i'm only sleeping is objectively the best track.
I'm only sleeping is objectively the best track
Other urls found in this thread:
she said she said
pity it was on yesterday and today 1st and not at all in the US revolver
Rain is objectively the best track
It's the song I personally get the most enjoyment out of but mostly because it sounds like it was written from the perspective of my gf.
Based OP. The vocal harmonies blew my mind the first time I heard them. In only a few seconds, the Beatles did what took the Beach Boys YEARS to get good at.
>what is And Your Bird Can Sing
tomorrow never knows is totally revolutionary but it gets overlooked because "the beatles were late to psych"
song was so ahead of it's time...
Fuck paul
not k pop pls Yea Forums pls
I prefer Take 2 over the final version
Poo in loo
1. Taxman
2. Here, There and Everywhere
4. For No One
no one cares, user
This, but swap your number 1 for
Not even on the album but definitely defined the sound of it
That's a funny way to spell within you without you
I love the way their voices sound when they say paperback writer
That’s an odd way of saying Here, There, and Everywhere.
NEET anthem
>When I wake up early in the evening
>Log on Yea Forums cook some tendies
My nigga
>When the Beatles wrote 'Paperback Writer,' it couldn't have been the same old thing. You can hear so many influences in it, from the blues to Bach, and it's not just verse, chorus, verse, chorus, bridge chorus. They start off singing a cappella, almost like a Bach chorale, and the song goes into this bluesy guitar riff.
Call and response is a big fucking stretch to get to a bach chorale christ this board never disapoints
isn't this the guy from animals as leaders
I like Yellow Submarine
This and octopus' garden are peak comfy songs
It is Here There and Everywhere by a mile. It is just on a completely different level to every other song on the album.
Probably the most boring track on the album.
She Said She Said is the best one.
Tomorrow Never Knows
For No One
She Said She Said
I'm Only Sleeping
These are the best tracks and absolute pop masterpieces
love you to > i'm only sleeping > tomorrow never knows > and your bird can sing > for no one > she said she said > taxman > i want to tell you > here, there and everywhere > eleanor rigby > got to get you into my life > yellow submarine > doctor robert > good day sunshine