Jane says trans rights.
Jane says trans rights
How the fuck was the "says trans right" meme suppose to help the trans community? Do these morons actually think spamming retarded sayings will help their cause?
>he come to me with money in his hands
I am against trans rights. I just think it's about high time for normal people to show the freaks who's in charge.
>normal people will kill the freaks
>uses Yea Forums
We’ll die too nigga, still kill trans though
I am for trans right and would just like them to not feel like they have to confine themselves in conventional trans roles. A naturally wimpy gay or butch woman shouldn't feel that they have to identify as another gender just because they feel they don't match up to the alpha archetype of whatever gender they are
>How the fuck was the "says trans right" meme suppose to help the trans community? Do these morons actually think spamming retarded sayings will help their cause?
transgenderism has a pretty much 100% correlation with autism.
idk it worked for right wingers
Modern neo nazis would 100% be gassed by Hitler
What meme?
its not about mindlessly repeating things, it's about harnessing the human instinct for hatred and negativity.
no bro we'd be best buds goin jew hunting and listening to schlager in our vw beetles down the autobahn
That's not trans rights, you are for human rights. Trans people are inherently anti-human, actual progress is the elimination of gender roles and the ability to recognize every person is an individual and that your sex only dictates which side you are on when it comes to procreation. And since most people aren't even procreating these days, that has become pretty irrelevant too. Trannies are out here constantly telling people their brains should be scanned at birth and based on what it says their entire life should be decided for them by big daddy government.
If someone wants to live that way, what right do you have not to let them?
The right of Providence. Jesus made Adam and Eve, which means that these are the natural form of humanity and the only way it can continue.
Because they want others to live that way you retard, they are authoritarians, forcing their ways onto other people against their will. The libertarian argument doesn't apply. I am the libertarian here. I think gender does not exist and sex should only be recorded for procreation purposes, if you opt out of that, it needn't be a thing either.
yeah lefties have an issue channeling that, but i see the effort
Graduate 3rd grade yet, Cletus?
You can't be a libertarian and want to suppress people who don't conform to your moral code. That sounds more like...fascism.
and you want them to live your way
I was wondering how you were both this retarded but I realize you must think I was this guy I have only made these posts
What right do they have to presume upon being au familiar with the needs and desires of the opposite gender?
I'm a Libertarian and my moral code does not apply to another Individual because they have god given rights, so what other people do is none of my business as long as it does not affect me. You are an embarrassment to our ideology. Find a boot to lick dickweed.
they are doing just fine, the problem is they mostly channel the hatred and negativity at themselves and their fellow leftists.
I feel like you have no idea what words mean. You certainly don't know what a libertarian is. I am for more liberty, you are for less.