Is this the end of her hip hop credibility?
Is this the end of her hip hop credibility?
Other urls found in this thread:
Ironic shilling is still shilling.
Billie Eyebrow should be aloud to say the word "Nigga"
You think she’ll have to ask her rapper boy toys for more features?
>Billie Eilish? Do she eat lot of potatoes?
>spoiled suburban white girl being given an N-word pass
I think not.
This only works through reverse engineering.
>lizzo was robbed
Correct. She can actually sing. Lily Whitelish just whispers in head voice.
Who the fuck is lizzo?
fat bitch
Can we stop ironic Building Eyelash shilling and start unironic Lizzo shilling?
>needing a "pass" to say nigga or nigger
I think not
A singing whale
Lizzo is a great live performer though. I've seen footage of Billie's live performances and she looks so bloody awkward on stage it's not even funny.
fat twitter, you mean?
theres blacks on both sides of this argument, lizzo got famous because she is fat, which makes her good for marketing
>she looks so bloody awkward
what is this then
Did you see her Glastonbury performance? It was so bad the BBC removed the video.
You don't ///need/// a pass to say anything and nobody can ///legally/// stop you.
But when you get punched you better be ready to accept that it's wrong for you to say it, "free speech" or not.
This looks awkward as fuck. Brockhampton are the same way as much as I enjoy their music. Their stage presence is painfully amateurish.
>But when you get punched you better be ready to accept that it's wrong for you to say it, "free speech" or not.
Nigger ape opinion
What did she meant by this? That being black and obese is original? I don't know why they list race, weight as reasons someone should have won an award, but I guess I shouldn't expect anything else from twitter
It's SJWs. They don't have to make sense.
>he thinks saying nigger is either going to give him chaotic neutral joker points or is some romantic gesture of freedom
lmao 18 and up jesus
Billie IS a Melanie Martinez knockoff though, truth.
And Melanie Martinez was just a Lorde ripoff with a Hot Topic aesthetic.
they gave it to billie because they knew black twitter would be angry plus billie has no longevity and will drop off in 2020 while lizzo will get bigger and bigger
what they're trying to do is end marginalization via culture. if that means dishonestly praising an artist so be it
You implied that getting hit is justified for saying a word. That is literally ape level.
>while lizzo will get bigger and bigger
That response wasn't me. I'm not actually going to respond because you aren't worth talking to.
Who cares about the VMAs anyway? Always the same regurgitated shit
i don't give a fuck about any of this
also none of you are hitting anybody lmao give me a fucking break
I honestly don't understand why anyone in hip hop fucks with this culture vulture. Probably the same reason why they fuck with Post Malone: it gives them clout to stick up for a more popping white artist whose relationship with hip hop is superficial at best.
Wow fuck off. what ever happened to working for what you want? Also, being obese is new and only found in countries that are rapidly retardifying. It's not sacred.
I don't care about edgelords being hit when they make an autist out of themselves and you calling me an "ape" (because hehehe that's what racist people say xD I'm so twisted) doesn't bother me little guy
>what ever happened to working for what you want?
lmao are you seriously dropping "pull yourself up by your own bootstraps, kid" shit? there's an off chance that I'm wrong and you're just a guy whos entire identity is being a "based minority" but I'm guessing you're a white labor aristocrat so please shut the fuck up
>inb4 "judging my life by my skin color is racist too!!!!!!!!!!"
You are an ape because you believe physical violence to be a valid tool of enforcing interests. Just don’t let it get back at you in a few decades or so.
Haha you're so woke, I bet black people cheer when you enter a room for being so thoughtful about their plight
You sure do hate the state until you can use it like club. Like a chimp that found a rock.
This most likely. Billie is flavour of the month teen girl pop whereas Lizzo seems like a legit musician.
>you believe physical violence to be a valid tool of enforcing interests
when those interests are good sure.
>Just don’t let it get back at you in a few decades or so.
I mean if I accidentally create a society where edgelords get bullied I'll be sure not to be an edgelord. also if the calling me an "ape" thing isn't just you being edgy then the only explanation is that it's pathetic pseudophilosophical LARPing and you're a 15 year old boy who thinks he's Confucious for using animal metaphors which is even funnier. thanks for the chuckle lil fella
There are no fat musicians.
that is true if you have ever thought racism is bad you are just doing it so black people like you. what is it with right wing pseuds and armchair psychoanalysis?
>lolbert shit
I hate the state when it's bad and I like the state when it's good
You like the state when it's in your hand and can smash it over someone's head.
Touched a nerve, huh?
when that someone is bad then yeah sure
yeah I am very upset
People like you think you deserve free shit and you don't. It's no ones fault your mother's a drug addict or your father is a rapist or you're obese. You have all the freedom in the world and you choose to bully people on the internet and in our schools so you can win some fucking award or get some fucking money from oprah. I'm tired of seeing homosexuals and genuinely ugly, mostly black women being praised and put on the highest of pedistals for doing absolutely nothing. I thank GOD for Mexicans and Chinese because I truly believe they will help us defeat this assnine bullshit spreading through American culture.
>You have all the freedom in the world
do right wingers actually think this
>and you choose to bully people on the internet and in our schools so you can win some fucking award or get some fucking money from oprah
it's gonna be okay buddy I swear I won't hurt you
>'m tired of seeing homosexuals and genuinely ugly, mostly black women being praised and put on the highest of pedistals for doing absolutely nothing
I'm sorry that makes you upset
>I thank GOD for Mexicans and Chinese
this definitely makes you seem very fair and balanced and not racist, excellent work
Boomer cia brainwashed faggot end your life
Only white people can be racist.
I mean it's a waste of time to try to end decentralized non systemic racism so yeah in 2019 I'm more concerned about racism when it's white people
Stale bait, but you may get some replies
America is a dystopian oligarchal hellhole
Do you live there?
How are you gonna brainwash the Mexicans into hating themselves? Dragonball PSA? Kosher burritos?
It's because most of the rappers she hangs around are socially conscious types, so Black America assumes she really does care about them and isn't just exploiting them for her own fame.
Both antifa and the alt-right are losing the war, for the same reason. They lack faith in Christ.
Christ accepts fags now.
off yourself right now to meet jebus
I don't know about that.
Sadly. It's horrific. Florida here.
Nobody in the music business gives a shit about anyone outside their circle. It's best to operate under the assumption that they are all scum(which is usually true).
You harass people online and use intimidation on school campuses. You actively attempt to muffle all discussions by people who oppose you by name-calling them and debasing their reputation. You're not sorry about the over-representation of homosexuals and blacks in media and culture. I'm around latinos and asians all day. They don't like what's going on in this country either. It upsets me (and other races) to see White people willingly submit and forfeit their lives to undeserving, ungrateful non whites just so they can tell themselves that they're doing good for others.
MatPat’s wife Stephanie should have won the Best New Artist award.
If they hate Billie it's fine with me, enemy of my enemy is my friend and all
>Florida here.
Schizo detected
>black twitter erupts
>has to go to actual VMAs twitter account to find salty comments
More manufactured outrage from conservahicks
fucking q boomers man...
Everyone knows what a schizo post looks like, and that is not one. It would have to be much more incoherent, paranoid, and conspiratorial. Don't ruin discourse with your inaccurate usage of words and phrases.
Black guy here. We don’t care about her. Never have, never will.?
I'm not a schizo, dipshit. I just live in America.
I'm not a boomer. I'm in my 20s. Boomers are too naive to what's happening to world culture.
Eat a bullet, 70 IQ hick.
>You harass people online and use intimidation on school campuses.
me personally? and I mean surely you're okay with people literally just being mean to people if it's for the greater good. you seem like a boomer wannabe so I'm gonna use American revolution guys being mean to loyalists as an example
>You actively attempt to muffle all discussions by people who oppose you by name-calling them and debasing their reputation
you see people on the left doing something and assume it's for the worst possible reason. in reality it's impossible to separate the argument from who's arguing it and there's no such thing as someone who's unbiased. being part of a privileged class is a pretty big bias if you ask me
>You're not sorry about the over-representation of homosexuals and blacks in media and culture.
I mean it's kind of a bummer that capitalism has co-opted and neutralized our attempts to end marginalization but it's better than nothing
> I'm around latinos and asians all day. They don't like what's going on in this country either.
>t upsets me (and other races) to see White people willingly submit and forfeit their lives to undeserving, ungrateful non whites
when have I/other leftists done that? how am I forfeiting my lives to 'ungrateful non whites' by thinking racism is bad?
Your grandchildren will be conservatives, bahahahaha.
You won't have any children period.
What about children exclaimation mark? Or children comma?
They're likely gonna be brown. As yours will be. Inshallah
Why would literally anyone get angry about some shitty awards? It's not important at all.
>Do right wingers actually think this
Yeah, because it's true.
Born and raised LA county my whole life. More cultured than you'll ever be. Seen more than you ever will. Done more than you ever will. Have laid with beautiful women of all colors. I am tall, and attractive. I am intelligent and aware of the world around me. The truth is the truth.
You can be brown and conservative, in spite of what your narrative tells you.
Your granchildren will die from birth defects as a result of severe inbreeding.
Based Billie bringing 1488 to the mainstream. Holocaust 2 now.
Oof-a-loofie, who hurt you?
LARPing /pol/tard more like it
>capitalizing "White people"
only stormfront does this
Eh, but you just did it too.
Realistically speaking, our grandchildren will be partially robotic genetically engineered supermen at the very least. Race doesn't really matter when gene editing becomes a thing and everyone chooses to make their baby look trendy. I don't get why /pol/ is so scared of being outbred. People seem to like Caucasian features and therefore a fair portion will select for them. That's not even getting into the fact that it essentially removes all racial differences in intelligence.
No clue why /pol/ doesn't love this girl. Her entire image oozes "white man's burden".
What do you think 2050 /pol/ is gonna be like? Im predicting hating on the first people to become proper cyborgs, then becoming them themselves and posting cope memes they relate to way too much
I think racism is bad too. They show us pictures of black children attended school in the 50s with white students harassing them. Those pictures and class lessons deeply affected me. But then you find yourself as one of the only white kids in a class full of latino and black children. And they harass you. They throw things at you. They push you around. Call you names. Then you realize you're the only one really trying to treat others with respect and love. Non whites take our kindness for weakness. I can tell you don't go to college. If you did you'd see what I talk about. Being fat does not bring you marginalization. You are fat.
because she fucks blacks and promotes degeneracy
alright so my suspicion that this was an epic troll all along was correct. decent job I guess
you're a hateful spineless scrawny white bitch who got bullied for being a dweeb and so you went alt right, typical
Is there proof? How do you know she isn't a virgin?
You have to be trolling.
You should make an effort to get along with that user instead of insulting him, try changing the subject to something you can agree on.
Beautiful, disillusioned white men exist #getoverit. I'm completely material, sex obsessed. I care about the world and its future. I care about my family and myself. I don't go on pol. I am not anti Semitic or anti black. I wouldn't be the man I am today with out help from my non white friends. A lot of whom I truly love and care about.
I have no reason to get along with a white nationalist. He deserves the worst in his life.
So where's your proof? All this is is her standing near a black person.
*not completely
Don't assume he's an extremeist for the other side just because he diagrees with you.
Don't support beliefs that would harm your non white friends then. Simple as.
Supporting Trump is extremism. Trump is a white nationalist, supporting him makes you at best complacent.
Is a single black or Latino child being mistreated and shown hatred in an all white classroom a scrawny bitch? I'm definitely not scrawny now tho. So if you'd like to meet somewhere in the eastern Los Angeles county so you could say that to my face, I'd be more than happy to help you arrange something.
I don't know about that, but if it's true why is he calling for more legal immigrants to come to America?
>tfw denzel will never fuck your white pussy because you're not a 17-year old whore
I don't live there but if I did I'd knock your obese neckbeard ass out
That's a vulgar wish.
You are not harmed by whites. You are only led to the most prosperous of all desitinies living in a white country. The culture. The saftey from corrupt governments. The food. The women and men. Everything is here. And you squander it and turn it into slums.
Why? He's handsome and intelligent.
Your true colors come out. Go the fuck back to /pol/ stormfag.
That doesn't make the act any better.
>actually is white supremacist
damn it man i was actually defending you
I'm 150, but wirey. I've gone to school with true gangbangers and muderers. I have a large pain tolerance and a heavy hand. I can assure you, I won't be lying on that floor.
At least he isn't antifa...?
le funny rope
le imaginary gulag
freaking epic bro
tell me what you bought today and jacked off to
Ironic crapposting is still crapposting
A white woman breeding with an intelligent and talented black man is better than a white woman breeding with a stupid and ugly white man.
goddamn she's got a set on her
Yea Forums probably won't exist in 2050. It's not sanitized enough, and I imagine something will happen in the next 30 years that encourages some bureaucrats to act and shut Yea Forums down. Yea Forums is popular, but it's not popular enough that it can't be crushed at the whim of overwhelming popular opinion. I imagine 2050+ as being cyberpunk but with a clean, fresh coat of paint that shows you the corporations have your best interests at heart. You can already see this happening with 4+Yea Forums. Regardless of what happened, it sets a dangerous precedent of widespread backlash being used as an excuse to essentially shut a site down. Even if it doesn't stick, you can already see the justifications for taking it down permanently. I'm merely hoping that the first amendment weathers the storm ahead. 30 years is a long time though, and laws that unconstitutionally restrict speech have been enacted before.
Back to you actual question though. It'd probably be much less about race, and much more about hating the current atomized state of society rather than the communities that we used to have. Basically nostalgiafags who want to have a sense of community back. Also, possibly Yea Forums-tier shitflinging threads about how people that didn't have their particular augmentation are "coping poorfags" or something of the like. It's hard to predict really, since a lot of the problems today stem from a lack of technology, and it's hard to imagine a world without said issues, even more so to imagine new ones. Hopefully this site or an analogue is still around that time, and I can tell everyone that I was right, and that Marvel movies did lead to Disney attaining domination over film, and eventually all liberal arts.
Should be fun.
We've only the great things we have in this country (and the world really) because of white leadership. We can not allow non white thinking to rule us. This means blacks, latinos, asians too. I will vote for any color of man for office, but he must follow what we've created and defined. If we don't we will turn into the counties from which people escape from
It sounded like you were saying you wanted to be her getting "pounded" by him.
She's unironically correct
What's wrong with fucking a woke, lyrical black rapper?
I do not visit those places. I like mu. I love music
What's the issue?
>getting spooked by interracial relationships in the current year of our lord.
>that pic
Is this what zoomers mean by "clout" by chance?
probably harassed the poor bastard until he gave in
What do you mean?
That implies sex out of marriage.
Not what I said.
What's wrong with sex outside of marriage?
negros are mad because they lack true talent
It's not a good thing to do if you're a Christian, but if people aren't then they wouldn't have any issue with it.
Never bring up your racist views here again then. If you want to do that, go to the political board.
"what do you mean 'what do you mean'?" -anonymous, 2019
Quote me on the racist things I've said tonight.
I'm religious but not Christian.
never bring your cuck personality to this board again you cumbrain zoomer
>white people are better at running countries
Fuck off nigger.
I don't know of any religion that encourages fornication.
I'm Jewish but Gd always forgives, so there's that.
This entire post
"you squander it and turn it into slums."
>safety from corrupt governments.
>implying the US government isn't corrupt as fuck
Oh wow. How threatening.
It would be more accurate that white men are better at running countries. The japs and filipinos are adequate at the job as well.
I believe He does too, which is why he gave us His only son to pay for all of our sins.
>body positive, sexually free, black activist
This appeals to nobody except a very small minority of very mentally ill people. Billie Eilish appeals to far more people because she's a white girl who seems to exclusively fuck black men. Black men love her, cucks love her, coal burners love her. That's already more people than the other freak appeals to.
Da reel jooz be BLACK ya yakubian cave Becky.
Black men don't care about her. Her music is dark Disney shit.
Yes the more nonwhite and gynocentric the US government got the more corrupt it got. I appreciate you pointing this out.
must suck to be the scum of the earth...
White male Republicans currently run the government, retard.
No they don't.
You wouldn't like they way they do it in Asian countries. Too much pressure. Too busy. Not enough freedom from government. Latino countries? African countries? Middle eastern countries? No one this board would want to live in those. That's why their people flock to America. First gen immigrants are mostly appreciative about getting to live here. Once their children are indoctrinated into extremist and anti scocial politics, they turn their backs on America.
I'm white. Stop derailing the thread you stormfag cancer
I doubt it. Post your pink nipples and nose.
you can stop larping faggot, noone is buying your shit here. cumstains like you derail everything with race i.e. this thread. honestly pathetic
daily reminder: jew are not white.
Who the fuck names themselves "my beloved daughter"?
I'm not providing you jerk off material
Being woke is a serious mental illness.
Show me a neighborhood or town or city that hasn't deteriorated when latinos or blacks move in and whites move out. It doesn't even take whites to gentrify black and brown neighborhoods. Asians do it even greater and faster. People from California would know this
Maybe she identifies as her own offspring
/pol/tards need to go back holy shit
fucking cancerous spammers
REMINDER: there is a significant difference between BLACK PEOPLE and NIGGERS.
niggers can't deal with this fact
Haunted vagina.
Do it bitch. I know you get off on it.
fucking kek
You could have made that post without the profanity you know.
I admire Japanese and Filipinos (nicest people on earth) and love them. I do not admire blacks and latinos, but I love them very much.
Daily reminder.
You're mad that someone cleaned up a neighborhood?
It's called racially-based human displacement.
lizzo being body positive is bacically the same as gg allin being health positive
Can't vouch for that.
Imagine saying this in real life
AKA settler-colonialism
calm down stormweenie
To Japanese and Filipino people? I say it all the time.
the jew doesnt reply to messages that kill the jew. how very strange.
Noooooo wypipo can't just get rid of our drive-by shootings and drug dealers
Not what you called me, actually.
what a nut, must have a hit on you.
She was never a part of hip hop. Lots of singers get features on rap songs, doesn’t mean they’re rappers or black people fuck with them.
Highland park was one of the most racist neighborhoods in all of Los Angeles. Latinos targeted and killed black people who lived there. No one on twitter will talk about that tho. El Monte is still all latino and still racist and dangerous for blacks. Id say it's one of the most racist cities in all of America. But it'll never make national headlines.
Makes you wonder where Billie learned to be "black" from, if there are no blacks left in HP.
Only if she fucks black dudes
i called yahweh a nigger
we laughed
a bush viper crawled up through the floor
it just looked at me while a termite chewed through it's head
around sunset
when i woke up it was raining
younger white women pursue black men and treat them like animals it's sickening when you see them interact with each other it takes you back to like 1970
mel brooks shit live and direct
talking jive calling him "boy" in front of people
i don't know why they're trying to force lizzer and bucky on the public it's clearly not working
this "pophead" shit is a trip
all these layers of turf
The racist latinos who copy blacks. Again, if you are from California you'd know what I'm talking about
>talented as hell
not based
blacks only target whites because they are shit scared of latinos
lmao even poppy is more original than eyelashes
No, blacks will fuck latinos up. Black people truly ride for their people. I will always give them that. I wish Whites did the same.
Because they have to.
I grew up in Boston where Italians and even the Irish and French Canadians do the same.
People called me a storm front 'fag' or whatever but I've never enjoyed inter ethnic violence. Life is the ultimate right. To take that away from someone is the ultimate crime.
Did someone inform this girl "Billie's" music is really her brother's?
gtfo nazi
You do realize that the nazi party was disbanded in the 1940s right?
Daily reminder: any SJW who calls out Ariana for her appropriation but not Billie for hers is a total hypocrite.
Are you the same user who types in lowercase who defends Billie in every single one of these threads?
>211 posts
>37 users
they shure rode for asap rocky lmao tf you talking about you underage tweeker
It says there are 38 though...
This is a good song though.
I do agree Billie needs to improve her singing and stop culture vulturing.
Imagine being someone who cares about this shit.
>Billie is talented
Wrong, I’m a black man and I want to marry her
Post hand with time stamp.
Merry Christmas Retard.
I'm not here to entertain you white boi. I'm here to fuck white bitches.
She fucks niggers
Why would you do this to this poor little girl mu?
Imagine being a ugly disgusting nigger
Fuck man why does these apes exist
imagine my shock
Can we add this pic: to the collage?
Imagine being a fucking retard like you...
I'm not a nigger lol so fuck you shitskin
>none of you are hitting anybody
Is it wrong that reading racist shit on Yea Forums makes me laugh
Why not...
Its probably your coping mechanism nigglet
You're doing the thing:
Holy shit bro this is too good, have sex bro XD
It's fun to watch twitter meltdowns.
black twitter is right
billie ellish is a talentless plant and a herpes infested mudshark, her brand recognizability only comes from promoters
No dude, she's LITERALLY Leonard Cohen, Kate Bush, and Merzbow all rolled into one!!!
She's just like 6ix9ine, piggybacking off of black artists/culture and then getting the black artists she's wrapped around her finger to shield her from any and all criticisms.
If Lil Nas X can be a cowboy, Billie Eilish can be a black woman. Diversity is our strength.
Trans rights are human rights.
Denzel is problematic too, he defends abusers like X and Chris Brown.
Black men have to defend each other against white female devils. Remember, the slaveowner’s wife would treat the skates worse than her husband.
X is a very close friend of his retard, they literally lived together at one point, Abuser or not, if a nigga is your homie then he’s your homie
You are not a leftist if you believe advocating restorative justice is the same thing as "defending abusers".
If SJWs can make this plant disappear they’re fine by me.
The fuck is this lizzo shit all these sheboons are so crazy about?
*whips out rolling tray and papers*
I gotchu, senpai.
black fragility
Fuck you. Pathetic defending this awful bitch.
What if I told you prioritizing race over gender doesn’t make you a better person?
Anyone down for participating in this Twitter shitstorm so we can finally get this thot cancelled?
No, Cancel culture is the gayest, most retarded shit I’ve ever seen from Twitter
But it works.
She has good vocals unlike Billie.
Cause her music blows
>taco removal service
>anime avatar
>black twitter
I have to KEK my dude
this, back twitter doing the right thing for once
She never had “hip hop credibility” in the first place.
Disgusting hag who thinks because she is confident in her body she has the right to shove photos of her disgusting body down our throats.
Body positivity was a mistake, how can anyone apploud someone for being this morbidly obese it's inhumane.
Even if you’re not a fan of Billie, you can’t deny she deserves it. At 17 years old she’s broken so many records, especially with her album WWAFAWDWG, like being the youngest female to have a top album
Yea Forums will be lucky to last the next 5 years if any more shootings happen
america is going to shit!
fuck right off marketing intern
>getting this mad about the vmas
It’s not her work, it’s her brother’s. He writes all her music.
>will get bigger and bigger
I dislike punks and trannies less than I hate ironic faggots like you. You larping fucks should be lined up and shot
Most singers don’t write their music you fucking brainlet, do you have any idea on how the music industry works?
lizzo is a fat fuck
>you are not useless scum
Yep, and?
I love how this board only cares about feminism when the violent male is black.
Yeah but none of those singers are promoted as homegrown DIY artists like Billie is.
Yeah, name me a white celeb who punched his celeb gf intoa blue pulp, retard.
Now she should collab with Bengalfuel on a music video so we can see dem tiddies
She deserved it. You don't get close to a rattle snake
You guys are acting like it was some kind of secret that her brother wrote her music and it got exposed to the public by some undercover hackers, She has said multiple times in multiple interviews her brother writes her music it was no secret, it’s not like the labels writers sit down write a song then send it to her to sing, It’s her blood brother that writes the songs, so technically it would still be “DIY” you fucking brain damaged ape
i don't understand, am i missing something
Quality joke
Eillish sounds like Irish through a heavy asian accent.
oh im retarded. ty
yo make some noise for this plant
Fat people tend to have better voices because fat resonates better than muscle. This is why opera singers are often heavyset.
>a bloo bloo
It didn’t always work that way, in fact, it’s really only a trend of the last 25 years. Many people, rightfully, still think that practice is shit.
At least in the 80’s when Madonna was built using this model there were other songwriters getting hits with their own stuff. You don’t see that as much anymore *cracks monster*
every fucking time
you are truly sick
When did the Latinos get so dangerous? I know a WWII Navy veteran who was in some dust ups during the Zoot Suit Riots, and I asked him, weren't you afraid you were going to get killed? He basically said neither the Mexicans nor the sailors were interested in outright murdering each other, and there was a vague sense of honor about the whole thing. I'd have been scared shitless to go around starting fights in East LA circa 2009 when I was in the service, even with 10 other bluejackets in tow.
In the 80s when Central Americans flooded over. True Mexicans are not that bad (most of the time).
>It's the current year guys
You aight skinny boy
It’s not DIY when you have corporate overlords bankrolling you. Real punks shun major labels.
NYPA jackass
Don’t worry. NatSocs like myself think the same thing about y’all when you say anti-White to us.
Then the nigger who does the punching better be prepared to get the shit sued out of them and be in a prison cell.
SJWs finally target the right people for once.
Wish I didn't click that...
>303 posts
>79 posters
The shill here is unbelievable.
Holy shit she's literally spherical
>When did the Latinos get so dangerous?
ask the government, they know when and how
True, but you still need learn how to properly sing.
She looks good here.
Her brother was already a professional musician/producer when he wrote Ocean Eyes for her.
His connections were the only reason the song went viral, and why she was signed and promoted despite having almost nothing of her own to show for it.
Just imagining someone posting this unironically on this website
It's so well known that her brother makes her music and they all seem to overlook it, I'm tryna imagine that dude performing the songs he wrote for her and that shit's funny
The lyrics are pretty childish too. She won’t want to play her older stuff when she’s 21 and wants respect.
Eat a shotgun jarhead
>implying any self-respecting rapper wants to be associated with her now
I’m calling it: she’ll sweep the Grammys and won’t ever lose to a black artist.
queer-baiters btfo
>implying that anyone in the woke twitter crown gives a fuck about xxxplaystation's history of homophobia and misogyny
he gets a pass cuz he ded
He gets a pass but for other reasons.
She isn’t even qualified for BNA at the Grammys though.