Attached: 1907.jpg (1365x2048, 453K)

Other urls found in this thread:

what the fuck is that thing?

Attached: haggy hello.jpg (2000x3000, 1.71M)

Attached: 190821 아이즈원 비올레타 추는 있지 (ITZY) [채령,류진] CHAERYEONG ,RYUJIN 직캠 Fanc (810x1440, 2.91M)


so this looks like the one right

Yup, the slugretard doesn’t know how to properly make threads

this is the thread

Attached: 0000056974_001_20190404085321379.jpg (2000x3001, 1.11M)

she says hello with her mouth but she doesn't speak

why so fat?

Attached: Df_CAn9UwAAvDsa.jpg (1200x1800, 214K)

pretty based ngl

>wrong term and not enough dots

this is the uggo

Attached: DfZil-tVMAAcvPV.jpg (2048x1327, 222K)


Attached: ECgTKf1VAAUAhOh.jpg (1365x2048, 460K)

i will hang around here then

Attached: (2000x3000, 800K)

kpops that will make you cry? I need to let it out

>i'm so cool and have wasted so much of my time here so long and i still say "yikes"
grow up poser

Attached: 1515973096768.webm (696x796, 1.11M)

Any blackedpink song.

kys cripplecuck

what is that filename

so, meanies?

Attached: DrFmRujVYAM4XTz.jpg (1365x2048, 556K)

Attached: 409128_55650_2545_org.jpg (1200x1920, 272K)

i like really cool shit you don't even know. suck on it pleb

Attached: Up_(18).jpg (1600x2400, 304K)

Circus Girl Rosie :)

Attached: 16e8a0a877d20df7b454944c0c64ec4a.jpg (850x1275, 146K)

Attached: 1555983119472.webm (1300x730, 2.7M)

Based mods.

Attached: sf5epxv3fti31.jpg (1125x1122, 209K)

slugroastie never seems to learn, no wonder why she keeps getting bullied


Attached: Jiho 14.webm (1178x1080, 2.83M)


Attached: ba49354c227625055eaceb26c255e56cb8e26b0e_hq.jpg (768x1024, 116K)

she would not do that with a corn dog you idiot don't imagine it

post jiheon for my morning faps

tell me about how great pristin is doing again

Attached: DfF-xcdUwAA_4yr.jpg (1000x1500, 218K)

Attached: (1200x1800, 1.06M)

Attached: 73697b8.jpg (2631x3947, 1.37M)

thanks mods

Maybe learn how to put the title in the proper subject.

Attached: 1564941872390.webm (800x720, 1.78M)

She’s a newfag

hiibros ww@

Attached: hii pits.jpg (3072x3072, 731K)

Attached: frin.webm (798x518, 414K)

blame the retards who migrated too

>keklo sorry ive swallowed a thousands cocks....please.....i only kind of enjoyed it....

Attached: choa.jpg (540x284, 21K)

Attached: 1555620123994.png (725x894, 1.57M)

Attached: 1561596120655.jpg (1024x1820, 352K)

i said she would not do that with a corn dog you idiot

better than a /trash/ tier thread like this one

please stop posting the embarrassment of red velvet

Adios makes me think Everglow is like Blackpink except with actually good songs and actually good girls

Attached: yiren water.jpg (800x1200, 133K)

what kpop is this

Attached: kpop.png (1920x1080, 2.76M)

Attached: 1566837255881.jpg (1080x1350, 170K)

who's posting slug?


izone's airport fancams are their best videos(fap-wise)

they always wear tight shirts accentuating their tits

Attached: 아이즈원(IZ_ONE) 입국 _ IZ_ONE アイズワン arrived in Korea 190826-aW_tcY5kYNs-[00.51.183- (1280x720, 2.73M)

shut up faggot this thread blows

Attached: 1551696c66b26f200c3ba94641316780.jpg (640x960, 90K)

we don't like cheaters here, i'm sorry

bros, I want a Haggy wife

Attached: ECswWmLUcAAKOLh.jpg (1200x799, 97K)

Chin Yuanying

sloppy haggy bj

this is way better than that shit you posted

Attached: 1200x630wp.png (1200x630, 271K)

Sure PRC

Attached: 1553814999818.jpg (791x791, 54K)

Attached: 1561423396330.jpg (2000x1334, 293K)

>no sakura, you can't touch these animals

i miss them so much...

Attached: 1564334951675.webm (1920x1080, 1.46M)

any way beyond jisooposting and responding to identify KEKLO? file names?

Attached: 1558572496905.jpg (2730x4096, 723K)

she got it from a girl. i doubt she would take if it were from a guy because there is no telling what he did to it

buy [heavily used]

Complete the sentence
>For me, it can only be ________

post more of those jisoo dsl, need to brb

Jeon Basedeon

Attached: EC2C0lXXUAAvn7_.jpg (1200x1200, 163K)

i can shake my hips better and make a higher quality webm than the one you are reposting


Attached: p50v192Qfn1thqjwd.gif (397x318, 2.98M)

you'll be able to tell, trust me

why'd we kill the good thread

Attached: 1566865827425.jpg (1080x1349, 189K)

my precious kjew gf eunseo

Attached: 1566855030197.jpg (1366x2048, 344K)

Actually she's excited because she heard there's a show where all they do is eat and she wanted to be on it. YG just let the girl eat.

if you don't like being called keklo what should we call you? deklo? babidi?

they aren't giving sakura her own fan?

Because you're a retard.

Too bad she promised me her hand in marriage for my flat penny collection

Attached: Eunseo 58.webm (622x634, 2.02M)

i'm sorry i don't care don't care really don't care

Attached: 1564558389431.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

mamma miaa

Attached: Honda_Hitomi_Won't_You_Kiss_Promo_2.jpg (640x960, 76K)

Attached: ham.jpg (740x493, 62K)

I'm more famous on twitter than any of you idiots here

Attached: DcKPvGIVwAAGWTL.jpg (1200x900, 164K)

Attached: 1566803024533.png (1200x1556, 2.73M)

I'm proud of you :)

Attached: 1563746127122.webm (1000x562, 2.9M)

how many followers

slug is legitimately the most cute kpop idol of all time. all current kpop idols base their cuteness off of slug. she is the best.

post Eebu.

no suppositories for blackpink that's it no corndog no corncob nothing in that shape

Attached: D9_16-5UcAA6yuJ.jpg (2000x1333, 304K)

he can't shit on his waifu or he will disintegrate, always an easy way to check

I don't give a shit about your uggo, but if you're gonna complain about your thread getting deleted then get it right. Make it after the 311th post and have proper casing as the title


and that's worth absolutely nothing

go get laid

Stop calling Hiichan ugly you cowards

you keep talking, they keep walking user

Attached: 1566112270230.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

who told you that? it was a secret

BBC's biggest asset

Attached: D9b3rX2VAAABGlv.jpg (768x1024, 60K)

this one is upper case like the gaypoppers do it

that wasn't me. if you make new kpop general threads before 311 then burn in hell. no remorse

Twice is objectively the best group in kpop.

Attached: 1562719142982.webm (680x382, 1.8M)

Who is the best?

short hair is shit


who are the best whores

>Irene is 28 years old

What the fuck, she's so old

Attached: 190825 오마이걸 아린 다섯번째계절 화성 기아차페스티벌 4K OhmyGirl 3-50 screensh (2160x3840, 786K)

silent arin poster


Attached: 7c4d36ec09fd749ecf9bdc9b33bb6356.png (480x800, 322K)

not unless jisoo has it
did you see her short hair photoshop it's actually cute

is everyone here white?

Attached: 1558483210183.jpg (894x1200, 100K)

Attached: 1566838723093.png (350x630, 323K)

Attached: 190825 오마이걸 아린 다섯번째계절 화성 기아차페스티벌 4K OhmyGirl 0-31 screensh (2160x3840, 703K)


just us shartman

What do idols do with all the shit they get from fans I wonder.

it's actually lovelyz but i think i'm one of the only ones smart enough on Earth to realize this.

not this
guy. he's mostly south american indian

crayon pop you just know under those track suits they were freaks

Attached: 12368.jpg (1350x898, 94K)

I am

cute meg

give jisoo her facial or else

she's beautiful

Attached: 1559885537451.jpg (770x555, 85K)



Attached: 1552851519992.jpg (800x1200, 98K)

is it just me or is arins ass better when she was 16

thats haseul on top. like i said, i'm pretty smart

can't believe you forgot an aoa comeback
fucking fake fan, fuck you

Attached: arinface4.webm (594x616, 768K)

Attached: Hana10.jpg (1280x1920, 1.14M)

define white

Attached: 1564176681363.jpg (2909x4000, 1.75M)

Post your fav pdnim, I'll start

Attached: rrpdnim.jpg (1280x720, 89K)

Throw it away. Donate it to charity. A fan got So-yeon a yellow mic she used for most of their uh-oh stages and their queendom opener. I assume other idols also use stuff if it's useful like that.

Wtf did gook styling do to Hitomi?

Attached: xO5SWI4.jpg (3456x2160, 1.58M)

why aren't you avataring?

red velvet have the best music. rbb, sappy, zzb, and umpah umpah are all good. if you think they're bad, you have shit taste.


Attached: 201908271412770703_5d64bc0991f4a.jpg (3005x4256, 3.62M)

Attached: 1547940647126.webm (1920x1080, 1.66M)

shut up idiot not that

go away

i came

or what


Attached: 20190827141156_P_00_C_1_531.jpg (2608x3912, 2.16M)

just rbb and sappy

actually no

Which girl groups that debuted this year will hit it big next year? Cherry Bullet, Everglow, Rocket Punch or Nature?

positive things

Attached: 1547101096098.jpg (720x512, 174K)

Attached: 1566411908689.webm (900x506, 2.74M)

they changed her from an uggo brunette into an uggo blonde


I love /kpg/'s resident Iljin

Attached: 3pm2l_1.webm (1280x720, 1.15M)

i don't mind if they don't hit it big but i hope cherry bullet sticks around, i like what they're doing

jap genes + gook styling = top qt


best two

none of them my nugus

China will make sure of it

absolutely disgusting, notice the heavy blur filter on the gook side.

and yet the izone visuals are natty gooks and the japs are all down there with chaeyeon

what kpop group is this?

Attached: 1566879974142.jpg (960x720, 87K)

>Mina update from JYP
sounds like we will likely see her for some comeback promotion but probably only the less stressful parts. I’m guessing she ended up participating in the MV at the very least.

love this part of the MV, she looked stunning

not blackpink

i already said it's not blackpink so you can't say blackpink you idiots

they're better than zzb and umpah umpah for sure. but the latter are still good songs, too.

looking at anything but her feet means you hella gay

MV has already been shot btw

i was checking out way's twitch and one of her supporters is named cp_ranger seems like a bad choice of name

Attached: 67754825_228736431435917_1765519794557316586_n.jpg (720x900, 75K)

legalize it for Mina

she has a tesla?

just give her some booze or something before going on stage

Attached: 1564912915852.jpg (998x1247, 89K)

not really it doesn't, unless you're a retard then you're right it does

There's 4 members of Blackpink moroni.

how can she afford to live comfortably when she only averages like ~150 viewers per stream

most kpops are from super rich families.

Attached: 1565691738286.jpg (961x961, 84K)

did you not read the post? she has sponsors

Attached: 1558734383705.jpg (750x938, 156K)

Attached: 5kva8tlrp1d11.png (850x458, 414K)

oh you are right because when people on the internet say cp they clearly mean crayon pop and there is no other possible meaning

sojin? she's hanging the what, you gonna go down........say hello...

Attached: AA0F767E-DB64-4E06-9D7F-73D5690221D2.jpg (469x625, 162K)

i hate hiichan. i hate her stupid grimace. even when she's smiling her stupid face is lopsided, her dumb nose is wrinkled which makes her look idiotic. i can't stand her at all it makes me want to set myself on fire

post my waifu and praise her lots

Attached: 1556489684613.jpg (1500x1000, 673K)

Mina is meant for housewivery and nothing else

Attached: 1566580405963.webm (1920x1080, 2.19M)

Garbage song

have sex incel

Attached: 1545163712862.jpg (1365x2048, 368K)

#1 Thai prostitutes

imaging stanning a group that's only released like 12 songs over 3 years

lisa is best girl and male kpop stars look like an infant with a mans body. only closeted fags and dried up 45y/o white women listen to male kpop groups

Attached: bc4.png (636x773, 26K)

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Attached: reports.webm (1280x720, 1.61M)

Attached: 67834978_497087764441310_6924139091255312895_n.jpg (1080x1350, 92K)

I listened to love shot and it was pretty good.

Attached: 1566351104526.jpg (960x1440, 154K)

I will fuck Yuna

i dont mind bropop when it's girl groups doing a dance cover

Attached: peacerin.webm (816x822, 2.98M)

Attached: 57286277_283057942585464_1339009309973508600_n.jpg (960x960, 92K)


there she is

Attached: 1564571105546.png (1400x1000, 1.02M)

rip poona

Attached: 5b51e5b3-09fc-4464-9aeb-b9ff2819d41e.jpg (1000x1500, 1.35M)

tfw no hard to please binnie wife

Attached: 1VN4T6FYST_1.jpg (640x840, 606K)

this is a terrible picture of her

That goes without saying

our sloth slag...

can some boomers post lizzy

oh sakura
i am nutting

Attached: 아이즈원 사쿠라-a3sih4ccEQg-[03.23.634-03.26.134].webm (720x1280, 2.87M)


Attached: 1536728759490.jpg (738x891, 394K)

i've never listened to boa

Attached: 아이즈원 사쿠라-a3sih4ccEQg-[03.07.400-03.10.934].webm (720x1280, 2.96M)

you better start or it is one shot, two shot

Attached: tumblr_p3jmer0HBb1wf4tuao2_1280.jpg (1280x800, 383K)

i don't know how many people realize lovelyz is the greatest of all time but for those that do. first of all i would like to say congratulations for making it into the most highly esteemed kpg fandom of all time. us lovelyz chads don't fuck with pussy bitches. right now i am listening to aya and i think that is a good song to welcome you with.


Attached: 1561635449646.jpg (500x685, 22K)

freaking CUTE

Attached: 1550576789010.jpg (1369x1011, 428K)

Attached: 201908271447853461_1.jpg (450x664, 382K)

the only good lovelyz is sujeong the rest are ugly trash

Attached: sujeong.jpg (668x393, 68K)

fucking knetz were right, she does look like the sloth from zootopia

Attached: 아이즈원 (IZ_ONE), 아침에도 예쁨 돋지요 (김포공항)-_yeXDQ2S8sw-[00.27.394-00.31.398 (1920x1080, 2.79M)

Attached: 1549298654416.webm (538x632, 405K)

>she does look like the sloth from zootopia

normally i love sunmi but that eye shadow or whatever makes her look like she has downs. i don't like it. give me back my mommy (who is younger than me btw)

Attached: 2jhafEw.jpg (1313x1382, 274K)

yeah that yellow is not good

i wan fuk da jiheons and wonyoungs


Attached: 1563748823950.jpg (1639x2048, 593K)


>mina getting another abortion
she needs to be careful or she'll damage her uterus

SBS MTV The Show
6:00-7:30 PM KST

Red Velvet
The Boyz
Oh Hayoung
Rocket Punch
Jang Daehyun

Attached: EC8Nqy7VUAAmRa4.jpg (2048x1032, 360K)

is izone more popular than twice yet?

and everglow can actually beat rv
fucking chink bots

Attached: cuteji.jpg (2435x3247, 824K)


Attached: mug_obj_156688056144683587.jpg (1500x2250, 3.09M)

izone isn't even in the top 10 groups

izone sells almost as many albums as twice, retard

obvious sajaegi

Attached: the bitch on the left.jpg (1200x900, 164K)

izone vlives are kino

Now this is retarded

based buddy

1. bp or twice
3. izone
4. rv
5. itzy

based chuu

Attached: ECoKnoZVAAM3-qX.jpg (600x960, 71K)

Attached: 1539138189747.gif (268x180, 751K)

i'm hungry


The top group is CLC.

Attached: pumprin.webm (912x514, 2.85M)

Attached: 1563990328121.jpg (1230x1853, 198K)


with arin you only win

lovelyz = best gg

Attached: EC81YBRU8AAaoAG.jpeg.jpg (1127x1330, 433K)

haggy tutu tutu tu tu aaah sugar sugar

top model comin' through

Attached: ECpfeSQUYAAJoEf.jpg (1200x1800, 386K)

(You) John Young mommyfies day by day

The actual list of the top 5
1. Izone
2. Twice
3. Blackpink
4. Red Velvet
5. GFriend

how can someone so pure have had filthy unprotected sex

Attached: 1556216930028.jpg (952x952, 75K)

yea bp

Attached: arin brady 2019.jpg (800x1200, 219K)

arin's tushy

So boring in here without anyone

red velvet

Nobody cares about Itzy anymore now that Everglow has arrived.

The real ranking is
Red Velvet

The real ranking
1. CLC
2. CLC
3. CLC
4. CLC
5. CLC

I've never actually heard a Twice song. They're just my favorite because they sell the most. If Izone has truly supplanted them then they're my new favorite.

Attached: 15.jpg (850x566, 355K)


the future of kpop is
1. L
2. O
3. O
4. N
5. A

... scene


post her p

Attached: 1566865569570.jpg (2000x3000, 568K)


sounds like some football player

i had another great morning today, by blasting to irenes feet. i used the idol room episode.

Loona is finito. Didn't you see the news. I like that the last 20 seconds sounds like it could be off the Streets of Rage 2 OST.

i liked loona's solo singles

Attached: 075.jpg (680x383, 29K)

what happened

in the eyes of god unprotected sex is purer than protected

Oogie Oogie Oogie all night long

Attached: y8IVhwo.jpg (1546x2048, 919K)

a weak man leaving the project can only make it stronger

The guy behind all their music and all their concepts left.

#IZONE - HEART*IZ: 193,381
#TWICE - FANCY YOU: 189,975
#BLACKPINK - Kill This Love: 179,695
#RedVelvet - ReVe Festival Day: 88,133
#WJSN - For the Summer: 71,516
#Gfriend - Fever Season: 59,995
#RedVelvet - ReVe Festival Day 2: 57,170
#fromis_9 - Fun Factory: 53,367
#ITZY - IT'z ICY: 53,051
#Mamamoo - White Wind: 45,358

ETA on YG being shut down?

JYP reveals Twice's Mina has been diagnosed with anxiety disorder

1. [+432, -51] Anxiety is a scary thing, don't speak easily of it if you don't know anything

2. [+407, -212] Seems like she's only going to promote in Japan

3. [+207, -33] Rest up and recover your health~

4. [+39, -6] There's a reason daughters of rich families are stereotyped as kind but weak in health. I hope she recovers soon. All three of Twice's Japanese members are so pretty and kind, don't hate on them. Hating on them is not patriotism.

5. [+28, -8] She's sick, who are you people hating on her just for being Japanese when she's sick? What makes you any different from the anti-Korean right-wingers?

6. [+28, -12] I never thought she had a personality fit to be a celebrity. She's introverted and doesn't talk a lot.

7. [+27, -4] Please don't hate on this

8. [+15, -3] Did Mina do something wrong, though? So many hate comments when she's sick... are the haters hating for the sake fo her being Japanese? Or just because she's a popular celebrity, I have no idea.


Attached: mina.jpg (540x743, 68K)

why? whered he go

Attached: mina2.jpg (386x430, 44K)

those crazy eyes

Their concepts were fucking retarded though

wjsn is killing it


Izone will continue since all the companies will decide it's in their best interest to keep them together. Twice is no longer the nation's girl group.

>there are people who believe the whole anxiety thing is a conspiracy by Mina to get away from all the filthy koreans she's been forced to be around

Attached: 1555757196433.jpg (563x503, 21K)

word and everyone agrees

Well yeah. Not after the abortion.

God I hate indians so much

is the abortion legit or just a rumour? I havent seen any articles on it or anything

i don't buy it.
i think mina was pregnant and there were some complications with the abortion, thats why she needs a longer timeout.
obviously, the easiest way is to just say its anxiety.

based early



kpg fanfiction as usual

How can Zico make a comeback. I thought he was cancelled?

stop doing this to me I'm a nice person

he's working with some new boy group called onlyoneof.

some people are saying that they were supposed to be on blockberry creative with loona but ended up somewhere else. and apparently the song chaotic on odd eye circle's album was supposed to be for them.