Is this fat retard serious?
Is this fat retard serious?
how much are you gonna bet that this guy is gonna put it on his top 5 AOTY?
Haven’t listened to it yet. Is it very meh?
Fuck off back to work Tony you shilling monkey fucker
it's their worst without a doubt
the best way I could describe it is feeling "watered down" and this is coming from me, a fag whose favorite band is brockhampton
no impact, no energy, but other fans pass it off as the boys "maturing" when actually it's just big medicore
Doesn't he already have more than 5 9/10's?
Normies hate it because it's not filled with easy listening shit like Saturation. One of their best
I'll listen to you once you've been heavy listening to them since right after all american trash dropped
oh wait
I thought it was better than Iridescence but nowhere as good as any of the Saturation trilogy.
The album is good until If You Pray Right and then it's only trash.
It's actually kinda fun, some weird wacky beats here that reminded me of Sat 3 and Sat 2 a bit which are both my favorites in the trilogy.
As someone who thought Sat 1 was meh, Sat 2 was great, Sat 3 decent and iridences awful I will recommend this one I was surprised.
Been listening since the day the first Saturation came out. Don't see why it matters, gatekeeper.
Saturation II>Saturation III>GINGER>Saturation>>>iridescence
>worse than iridescence or SE
I guess were listening to different albums because that’s some bullshit
you're correct with Sat II being the best I'm glad we can agree on this
I think most people think Saturation II or Saturation III is their best and iridescence is their worst. Pretty much universal at this point
you'd be surprised I know a lot of people that say Sat II is their worst and I couldn't tell you why
AAT still my favorite though but I'm pretty sure it's because of memories attached to it
contrarians probably
Sat I is their best. Fuck you all
Wow, can't believe Yea Forums still listens to this faggot
Holy fuck finally someone I agree with. I still see people saying 3 and 1 are better than 2 like wtf these are ok but 2 is next level.
I thought it was enjoyable.
get outta here this is a brockhampton thread now
>implying he is gonna remember those
>implying he hasn't cheated in past years
Go back to worshipping e celeb faggots on youtube, toe sucking zoomers.
I want to print this into a poster and give this to a coworker of mine who is a fan of Brockhampton.
Do you guys think he will notice?
Did Complex mention it, or give it a good review? That would explain the high rating. Maybe they're going to be on Hot Ones soon or something.
you gotta do it
holy hit you've gotta do this lmao
I love seeing Yea Forums seethe
I said it on release he was going to give it an 8 due to being a bounce back.
Big Boy is fucking amazing also so fuck everyone here
Anthony is not fat he is large and muscular and you're just a DYEL skellyfag
Anyone else unable to stop hating him? I try to so hard to move on and ignore him but it's too fucking much
Fuck it gonna get this by next week, just need to go to a place that will print it as a poster.
Worst case scenario I tell him I just got it from some shady ebay seller and didn't really notice it said Nigger, bad excuse but it's enough to not get me in trouble.
I really don't see the appeal of Brockhampton. They have some pretty decent songs, but most of their stuff is either extremely generic, or borderline unlistenable.
shitty shop, to be honest
I guess it's not necessarily cheating if you enjoyed some albums more than others, even if you can say the albums that are lower on your list are objectively better. It's his list, right?
Brockhampton sucks lol
I agree, once I had saved it I saw how I could've just flipped the first 3 letters and then individually flipped them back to get the same effect but much cleaner, im just fucking lazy lol
Oh sorry, wouldn't have said that if I knew you made it
You simply can't relate to this shit cause you have no friends
its all good
I...really disagree. This is a 6 at best, a disappointment in spite of the promising singles and a couple of standouts (SUGAR and GINGER). Tracks like that Slowthai feature and LOVE ME FOR LIFE feel out of place, and doesn't help an album that already has a very weird flow.
This is literally the first brockmemetom album that I like, IDK what you guys are complining about
they were a bunch of literal who's making some of the most interesting and creative hip hop with neat videos to go along with them in the awful year of 2017. as a collective, they shit on odd future.
What exactly are they doing on II that makes people hype it up so much
opinions change you goofballs
Best flows, best production, best album structure/layering, arguably best writing, but I think best writing goes to III.
GINGER is nearly unlistenable, probably a 5 at best. Saturation III is still their only consistently good album
Sat III >> Sat I = Sat II >>> Iridescence >>> GINGER
Literally who?
real shit this new brockhampton is actual garbage. Ameer was the only thing keeping them interesting now they’re absolutely scraping the bottom pot for creative juices that aren’t there.
S2 > S3 >>>>>>>>> Iridescence > S1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>”I’m artsy you dont get me”
Rap album
>not really for me, feeling a light to decent 9 on it
Black metal album
>Despite the great musicianship and solid songwriting this project brings, I am feeling a decent to strong 4 on it, because racist.
so much this
they're gay so they get a bump
this except I been born again is ok
the title track and big boy are the worst songs they've ever made, including sat demos and aat
honestly it's actually grown on me a bit. no halo is pretty and sugar is honestly beautiful in parts. the only other songs I liked quite a lot are if you pray right and victor roberts. most of the songs are trash though so I'd only give it a 5, fantano is just trying to get attention
III = iridescence > II = GINGER > I
maybe he likes hip hop more than black metal
he's literally conveying his own opinion, not trying to say which albums are objectively good or bad
Thank you for calling me fat and also retard
iridescence >>> Sat 3 = GINGER > Sat 1 >> Sat 2
>people on this board unironically care about Fantanos opinions and Brockhampton
for shame
>Yo my fellow younger millenials, this new rap album is hella lit fire dope faam, I'm feeling an 8, thanks for viewing my videos, fellow kids
He put JPEGMAFIA's Veteran, which he rated 8/10, as his #3 last year
shower cry. the epitome of sadness.
If u found out about BH from him, if u watch him or give a fuck about his opinion ur a musical equivalent of a cuck
also st. percy cooms
im convinced, nobody on /mu would ever screen shoot this fucking pic. with this moron's head in it, and its posted on here in continual threads about albums ALL THE FUCKING TIME.
secondly /mu doesn't watch his shitty channel and who else could be assed to crop these pics like this.
So we Shawn Cee fans now?
>Sam Hyde
lol, K
>all the brainlets ITT calling Ginger awful
pleb filter working as intended
lol based
cock hampton *dabs*
Faggot piece of shit subhuman spamming fucking Fantano threads fuck you I hope you get raped to death by a pack of wild niggers I hope there’s an accident and you lose both your hands so you can never post again I’m sick of this bald fat faggot on this board I don’t give a shit about what good album he rated poorly or what bad album he rated highly he’s a stupid fucking idiot we know that we’ve always known that but you retards come here every fucking hour of every fucking day saying “durr wait why fantano be dumb bald man not rate album how I rate album” why don’t you pull your head out of your ass do the world a favor and get a fucking shotgun and end your posting career early I’m sick of coming to Yea Forums and seeing this subhuman and always the same fucking complaints about him just stop fucking posting him he’s not a musician and his videos aren’t even interesting just stop it I hope the skull is ripped out of your head and your brains are split in two and then they’re both put back and the process is repeated over and over I hope you live in abject misery I never want to see a thread about him again I hope your spine is split in half I hope your heart is clogged with cum I fucking hate these stupid fucking low quality threads we need a permanent ban on these threads I want the mods to just fucking end this and I don’t even like them fuck off just do it stop posting yes we get it he’s a moron you’re the moron for posting him whether you like him or not you’re a fucking cancer cell killing this board eat my whole ass I’m sick and tired of you people being alive if theneedledrop were deleted off youtube this board would probably suck for a few weeks or so but then it would be so great as people realized he was never coming back I’m fucking begging you here please stop posting him stop posting about how you like and support him and stop posting about how you dislike or hate him just stop making threads about this shit
>he hasn't been listening since they won that online contest and released DIRT in 2015
I'd personally place it smack dab in the middle. Not their worst, not their best
SAT III>SAT I>GINGER>>>SAT II>iridescence>>>>>>>All-American Trash
I personally have never listened to brockhampton and plan to never do it
He built a fanbase around giving out irresponsible life advice, just like most of the people there
Are their any true intellectual e-celebs?
why didn't he wear the yellow shirt? what are the rules about the yellow shirt?
let the middle aged man try to appeal to children and move on.
he's right
>go to his twitter
>realize that this is a 34 year old man typing like a zoomer girl
The production in BH carries hard and iridescence is the only cohesive album
the last song is fucking abysmal
Without Ameer it's really just a bunch of stereotypes doing exactly what you think.
then why do they sound better than like 80% of other popular/acclaimed modern hip-hop?
una vela...