled with pedophile rings. not even a secret, but obviously nobody's going to do shit about it.
No, that is untrue.
It's one song and it's really nice, but I've never heard his voice sound quite so fragile. I don't know if it's just his age making the falsettos harder, or if he was ill or something. Maybe even a rushed recording with few takes. Nice track tho, I do actually like how his voice sounds, I've just never heard it sound like that before.
>I don't know if it's just his age making the falsettos harder, or if he was ill or something.
The guilt of all those kids he raped is catching up to him, causing accelerated aging and bodily decline.