This is their best album

this is their best album

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uhhhhhhh that’s gonna be “yokes” from me dawg




No it's Tour de France

no its minimum maximum you absolute plebs

Could you elaborate, my dude?
It's great, of course it is, it's Kraftwerk and it's from the greatest decade.
But what gives it that extra edge for you?

Great album, but sorry, Die Mensch-Maschine is the best

If i met you in person id buy you a drink.
Tour de france is the best album

Trans-Europe Express > Radio Activity > Computer World > The Man Machine > Autobahn > early stuff > Tour de France >>>>> Techno Pop

Youre so close... but so far away

Is Kraftwerk a meme or is it actually good?

Trans Europe Express, The Man Machine, and Computer World is the best three album run in all of electronic music. I'm normally into goth/post-punk and I fucking love Kraftwerk. Give them a listen.

electric cafe is way better

Define a meme.
It's one of the greatest bands of all time.

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> I'm normally into goth/post-punk and I fucking love Kraftwerk
And yet you didn't mention their best and darkest album

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Nah man they're pretty good. Listen to radio activity, trans europe express, and the man machine.


fucking based

Radioactivity is a godtier concept album

I'm not able to explain why I like them. They're different from what I'm normally used to with electronic music but I enjoy them. The Man Machine is my most enjoyed so far. Trans Europe Express hasn't clicked for me yet.