Adam Neely and 2million dollars worth of music education beat me. I honestly think they made the best song of 2019.
That's it guys. I give up making music
Other urls found in this thread:
This is like Melody's Echo Chamber except shitty and with zero personality.
You're just jealous because you're poor and not as well educated. No excuse is ever okay
this is good I guess but it's boring
Starting to think that meme about music education and creativity is real
That's pretty cool but that vocalist sucks. I almost feel like I could sing better and I hate the fuck out of my voice.
>"Ellen in the Nightmare Oprah on the screen / Watching people live takes the life out of me"
If Ian Curtis wrote this lyric, you guys would have ate this shit up.
>Starting to think that meme about music education and creativity is real
It is
Ian Curtis would never write lyrics as good as that
Stuff like this and Jacob Collier is the musical equivalent of hyper-photorealistic sketches. It's impressive on a technical level, but it doesn't mean anything.
this is his best song
There are some good ideas in the song but the overall sound is bad. That flute/recorder thing is hokey as fuck. The motif he plays is fine but he could have used any other wind instrument and it would have sounded better. The worst part is definitely the girl’s vocal delivery, though. Why do bitches all sing like that now - that disaffected style that’s somewhere between whispering and moaning and ends up sounding like Louise from Bob’s Burgers after smoking a blunt to the face?
The reason why they did a "behind the scenes" for this song is so they can distance themselves from any criticism by saying they just made the whole thing on a whim
>imagine going to music school to make shit like this
Age 14?
KMFDM doin it again!!!
>That flute/recorder thing is hokey as fuck
尺八 is based, baka. It's also slang for blowjob or something like that...
it's fine. I wouldn't call it song of the year, but I don't think Adam would either.
I see Im responsible for more copy pasta! You even quoted 2 million. Why these opinions get parroted is because they are true. I say a lot of true thing on this board. What stands out most here is that they tried to make it spicy when the vocal comes in by coming in on an outside note, in theory great but in practice nothing happened. The whole track is wallpaper. And from the last thread on this we came to the conclusion that the type of people who persue music school are those who are not confident in their ability to take a crack and the industry. Music school attracts a certain type of person, it doesn kill creativity on attract uncreative people who think school may give them what they lack. Great thread nice to see it rehashed as I think it covers a hot topic on jazzschool.
White privilege: the group
t. notwhite
This is what happens when you only listen to top 40 music and you still insist in making "big brain" music because you studied music and you gotta show it in every song, instead of, you know: Music you actually like
Oh look, another woman doing half whisper-half-sang lyrics. How impressive and original.
Neely has some good videos, but he's not a good composer, and this is boring as fuck. It's this weird boring that makes me feel tense because I keep expecting something halfway interesting to happen, and it doesn't.
the absolute STATE of NYC Music Majors paying 3+ grand a month for an apartment
I'll stick to my comfy midwest cheap as fuck house where I can play my amp on 10, and the only complaint from my 60 year old alcoholic neighbor is "Yo man your music rocks, just try to play Hendrix and shit for us old people when it's past 10 PM and I'm high as fuck, man"
sounds like William Eyelash meets some kind of zelda village theme.
Do people here actually hate Adam Neely or are we just memeing on the song. I think a lot of his videos are based.
Don't let people know you like things, dude. It's not the Yea Forums way.
What are you doing with your life son
too true. its like blood in the water.
This is just technically proficient garbage. One of the major flaws of music school. I could write a better piece in an hour.
Better than Jacob Collier anyway
Actually decent Berklee fusion coming through.
But you won't, ever. Go outside, have sex
Jazzfags have an uncanny ability to suck the life out of any interesting musical idea
sounds like a Thundercat song
I'm not disputing that it's bad, it's terrible, but why? What is it that makes it so bad?
funny way of spelling "incontrovertible fact"
That little piano interlude at the 3 and a half minute mark only good part, but it was really good
> let's make a chill, sparse song
> let's not forget we're music majors
makes for a lifeless concoction that doesn't commit to anything
Because it's got no Soul™
Brian Wilson is the greatest artist of the 20th century and he knows music theory
Rent free
It's not that bad
All the shit posted in this thread would have like 10 views if it wasnt played live
>Music school attracts a certain type of person, it doesn kill creativity on attract uncreative people who think school may give them what they lack.
Does or doesn't?
>not Schnittke
I don't know, it sounds like a generic attempt at an MGMT song
It’s always funny to see these comments, most of you all saying music school this creativity that.. take a look at the SoundCloud threads. Y’all niggas produce fuck all worth a listen.
>Oh my god if Hiatus Kaiyote got a hold of this JESUS CHRIST
I'm gonna throw up
Uncreative morons who learned from same sources do not represent all of Yea Forums
You got material? I want to listen
because most people who are highly trained in music come at writing music from the theoretical point before the inspiration/ creativity point. theory should always come after the inspiration.
when you write with theory you inevitably come up with music that sounds distinctly hollow and mechanical. there is no driving force behind the music other than what the next chord or note is "supposed" to be. just watching this video is incredibly uncomfortable. as if they're being forced to pretend to enjoy the music.
>music that sounds distinctly hollow and mechanical
How do you quantify that? That’s horse crap, it’s all subjective and up to the person listening to relate to it or not on a personal level.
You just know
>how do you quantify that
kek. This is exactly my point. music is not quantifiable. people like neely think it is. there's no quantifiable reason why the disintegration loops is so good. it just is. good music is a combination of intuition and emotion. not a science
There's a difference between knowing music theory and studying it. It's like the difference in knowledge between a journeyman carpenter and an architect.
Yes because it either resonates with you or it doesn’t. Your truth isn’t everyone else’s truth. Otherwise he wouldn’t have the audience he has.
It attract people who are not ready to take a crack at the music industry. They go to school to meet people study more work on whatever it is they need to work on. It is for people who are not ready. Peak time to pursue music is 18-28. Music school guys shelter themselves for 50% of their shelf life. So its for people who are uncreative uncofident or scared. All not conducive to making it in the field of entertainment and business. The idea someone could have been a pop sensation and lost all their great ideas from learning to much theory is flawed. You cant have too much of a good thing, but a good thing can not compensate for lack of an essential thing. Basically most music school people dont have that "it" factor to create compelling products for mass consumption.
If every musician thought like you there would be no hendrix
His audience comes from his e-celeb status borne out of clickbait videos not the quality of his music
>the disintegration loops is so good
And yet they consume and praise his music publicly much to your dismay
this. theory fags are obsessed with trying to find "hacks" to music. but while they obsess over chord progressions and scales they completely miss what it is that makes good music compelling.
instead of facing this fact they simply circlejerk each other or make youtube channels where they can flaunt their perceived superiority in memey ways.
That's interesting. I was thinking of going to music school of some sort or learning piano but since I've started antidepressants I just want to release something before next year ends. I'm almost 21.
That's it, suck Daddy Neely's dick. Cup the balls too
Well as much as someone will argue music isnt a language for the intents and purposes of this conversation it is. Music is a way to communicate. So theory fags are like guys who learn a new language to figure out how to communicate in their intended language. Im not very good at getting my ideas to connect with people in English, so I will study Latin and French to better understand the English language in hopes of becoming a more convincing/charismatic speaker in English. You can use this as copy pasta fellas I think I did good with this post.
They only consume and praise it because he's an eceleb, just like Jake paul can get millions of views on a song or anyone else
>people like Neely think it is
Disagree, he routinely makes the point that ultimately it’s up the listener to take or leave from a piece. He’s doing nothing different than a Schoenberg when he began diving deep into twelve tone serialism shit, diving into a topic or concept in depth and then producing with said concepts in mind. It’s academic in the sense of putting ideas into practice by practicing them (fuck this practicing shit really kills creativity).
Keep projecting.
>e celeb thread
Have šéx
nobody would listen to his music if he wasn't first and foremost and arrogant know it all with a meme channel. which idiots are attracted to for some reason
Shame he took advantage of modern technology to get his music heard to an audience that consumes it. Jesus Christ kill yourselves. Post your music already
>started antidepressants
Oh no no no no no no
youtubers are the gayest shit
I can't tell you whats right for you, but I can tell you that everything in music school can be learned outside of music school and for cheaper. You can study with the same music teachers for $100 an hour. You can go to open mics to meet other people. You can get learning materials online. You can always go to music school later in life. Education is a bubble and its bursting. Lots of people have degrees and nothing to show. I dont think going to school would distract you from doing your own thing though so its not like you have to choose one over the other.
This is correct. His music does not stand on its own. He went to the New York school and what did he do with the connections he made? Nothing he made it off the channel. He is a personality, but most people in entertainment are. Truth is your music doesnt have to be anything great just listenable. Id argue very few people made it off the music. Its the personality people are attracted to. Thats why these asshole all do interviews. Look at Zappa people just love the shit he says. I bet his interviews have more views than his albums have listens.
His music will never be taken seriously because he used clickbait gimmickry to establish a fanbase, that will haunt him
Take your schizo pills nobody likes your garbage guitar playing
do you really think people would be independently interested in this music without knowing him?
Same with Andrew Huang
Whats wrong with that
It took you so long to work up the courage to respond to that, holy shit
Mozart didn't know any music theory.
The cringiest thing about the ecelb musicians is how they all ban together. My friends Rick Beato, Nari Sol, Amy Nolte, Adam Huang, Ben Levin, Adam Neeley... Yet between the lot of them no one can produce a good track. Its the fucking lamest scene ever. Its like literal autistic people trying to collectively pass for normal.
His music is literal garbage, no one would take him seriously regardless of his background
Your peepee isn't going to like it
Music school, just like learning anything outside of it, is just experience you use in the real world assuming you aren’t doing the music Ed route and are okay with ending up as a band director or a professor who shits out another generation of music Ed clones, but I digress. Speaking from my personal experience, being able to transfer all of my ensemble performance experience and the fact I can read has put me ahead of local musicians who can’t read or their only playing experience is in bars. I can also play auxiliary instruments proficiently (because of music school) and get paid double on session work because of it. I also have a much more finessed approach to playing that most bar musicians lack. It’s all experience and how you internalize it and use it in real world applications. It’s neither good nor bad. It just depends on your situation and your financial situation.
So when is someone in here going to grow a pair of balls and post their music that isn’t soulless and totally based non-music school music
Rick Beato is the worst of the lot. Its like he has no ear for melody at all. All his compositions are just arpeggios doing runs. He also speeds up the videos when its on guitar.
These "licks" sound exactly the same as his compositions. Its like this guy has no rhythm at all. He is the definition of a lot of talking and saying nothing in every aspect of who he is.
Go to the end of any of these old videos where he has a composition. Just sped up arpeggios.
Yet he’s wrote/produced hit songs. How many hits have you produced? What do your melodies sound like?
Yeah, I can't orgasm unfortunately. It's kind of driving me crazy but apparently the side effect is supposed to go away eventually.
Youre a drummer.
Name the song. You can't. Getting a writing credit on a bands song that went #1 on a slow week isnt the same as being a hit song writer. Come on now be honest in this conversation. Just listen to the compositions that are his and his alone it says more than his big claim of writing a #1 hit. He could have suggested a chord or lyric and got a credit. Very dishonest and he was smart to stop bragging about it on his and other peoples channels.
I think I have written catchy generic songs.
I think if I had the connections this could have been at least a filler track on someone's album.
This song>>>>Adam neely's entire existence (ever)
And a keyboard player, and a mallet percussion player, and a bass player.
This is cringe as fuck
lol no, it's fine
Very catchy. Sounds like something my 13 year old daughter would listen to.
holy based neighbors
Ya, but youre a drummer. Of course music school and training gives you an edge over other drummers. Youre in a competitive role. This conversation is based on more esoteric aspects of music like songwriting. Your perspective is a bit different as you have a very clear role in most ensembles. I mean I was able to tell you were a drummer right so thats gotta count for something.
Cringe can be good. The point is its not a bunch of arpeggios.
Yet here you are, not having a hit country song (its so easy) and making millions of dollars touring in the us. I have a lot of friends who play for or are country acts. They make big money and writing good country tunes isn’t as easy as you think it is. Otherwise try to make it in Texas or Nashville only doing it. I dare you
What the fuck is your point, Don Henley and Joe Walsh have net worth in the tens of millions, you can say that about anyone
Not him but your premise is based on merit, like its an open door system where the best make it. Its not the case. Its like any job, if they have a guy who does a good enough job they are not hiring. Why risk unreliable unknowns when So and So produces good enough tracks (plus its a team effort now) Its not a strong argument that you are making. Its like a rich person saying they are better than the poor. Please rethink your positions because its a little unfair to many capable people out there.
Thing is I didn’t go to school for “drums”. The point I was making was the application of a special set of skills music school has to offer over other places. The black gospel community is a strong ear based learning experience that has its strengths and weaknesses. Any musician can come out of music school (or any musical upbringing) and make music that resonates with someone.
Also Rick himself said that it takes $100, 000 to promote a song to #1. Don't put other people down when they express a valid frustration towards the gatkeeper nature of the entertainment business (and business in general) lots of people have valid ideas for products, but without advertising there is no way to reach consumers.
Im glad you got value out of it. I did as well. Im just telling the younger anons that its not going to substitute for other essentials needed to be successful like having people skills and discipline. I would never say musical school is worthless I do think it attract a lot of people for the wrong reasons though. Thats all.
hey user i just want to say that this is a very catchy song and i liked it :) keep it up!!!
Oh I already quit years ago! Just wanted to make the point that there are real people behind these posts and we shouldn't just dismiss one another so easily just because we are not famous.
There’s an art to everything and that includes country song writing. You’re dismissing because it’s country and “you can write anything passable and get a big hit in that genre”. It doesn’t work that way and using that to dismiss beato as a soulless musician who’s incapable of writing melodies that aren’t arpeggios is just retarded. This entire thread is retarded.
There are tons of song writers slinging songs to artists in every big music city.
this is actually terrible you guys werent joking wtf
He also had absolute pitch and could supposedly envision four-part harmonies in his head.
Aw that's a shame. What made you quit and what are you doing now instead?
Have fun with the gender reassignment surgery
Advertising helps, execution makes it. Local acts in the state I live have gotten #1 songs without 100k in advertising, but just organic following and a good product that caught on on the local and regional level through word of mouth, social media (Facebook videos), artist shoutouts, opening slots for national acts. There’s several rappers from Houston who have done this, some indie/blues/rock/metal bands in Austin, gospel/funk/fusion music in Dallas, Tejano music in south Texas.
whats the correlation
Unironically better than Adam Neely. It's like a poppier version of Spoon or Interpol. Nice bassline.
Meant for
SSRI + Porn + Social Media + Sexual Frustration is how you end up with trannies
Can I honestly ask you what your background is to make this claim
>There are tons of song writers slinging songs to artists in every big music city.
Is it an assumption or you are in the industry or... because you have to realize that artists dont accept unsolicited demos. Thats been standard forever to avoid complications such as plagiarism not to mention they would be overwhelmed with submission most of which would be unusable. It has really always historically been a select few even down to the musicians playing on the recordings. I know movies paint a different picture of the guy who walks in off the street to meet a record exec with a hit tune. I just wonder what you base your perception on.
Self promotion is not in my character. It takes an afternoon to make a song I dont want to spend years trying to sell it to people. That would take me away from other hobbies I enjoy.
You have to enjoy that lifestyle. I rather be on 4 chan shit posting with you guys than in room with other musicians and people that enjoy music. Its not my bag. Rather invest that time into lawschool and keep music as a hobby.
Nothing specific just what I was listening to, still is true though
>I rather be on 4 chan shit posting with you guys than in room with other musicians and people that enjoy music
Hell yeah. I like you, user.
I have friends who write songs for artists in the city, they know other people who write songs for other artists. It’s just like a hired gun gig. You get in by recommendation or they’ve heard of you through the grapevine, or they’ve seen you play. A relationship forms and then they’re sending songs to people who know people who know people who know people who know people. It’s never ending. The difficult part is figuring out if people want to work with you and after that is the music you write.
Somehow this hack is even worse, yet he is regarded as a musical genius by the YouTube tryhards.
His flintstones video is sick as fuck. And he was a fucking child. He is indeed a genius.
By your own admission its largely nepotism/networking , so you shouldn't make the argument that its merit based and an user on here is less than someone with more drive, people skills and discipline when they are focusing only on the songwriting aspect right? I agree with whoever saud that Rick Beato is not a skilled songwriter. The fact that he has a credit on a hit song doesn't negate this when there is so much evidence of is lack of writing skills on his channel. Is that fair?
Brian Wilson is a genius because he changed the landscape of popular music forever. Jacob Collier isn't even a drop in the bucket of popular music.
>supposed "musical genius" has a song called "flintsones"
It feels wrong, on every moral level it feels wrong in every fucking bone in my body
It is not a song called Flintstones, it is a reharmonization of the Flintstones theme
This is musical masturbation
Not listening to that shit under any circumstances even torture
It's the most benign bubblegum pop jazz arrangement you could possibly create. Black slaves toiled away in the hot sun for this shit.
Having a vocabulary large enough to know when to choose the right word is always a good thing.
Using your large vocabulary to make hyper-verbose word salad is a bad thing.
A lot of great songwriters use their understanding of music theory to communicate simple and effective ideas. Some songwriters use that same knowledge to make musical word salad. The music theory knowledge isn't what makes them good or bad.
Melody is looked down upon in music education. I have a friend that studies composition and he always says that "catchy" (i.e memorable) melodies are for video game music.
If you have a good ear, music college makes sure to beat it out of you.
post her feet
I think the issue with Jacob Collier and many of his ilk is their singing lacks vulnerability or any sense of raw emotion. Much like jazz singers. I just can't connect to cool jazz chick. I rather hear some guy scream or be on the verge of tears over an out of tune guitar than all the complexity in the world. Music should support a singer and I feel like so many musicians resort to being their own singer as an afterthought. Jacob Collier has a wealth of knowledge but I just hate his voice and all the re-harmonization in the world as impressive as it may be cant distract me from the fact that Im listening to an uninteresting person with nothing to emotionally say to me. I really think singing is a dying art form and the more we use the internet to literally express how we feel the more we are discouraged from trying to connect with people on a musical level.
>Black slaves toiled away in the hot sun for this shit.
That hit me in my soul user, now I want to find Collier, douse him in gasoline and set him on fire
Jazz was popular music. Nothing wrong with making it popular again. Bebop was created with the intention of making a music so difficult that white people couldn't imitate and steal so easily. Jacob has an expansive knowledge of the harmonic language that a lot of jazz musicians could only ever dream of having. Pop jazz or not, he’s hyper knowledgeable and can do really cool things with harmony and put it at the fingertips and ear buds of young musicians hungry for more than what is shoveled into their radios and playlists recommendations.
You’re white. Shut up
never heard of either of these tubers, listened without watching
some elements are cool—the swells, the drum fills & synth fills—but it’s really pretentious in this weirdly punctilious way? like it sounds like it was written on a whiteboard. the pseudoprofound lyrics are a serious problem and are probably the worst individual part of the song. the ending was a fun musical surprise though.
>Bebop was created with the intention of making a music so difficult that white people couldn't imitate and steal so easily
"Bebop wasn't developed in any deliberate way."
-Thelonious Monk
Bird said so himself, it was meant to be black music that couldn’t be lifted by white people like they did to duke ellington and a lot of his compositions. The barrier of entry was purposefully set high. Why else are they taking simple tunes and making them complex? For fun?
nah that's fine
>Why else are they taking simple tunes and making them complex? For fun?
Yeah, pretty much. Run faster, jump higher. It's human nature.
i dunno i've heard ssris can lead to ED and permanent penis problems
They wanted music that was unique to them, so they created it. Bebop is hardship and malice towards white people and society at the time
Top fuckin kek
>Bebop is hardship and malice towards white people and society at the time
Ah yes, the white people like Benny Goodman and Artie Shaw
how do you not see that and not wanna punch him right in his six faces
looks like a member of the gorillaz that got bullied out of the band for being too downsie
The white people who allowed and encouraged racial injustices during their upbringing you fucking retard
It's unjust to force a black man to integrate into white society and pretend to be something he is not. Malcolm X had the right idea.
Take it to /pol/, losers.
It's not necessarily true. It's just that people with no creative talent learn theory and treat music like a mathematical equation rather than writing things that are enjoyable by anyone other than their posh posse in the academia.
I could guess every shit predictable lyric she said before she even started 'singing'
Also shit highschool jazz student music.
>sneed in my nightmare
>chuck on my screen
>seeing your post
>takes the piss outta me
Fucking hell. At least this was a joke but there's no excuse for that masturbation above. Jazz kids trying to be hip and make pop are seriously the worst.
I like most of his videos but I dislike his own music.
This is good
honestly that's the best description i've ever heard for it
Music theory lets you have a decent understanding of what you're doing and can give you more ideas for when you're in a rut. People who insist it's actively bad to know this are just intimidated by the idea of practicing. Theory itself is neutral, it exists in every musician with or without their knowledge. It's like math. And it's rarely only the chord progression and it's not just knowing your major and minor scales and you're done for life. It's a lot of elements at once. It's the gesture. It's the arrangement. It's the development. It's the form, the structure. It's the way the harmony and melody come together. It's the choice of instruments. It's the lyrics, even, and the rhythm, tone, texture and colour. It allows you to reverse engineer things, which is a very useful skill to have. The only way to break the rules is to know all them first. This has been proven time and time again by classical composers who analysed works of their predecessors and most of them have been a part of institutionalised education.
The idea that theory could be a negative knowledge comes from a bullshit romantic notion that good art is purely unconscious or emotional and that systematization and logic are antithetical to it. Intuition alone could never result in the monstrous feat of borderline engineering that is a great symphony.
The theories of psychoacoustics, biomusicology and so on indicate that there are certain musical and sound qualities we find pleasing regardless of cultural bias. A trained musician would be much more familiar with these and thus able to subvert and play with them. There's a reason classical music is much, much more interesting than the various folk musics of the world.
>Theory is useless.
So you basically reinvent an inferior version of the wheel via years of trial and error, and that's somehow better than just learning how to use a wheel?
>photorealism is bad
ok tastelet
why is this a problem?
Oh look it's this thread again. People who aren't successful musicians or musicians at all telling you that knowing more/studying/analysing music i.e. music theory is bad for you or some shit because... two youtube e-celebs make obnoxious music. Cool.
Notice how almost literally nobody on this board talks about the actual music itself or actual musical parameters. How can you critique the music if you don't even talk about it? All I see is some subjective impressionistic bullshit like
>muh soul
>muh tryhard
>muh lifeless
>muh feelings
And a perfect example of this is the replies given to this perfectly reasonable question that requires actual arguments.
I bet you retards believe in 432 Hz mumbo jumbo as well lmao
meant this reply
Why do "musical parameters" (whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean) matter when the music is soulless, hackneyed garbage that evokes equal emotion to watching paint dry?
I've never seen a music school or watched any tutorials on YouTube.
This is pure untainted musical creativity.
>whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean
I'm not surprised somebody on this "music" board doesn't even know what elements create a simple song. Have you heard what a melody is, harmony, texture, timbre, form/structure etc.? Any of this ring a bell? Did you ever think for a second about what you are even hearing?
>soulless, hackneyed garbage that evokes equal emotion to watching paint dry
Oh look more of that subjective impressionistic bullshit and buzzwords that I was talking about. You realise that you are literally not saying anything, especially not about his music, apart from your own perception of the music?
Anyway, the point is that good music analysis doesn't just define the sound, it also explains it; it tells you what's happening, but also why and how. Music theory does this, it's literally a descriptive tool.
I don't even like Neely, but you people have zero ability to actually critique the music.
it's sterile, that's the problem.
And to answer this
>Why do "musical parameters" (whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean) matter when the music is soulless
more specifically: it matters because there has to be a reason it (apparently, at least to you) sounds soulless and that reason has to lie within the music itself. What makes it soulless? Is it the chord progression? The instrumentation? The tempo? The key? Or is it just because you don't like the guy? You do realise that just because an artist is either emotional or soulless, that doesn't make his music automatically emotional or soulless?
Like I am supposed to know what the highly academic term "music parameters" you just coined 5 minutes ago is supposed to mean, you are correct.
WHY do I give a shit about the chord progression if it fucking bores me to death? Why do you think music analysis matters? It doesn't fucking mean shit. I'm not gonna claim I'm an expert in music theory but I know the basics of it and I don't appreciate music any more for it. When people (yes, even musicians) listen to music for enjoyment they don't think about theory. You are confused and probably are not a musician yourself.
Also timbre has nothing to do with theory you fucking dumbass, it's sound engineering. At least know what the fuck you're on about before going on a tangent.
I didn't coin the term, it's literally an umbrella term that is used by people who study music.
>When people (yes, even musicians) listen to music for enjoyment they don't think about theory
Yes, but nobody ITT is really listening to Neely for enjoyment, are they? If an user asks a question WHY does it sound terrible, you reply with a rational answer and not an emotional and impressionstic one.
>WHY do I give a shit about the chord progression if it fucking bores me to death? Why do you think music analysis matters? It doesn't fucking mean shit. I'm not gonna claim I'm an expert in music theory but I know the basics of it and I don't appreciate music any more for it.
It doesn't matter to be honest. You can say you don't like a thing and that's that. My post was only an observation that even when an user asks WHY something sounds terrible, they are never going to get an actual musical argument, only emotional responses, which shows the sad state of this board.
>You are confused and probably are not a musician yourself.
I play several instruments, but okay. Not sure what that has to do with anything.
>Also timbre has nothing to do with theory you fucking dumbass, it's sound engineering. At least know what the fuck you're on about before going on a tangent.
Like I've said: good music analysis doesn't just define the sound, it also explains it; it tells you what's happening, but also why and how. If this doesn't delve into the area of acoustics (among other things), then you have a very limiting view about what music analysis i.e. music theory is.
Forgot to post my image as well. Notice "orchestration".
Partially this. As much as people like Jacob Collier make terrible music, someone with good artistic judgement will only be served by learning more about music theory.
Any musician with basic pattern recognition skills is already learning music theory, but a seasoned musician who actively learns and applies music theory concepts into their practice routine will be able to quickly write a part or idea that might take a musician with little theory knowledge days or weeks to find out. The end result is still hugely dependent on artistic judgement, but someone with good artistic judgement and a deep well of music theory knowledge can accomplish way more than someone with no music theory knowledge. Understanding music theory can also help you describe your own musical tendencies, what you like, and in that sense become a whole process of self-reflection.
But don't fall back on music theory to save you from your writing ruts. You have to practice new music theory concepts a lot before they start really becoming a useful part of your vocabulary. Intuition still plays a valuable role in good songwriting. It's just that knowledge will deeply serve your intuition.
The majority of people don't know, or even care to understand music theory. This gentleman is beyond talented. A virtuoso? I don't think so. He sees music like most of see the answer to a simple math problem. It's remarkable, but it will never catch on. Only music aficionados will truly respect his ability. He'll rise within that elite community. Most of us will just be amazed by his ability to play any instrument and sing well. His music is too complex for most to appreciate. It's really sad. He's creating amazingly complex music, but people rather hear a simple song with 3 chords. Simple rhythm. Verse/chorus/verse/chorus/bridge/chorus structure. With lyrics that a 3rd grader can comprehend. I love music. I'm learning theory. Jacob is light years ahead of me. Unfortunately for me, his music doesn't give me the tingles like other music does. Pink Floyd, The Beatles, Radiohead, Dire Straights, Chicago or a ridiculous Jerry Garcia guitar solo gets me going. I hope Jacob stays out of the mainstream and continues to share music that makes him genuinely smile. That's all that matters.
It's so kitsch and tasteless
Make a pasta out of this. It's correct with a clear analogy, and there's no point of explaining this manually every time
Music theory is the why, not the source. Again, I don't know why this board is so hung up theory. Another thing I notice on this board is a lack of appreciation for the many aspects of music that theory can not give answers to like timbre and feel. The board doesn't seem to appreciate rhythm so much and its sad because music is a stimulus to get your body moving. Its magical. Flamenco music has so much power and passion and its an aural tradition. You need to study with someone. Maybe its the underlined corporate nature of Yea Forums and internet in general. Theory can be sold, feel can not. You do realize so much content across all boards on 4 chan is sponsored right? Whats the theory behind a beautiful voice or a poetic words? Some things just need to be appreciated. Music isn't sports. It's great you like theory and Jacob but the object is to communicate emotions through sounds to as many people organically as possible not covince people that something is superior with arguments like theory. Thats not pure and honest. Thats fashion and people pretending to like things to appear better than others when music should unite us.
>He's creating amazingly complex music, but people rather hear a simple song with 3 chords.
I think that's pretty reductionist. People enjoy complex chord progressions when they serve an emotional function. The problem with a lot of Jacob Colliers stuff is that the emotional function of chords and harmonic progression gets lost in his mission to see how much he can pull off. Like, ridiculous chromatic chord substitutions don't really serve an emotional function in the verse of a song like "In My Room". They're completely out of place in the context of the song and sound stupid, as impressively voiced as they might be.
Conversely, a musician like Stevie Wonder might use unconventional harmony and difficult rhythms in ways so emotionally relevant and seemingly intuitive that listeners don't even know he's pulling off something unusual.
You're also missing the point though. Nobody's saying music theory is the end all be all for determining what's good music (or nobody should be saying that). Music theory is just a tool that can help you understand what you hear and ideally bring you closer to creating the sounds you enjoy. Also, music theory can be sold but feel can't? Feel is so much more marketable to an audience than music theory knowledge.
lmao this is soooo WHITE it's embarrassing (while using techniques, instruments and ethos of black musics ofc)
don't change lol
Nah, this is just something you're telling yourself to protect you from the fact you're wasting/have wasted your time.
>The only way to break the rules is to know all them first.
The vast majority of the people who have actually innovated music in the last half century couldn't care less about music theory. It's worthless. They innovate by trying to make something that sounds good through different means without any filters. They don't study psychoacoustics or biomusicology or any of those things people with meme degrees do, they focus on a sentiment and try to arrive at it by whatever means necessary. That's why kids playing with drum machines or DAWs have invented entire genres while all the dumbasses with music degrees never achieve to anything.
People who try to get into the arts through these paths *always* say cringey shit like that to justify their choices, but in the end they never have anything to show. Ultimately all they achieve is acculturation to the middlebrow values and tastes curated by limp dick academics so they can say pretentious shit to justify their failure later, and given your constant reference to classical music it seems like you're already getting there.
at 14 all i listened to was clouddead and aesop tock and shit. now i may listen to el p or cannibal ox every once in a while but that;s about it
nice LARP incel
>while using techniques, instruments and ethos of black musics
Youre speaking to someone with a degree in music and I fail to see the point youre making. In my experience older women enjoy more complex music and they don't know theory. Not to be too crass but it sounds like someone saying if you understand biology you can give better handjobs. Stimuli is simple it doesnt need explanation unless your a robot that can receive such stimuli and want to still be able to produce it. Not to be too cliche but it actually does sound like autism when people talk about theory. And the ironic thing is most people in the classical tradition are shit at theory they study with a mentor who coaches them on the tradition and how to interpret the music much like my flamenco example. It seems to be jazz guys that go too deep into thoery and beatles fans who wear theory like a pin on a coat. I mean we are going full circle look what Adam produced with Ben and their theory.
>Nah, this is just something you're telling yourself to protect you from the fact you're wasting/have wasted your time.
Oh shit I guess all those jazz and classical composers from the past 500 years have wasted their whole lives as well. Well you've solved it all, thanks.
>That's why kids playing with drum machines or DAWs have invented entire genres while all the dumbasses with music degrees never achieve to anything.
Source: my ass
Nice buzzwords too.
Yeah dude, muh jazz and classical music, always the same talk. Like I said, acculturation. That's the impulse music theory and music school gives you: here's the "proper music" I want to learn how to appreciate and play, and lose any ear or instinct for everything else. What a way to become a artist: I don't want to be part of the conversation, I don't want to innovate, I don't want to do something new, I don't want to give people unique experiences, I want to learn how some nigger pressed piano keys so I can do it and appreciate it mechanically myself as well. You're going far.
So people who enjoy pop and jazz, the backbones of modern American music, like music theory, and classical and flamenco musicians, holdovers of essentially dead genres, don't?
Hyper music theory oriented jazz may be boring and obnoxious, but at least they can write new music. That puts them leagues ahead of your average classical or flamenco musician, so calm down with your bachelors of arts in guitar performance.
This guy knows his shit, he's probably a really successful musician and/or teacher!
>here's the "proper music"
u totally don't understand at all
depends on the subject. photo realism of your mom getting rape and murdered could be cool.
I think the way the board uses the word theory is convoluted as well. Is theory to you literacy like knowing how to name a chord for better communication with other musicians? Is theory knowing what chords belong to a certain mode or scale? What is theory and how do you in your definition apply it to appreciating say the beatles as so often they come up in conversation. Is knowing john does a bar of 2 beat or one bar of 5 really make your listening experience better? Is hearing a modulation or key change making it better? I see it as a tool like hey I heard this what is he doing so I can incorporate it. But still you dont need to know the conventional taxonomy to incorporate it. If you watch gospe chop organ players they will just say oh you go up one chord and do this. They have their own lingo.
Its just words to describe things. It makes for better communication but music is imitative in nature. You dont need to know theory to implement musical concepts. It all falls apart when talking about rhythm and feel. You can't notate a swing feel or j dilla lazy drums. You just imitate it. Again its like being autistic or a computer trying to label concepts in a totally different language. Its not necessary and separate. I don't see how theory has enriched my playing or listening. It just stuff you learn along the way cause they gotta teach ya something in jazz school.
There is no ahead in life. You need to drop the idea of superiority. Its like sex. You can become fanatic. You can have vanilla sex with lots of girls or be a freak who cant cum unless he has his balls tied up and is fucking a girl in a fur suit. Sounds like a fetish to be honest. Music is supposed to bring us together not separate us. Programming yourself to need more complex stimuli is not beneficial. Its a fools errand.
You can't notate a swing feel or j dilla drum beat really, but you can recognize the pattern. That's music theory. Music theory is sometimes the terms and conventional taxonomy, but also the concept that you intuitively understand and apply before there's even a term for it. And it's not supposed to enrich your playing or listening you dip. Understanding music theory to get things done faster is about song writers and composers, y'know, the music makers.
haha I love how you had to include "or teacher" so that if I threw this back at you you would be able to say "well indeed sir yes I am a teacher!". This is the highest you can achieve you fag.
I don't care, I don't want to understand. Music is low IQ high passion, so make a quip about how I have the low IQ part figured out and then deal with this fact and accept it.
Listen to actual musicians that make popular stuff that is still interesting and you'll see how none of these people have any grasp of music theory at all. They sound like legit high functioning retards describing their creative process. It's always some shit like
>so this part here, i don't know... i really wanted something to go "braaam" you know?
>like, i remember being young and listening to joy division and i wanted some of that like... echo-y shit you know? it reminds me of being alone in my room and that's sort of what i want this album to sound like, like being alone
But hey, it works, so these idiots clearly they have figured something out that Neely hasn't. They have mental categories they want to hit, not theoretical knowledge, and you can only develop that shit by 1. absorbing art without any filters 2. spending a lot of time blasting shit on repeat 3. listening to tons of different stuff 4. associating music with experiences. And yes, you can "reverse engineer" music like one of your numbers said above, but it's a lonely process by yourself where you gain a bunch of insights and develop intuition that don't really fit any academic criteria at all. What makes a good GZA lyric? This kid is trying to figure out so he focuses on one thing, this kid on another. As they listen to more of his songs and try to emulate it, they'll develop different styles based on their own observations. But it's not something you put in a book or something you teach to a bunch of uncreative rich kids. It has zero value outside of your brain.
So we are talking about nothing here. Theory is as natural as breathing. Its unavoidable so why make a big stink about it. Just word games. I would like one of these beatle theory anons to chime in as im more interested in what a layman is trying to express when they thank theory for their ability to appreciate a boy band from the 60s
>This is the highest you can achieve you fag.
I wish lol.
Jacob collier is the best argument against race mixing
who's the dad
>Oh look more of that subjective impressionistic bullshit and buzzwords that I was talking about. You realise that you are literally not saying anything, especially not about his music, apart from your own perception of the music?
The average music theory nerd is such a soulless Japan-tier drone that they think of the feelings evoked by music as something unimportant lol
>w-what? the music reminds you of specific events of your childhood? the instrumentals make you think of people that are no longer in your life? whatever this isn't fukken theory bro
Never gets mentioned weirdly enough
Disregard that
>His father, Patrick Moriarty, is also a talented amateur musician.
this is way better
>Collier's maternal grandfather, Derek Collier, was a violinist who also taught at the Royal Academy of Music and performed with orchestras around the world. Regarding the role music plays within his family, Collier says, "We sing Bach chorales together as family – it's just so much fun."
Pretty based, not gonna lie.
>Collier is partly of Chinese descent, through his maternal grandmother, Lila Wong.
Well that explains it.
Wow this sounds like ass, the type of shit potheads who say "theory stifles your creativity bro" make.
nice troll m8
You guys ever think about just how small neely's dick must be?
He also sang in productions of Wozzeck and Turn of the Screw when he was like 8
I didn't realise the majority of people who study music are Japanese.
And I never said feelings aren't important by the way. The question was WHY does the music make you feel a specific way.
Fuck I forgot how based that opera and Berg in general is. Thanks for reminding me.
He is a total unsufferable faggot but knows more about music and music theory than basically any other e celeb out there. For that, he gets my respect.
Because it was already been done.
>ching chong chooong
whatever dude
Fair enough.
Unoriginality =/= bad as much as originality =/= good, wouldn't you agree?
To my knowledge, the worst thing neely ever had a part in composing is this
It's actually one of the worst songs I've ever heard, and probably the worst metal song I've heard
>7 youtubers, 1 song
That's horrific, but seeing Neely "djent" is pretty funny.
bro it real does
reality doesn't happen on paper^^
When it comes to harmony, music theory is unquestioningly good to know if you want to help expand your creativity beyond basic diatonic shit. But on the question of innovation in modern times, the big areas to try to be a trailblazer for is timbres and rhythms. The innovators in harmony now are the weird academic electro-acoustic and whatever has developed off of spectralism and I think no one in the broader music sphere is exactly latching on to that.
For the 'pop' sphere its more important to push texture and timbres, and that is why electronic music is more and more prominent. Listening to the video in the OP, the problem is that its some weird mishmash of established sounds over an actually fairly straightforward tune, harmony wise. Sure it has the jazzy passages but the main progression sounds like something I have heard before. And adding some wack flute playing over a middling guitar, bass and key sounds isn't really that interesting.
Lay off the pipe.
>he studies music theory and hates drugs
oh no dude you're neeeever gonna make it
it must absolutely kill this guy the song title 'arpeggios from hell' is taken
Eh I don't see how, people just latch on to sounds that get promoted the most
Trap has been a thing since the 90s in the south and it only became mainstream in the mid 2010s
And when it comes to rhythm experimentation, collier does it a ton, no one gives a fuck about his music though
is this a song or a tech demo? lmao
why is it, that every time these guitar youtubers get together they create the most sterile modern flavor of the week american metal?
Most of them have way more diverse playing on their own channels, but whenever they get together all creativity goes out of the fucking window
well collier is a robot so his sense of rhythm is really awkward even if highly conceptualized.
>He is a total unsufferable faggot
Why? Seems like a nice person to me.
this is because popular music is not the same thing as academic music.
compare with singing. it's the same as opera singing, folk singing, broadway singing and pop singing, the four aren't the same, they're based on different principles, training styles and techniques.
even within popular music, singing like mariah carey (which does require knowledge of music theory on some level in order to do acrobatics with the voice) and interpretation based singing that serves the song like bob dylan, indiefags, kpop idols, mumblerappers, madonna etc. are different. the latter tends to dominate because its a reflection of charisma and popular music is predicated on trends or musician-as-product, hence the standard of autotune and lipsyncing, not how 'correct' someone sounds. if you can combine the two like michael jackson it's great but not that common. in any case it's an ability some borg like jacob lacks, he doesn't have 'it' regardless of theory
I wish.
ITT people are making pastas.
Yea Forums is intimidated by knowledge and they're generally very protective of their favourite little hobby.
i want to punch all 6 of them
I'm not any of the people yuo're talking to, but your entire argument seems predicated on an ignorance of contemporary music and an overestimation of your own insight.
what makes you think these people with a lot of knowledge in music theory don't also listen to a shit ton of different styles of music or associating music with experiences? Its possible to have a reasonable level of academic knowledge in music and also play and listen to lots of different music the way you romantically envision your ideal artists operate.
fuck off, there a dozens of better songs than this MOR trash released in 2019.
This sound like a shill thread of sorts for this junk
>Its possible to have a reasonable level of academic knowledge in music and also play and listen to lots of different music
This, but not only is it possible, it's usually encouraged. That user obviously hasn't been around any modern academics or he's met some awful dinosaurs.
if you want to try the biggest regret in life go to music school or study fine arts. the money success rate of a lifetime career in music in arts is about 1% of graduates. otherwise you may as well just wait tables forever
people who listen to tons of different styles and tourists usually don't know how to execute one style, hence why the only 'artiste' Yea Forums has ever produced is car seat headrest (aka shit)
Pretty sure most musicians accept this fact anyway but want to go to music uni to get a deeper understanding of their art even if it costs them a lot
i was almost convinced it wasnt either until i recently relistened to early Outkast albums like Stankonia and Aquemini, who used early variations of trap beats, and fuck yes there are all these trap beats thrown into their tracks. go figure
to enjoy your retirement in poverty. i have enough friends who studied at conservatory, and theyre all starving fucks today with overtly snobby outlooks on music. fuck em & their hurbis
This is a private conversation, thank you
Too much information at once, you can't process all layers of a piece of art simultaneously. It's like how filmmakers say people don't notice continuity errors because there's usually too much info on the screen for them to process fully at once. Likewise, someone whose job is to keep an eye on those is obviously not enjoying the movie like a regular viewer. Same thing goes for music, you learn/develop/train an ear for theory and technical aspects and you're losing the pure, unfiltered experience that helps you build up an arsenal, develop taste and perfect intuition.
I never met any music academics, I don't socialize with lowlifes. This isn't speaking from experience, it's all a guess, a hunch, intuition, feeling. Not that you'd know anything about that.
>I never met any music academics
It's obvious because you were attacking an imaginary strawman the whole time.
>it's all a guess, a hunch, intuition, feeling.
Yep, it is. And intuition is wrong a lot of the time.
>Not that you'd know anything about that.
Music-making is mainly a rational process and so is analysis, sorry. Maybe read a book about psychology in art.
>Too much information at once
You do realise these people usually study this shit their whole lives? Learning how to think about music analytically doesn't destroy any emotional aspect to the experience, it can only enhance it. Stop gatekeeping.
>Yep, it is. And intuition is wrong a lot of the time.
Art is all about intuition.
>Maybe read a book about psychology in art.
Your solution to everything is to go from one meme science to another, you're a dull, grey academic in your DNA. These people don't know anything. The scientific process will take centuries to explain and debate with precision things that intuition can lead you to in a matter of years.
>you learn/develop/train an ear for theory and technical aspects and you're losing the pure, unfiltered experience
studying theory and the history of music is the same as any profession. Its to know where you stand in the lineage of things, not to fuck with other people about how smart you are. these music theory blowhards are just trying to showing off. it shows more about their spectrum levels of autism than any unique talents they think they have
Yeah and basically every academically trained musician I've ever met is like what you described, but the point is, if you're trying to be a musician you're already at a 0.0000001% chance of making it
>Art is all about intuition.
Not entirely. Like I've said: making art is mainly a rational process and this can be empirically tested. The most emotional person in the world won't necessarily create the most soulful music, but rather somebody who knows how to efficiently code these emotions into a musical language. But you are right however that this can be learned intuitively i.e. by just playing music and not by reading a thousand books.
>Your solution to everything is to go from one meme science to another, you're a dull, grey academic in your DNA
I'm more interested in reality, yes. I still switch off and do nothing but feel when listening to music I like by the way, as hard as that may be for you to understand.
>You do realise these people usually study this shit their whole lives?
Which by itself is a negative thing. This thing doesn't just hurt the process by shifting focus and priorities, it takes way too fucking long.
>Learning how to think about music analytically doesn't destroy any emotional aspect to the experience, it can only enhance it.
We just had in this thread someone say that describing music with words like Soul, Lifeless, Feelings is "subjective impressionistic bullshit" because nobody with a phd taught them about that. The *only* people in the fucking planet who can even think of divorcing music from those terms are people who study it. What an irony.
total bullshit.
>study this shit their whole lives = academia
what a faggot zoomer thing to say. academia is a means to an end of itself. its full of useless fucks that never amount to anything but educational and peer review circle jerking. thats pure gatekeeping at its finest
academics learn lots of shit their whole life to justify their existiance of expertise because they
a. lack any talent
b. can't make money in their field of business.
What? I don't have one, this is intuition, personal experience, observation. You're free to reject it but don't ask for sources, I'm not publishing a paper on this.
Holy fucking shit man, could not make it past a minute. Serial killer vibes, no joke.
>Which by itself is a negative thing.
Learning all your life is a negative thing? Okay...
>We just had in this thread someone say that describing music with words like Soul, Lifeless, Feelings is "subjective impressionistic bullshit"
Wrong though. Your reading comprehension is pretty bad or I should say that you've missed the context. It is subjective, that's true, but the user was arguing that when somebody asks why it sounds bad i.e. he wants an explanation, answering with "it's soulless" or something similar isn't explaining why at all, it's not answering the question.
I'm not necessarily even talking about people who are in academia, but rather people who have knowledge in a specific field. I actually agree with you in a way, but you can master a field and not be a part of the academic circlejerk, this user never mentioned academia in the first place.
fine then I'll just say I disagree because that's not my personal experience
Excellent way to put it.
i know 4 people who are full time muscians who are conservatory trained specialists (not a larp)
one is doing well because he has a lucky position playing in a state sponsored symphony. good wage.
the other 3 are hopelessly chasing music grants and their "dreams" by scraping by on low paid menial jobs. aging poorly and never getting anywhere.
i dont tell them to stop chasing their dreams because i'm a friend and not a fuckhead.
the reality is their not that talented, but they somehow think they are the worlds greatest most undiscovered musical talents. they're not.
i know this because i work as a studio engineer and they are always asking for free studio time & freee mixing/recording like i'm a charity
the symphony dude plays in a punk band in his spare time because he reckons it keeps him sane. he finds the "intellectuals" in his professional orchestra insufferable and would prefer to kill them all, but would lose his great music job. life's tough...
>i know this because i work as a studio engineer and they are always asking for free studio time & freee mixing/recording like i'm a charity
kek why does this shit always have to happen no matter if the person trying to get free studio time is a fucking cheap ass pothead or a conservatory trained classical musician?
I just want to say that despite the disagreements these threads are always interesting to read and so unfiltered that I learn something every time and is one of the reasons why I still go on Yea Forums
this is a highlight
ikr, whats even worse i dont even do it full time anymore. theres not alot of money in it these days - or for me either. i'm currently a working as an architect/designer by day to feed myself - which btw is a better paid job for a muso.
More or less this. Jacob Collier is just another dime a dozen very talented musician with a very developed technique who can’t write anything True. They’re seriously everywhere. His technical ability far exceeds a McCartney or a Wilson, but he can’t come up with a SIMPLE inspired idea, which is more the essence of genius. Genius is a term way took thrown around today to describe anyone with a high degree of technique, specifically acquired early. Precociousness =/= genius. Collier has yet to put out a piece which makes me cry or even come close. Did I mention his voice is legitimately awful? Not even being salty. His voice is seriously just garbage. I’d bet his audience is 80% cringecrushers.
It's his autistic upper class british accent
>a fucking vegetable
>le american face
y tho? why would anyone do this...
this sounds very similar to songs written by Prince, who was composing shit like this in the 1980s, but using different instruments and effects. not new
This is gross
Yet the first person I think of when I hear the word “Bebop” is Pat Martino.
Neely is the epitome of a hack that knows everything about music theory and nothing about its application. He can break down what makes a song work, but has never used that knowledge to create a piece with similar impact.
neely and levin are good jazz educators but shitty songwriters
Whoa looks like we got a schizoid psycho here, (nervous lol!)
It was written without passion, and mostly performed the same way. When it wasn’t composed in the grip of a certain emotion, what exactly would it convey?
Too many notes
I saw the list of names at the beginning and my better judgment took over and I closed the tab.
Larping chopless trust fund faggots
what a self-indulgent load of poop. does this guy think he is the next michael jackson?
its like a mash of 20 popular song formulas mashed together uncreatively
its just try-hard
this track just made me throw up in my mouth
this is fucking pathetic. you cant tell theyve tried to copy 10 different metal bands in 1 shitty song.
No talent, just hacks, copycats & "muh gud plaeyin technique"
Metal is for everyone
No. But sometime around 2007 or so, it became cool for Jazz musicians to exalt shitty pop music for some odd reason.
they should just move to kpop and get it over with
What if I write the same song but with tears in my eyes and a bleeding heart?
This sounds just sounds like Corey Feldman if he knew how to play.
the last minute is good, the first 2 minutes are pure, unadulterated cringe. if they could find a way to build up to that last minute without filling up a cringe compilation then this would be a great song.
Lmfao this is the best description of collier ever
All the actual SOUL is from Ben Levin.
This hits way many more notes of cringe. They even included a fucking tala exercise as part of the music.
This is a childish point to make but shit like that makes me realize how important image is to music.
Because not only I hate looking at these goofy nerds, I also get no vibes from them. It's like looking at actors pretending to play instruments, there's no feeling to any of it.
I also think that 99% of people who don't get better at songwriting with experience simply don't have that knee-jerk disdain for their work that drives improvement, and as shallow as that is, being image-conscious is one of the ways you can develop that, as you'll want songs to fit an overall aesthetic which just helps give it some ... purpose I guess, instead of feeling like you're just checking all the technical boxes of what constitutes a song.
Ben Levin actually makes good music though.
No he doesn't. Yea Forums has no taste in music, let alone youtubers.
>The theories of psychoacoustics, biomusicology and so on indicate that there are certain musical and sound qualities we find pleasing regardless of cultural bias
Blatantly false solely on account of the musical diversity between and even within cultures. You're also misappropriating psychoacoustics, the discipline exists solely as an attempt to quantify human delineation of acoustic phenomena and makes absolutely zero aesthetic judgement, much like the other aspects of psychophysics.
I don't think you would
>Shiny Eyed Babies (2014) , 7/10
Thank you master basedman
>those vocals
>that finger snap on the volume swell
Are you fucking crazy? His singing is cringe his rapping is cringe. His album about a man addicted to masturbating trying to rekindle his relationship with his estranged daughter however, very based.
a teenager who has been fucking around with ableton for a few months can make something that sounds better
They weren’t getting enough attention.
are you suggesting the way the human mind processes sound has nothing to do with shaping a human's sense of aesthetics?
His resemblance to the merchant meme us uncanny.
If you don't like this, you're a pleb. Actually a pleb. This is the end product of music theory and it's beautiful.
Hey I'll do It for him, give me a topic
Aw man. The bump limit has reached. Man, this thread grew so quick. Best thread I ever made.
>Best thread I ever made.
I made this thread. Why are you trying to steal my merit in an anonymous board?
Not as good as Gentle Giant, Cardiacs and Magma.