remember that time a super open minded intellectual nuked his own interview by calling the interviewer's buddy a racist just because he wears a cowboy hat? i do. FI is literally just rehashes of old music and this right here is the explanation why, they used to have brains and use them, now tool are the literal NPCs they cry about in their songs
Remember that time a super open minded intellectual nuked his own interview by calling the interviewer's buddy a racist...
Other urls found in this thread:
respect it or not that's the word people use to describe them
realistically i think they probly have a collective iq of about 78
but maybe i should just turn my phone and my TV off and go walk around and talk to a stranger and ask them stuff because a bald dude on youtube told me to
didn't he rape someone?
>3 years between Undertow and Aenima
>5 years between Aenima and Lateralus, or between Lateralus and 10k Days
>8 years between Undertow and Lateralus
>13 years between 10k Days and Fear Inoculum
literal fibonacci right there
Tool came from 90's Los Angeles. Don't be surprised that the people who spent a sizable amount of time there left with the political equivalent of HIV. I don't care if individual Tool members think orange man bad, they make good music. Hell they even did a song about how insufferable LA is.
imagine ever thinking you're an open minded progressive when you call people racist based on their hats. that's tools problem man, they're literally just as stupid as everyone they criticize but they completely lack any self awareness. no wonder their music is so fucking boring
Get a fucking life, Maynard. Nobody cares
And stop raping children
I vaguely remember that from the interview. Wasn't he just joking? Plus there are plenty of pictures with Maynard in a cowboy hat. He wore one on stage during the 10K days tour
"i interact with black people all the time" is not the way you want to go if you're accused of being a racist. it's one step above "i have a black friend though!"
can you imagine the absolute disconnect from the world it takes to say openly, in front of 2 million people, that someone is racist because they wear a cowboy hat.
i fucking love that joe made him say it again, i was gonna be surprised if he let it slid. mjk is a serious fucking retard for saying that about someones friend right in front of them
he was definitely not joking, he played it off as a joke because joe made him repeat himself, and he played it off as a joke to dissipate the awkwardness like a 13 year old dude who just got rejected by his crush
except these are black people he legitimately trusts his life to black people, lives with them, often at his expense, trains with them all day, you need to dilate there sir you're way out of line
Tool is simply cringe music in the same way the Bill Hicks was cringe; poor quality art
is it really just trailer park pseudo intellectualism?
Pretty much
okay I'll rewatch that clip and see if he was serious. Maynard purposely makes himself difficult to read.
The interview was too cringe so I never finished it, what happened? Rogan throws his friends under the bus all the time (to much worse degrees than just calling them "racist"), I highly doubt he cares.
it was 100% an under the breath shit talking comment, on donald cerrone, by name, that he visibly cringed after saying, and got even worse after joe said no say that again, and when joe said you're out of line it unironically looked like mjk was about to burst into tears and shit his pants. goddamn that was the cringiest moment ive ever seen on jre probably ever
mjk tried to make an under his breath comment that donald cerrone is probly racist, realized it was a dumb fucking thing to say, and joes friends with cowboy so he made him repeat himself clearly, he tried to play it off like a joke, joe said he was out of line then showed some mercy and moved along with the interview, but you could tell he was pissed about it and nuked the rest of the talk just bullshitting about anything except the new album
Kind just a quicker way to dismiss. Am I supposed to give you a whole spiel?
can't find it. Do you have a timestamp or at least a general idea of where in the interview this is?
it's at 8:05, he even says he won't repeat it but joe makes him
the part where he cries about how cowboy would want him to apologize for a literally baseless and derogatory claim. really shows the kind of guy he is kek
I had to look up Donald Cerrone. So he really thinks this man is racist for wearing a cowboy hat despite the fact that there are tons of pictures and videos of Maynard in a similar style hat?
that's the excuse he gives "im jealous of his hat". he literally doesn't even apologize or take it back, joe's the one who said "he'll probly think you're joking" after mjk asked him if cerrone would want to kick his ass about it, which he definitely could
>Shit talks a cowboy hat then whips out a fedora
Jesus christ TOOLtards
didn't he say something about great gatsby shit? does he not know he looks like a walking naked mole rat?
Maynard is passively aggressively calling Rogan racist for having Cowboy on his show, so Rogan passive aggressively calls Maynay a douchebag for the hipster hat he brought, and then proceeds to disallow any promotion of Tool. Good for him. Maynard is the epitome of a douche
what I don't understand is why people feel like they have to produce evidence of themselves having black friends in order to escape accusations of racism? It's such a red herring.
in fairness it seems like Maynard just wanted to make the album announcements then proceed with the conversation
Goddamn the first few minutes of this was awkward as shit
damn, that's exactly what happened. power play by rogan for sure. wtf was mjk thinking
because racism is the new original sin, you have to somehow prove your innocence of it rather than an accuser prove your guilt. it's very interesting the way the marxists have manipulated identity politics. it'll pass though probably, the way the left treats racism and homophobia rn is the way the right treated communism 30 years ago or so, it'll come back around
I mean what are you supposed to say? Get into a dialog on systemic racism because of baseless accusation?
I purposely avoid that trap. You've already lost if you say "b-b-b-but I have black friends!" Of all of the Tool shows I've been to I maybe saw two black people. Does Tool promote systemic racism because their music is largely appealing to white people?
definitely not that. Am I racist because I don't actively seek out other races of people to befriend and instead just befriend people that I have things in common with without race being a factor in why I'm befriending them?
Maynard is a serial rapist pedophile. He rapes 8-10 year old boys anally as part of a sex magick ritual because he believes it gives him power
>2019 getting trolled by boomer MJK
Because most people are retards. They don't understand yet that the correct response to being called a racist is ask for a definition of racism that is actually a bad thing but still includes you and not them. The people throwing around the word racist and the people getting called racist and freaking out are currently both just upset over the word because it's taboo, neither of them know what it means in the context that it's said.
Its not trolling. He really has become that ignorant and spiteful
This was so hard to watch, idk if joe ever had a more awkward autistic guest on
I mean the second option is what people usually mean when they have a black friend or whatever. Youre treating it like this semantics game, and thats why people are annoyed by it
how autistic do you have to be to get on someones podcast and baselessly call their friend racist, i seriously don't understand
Who did he imply was racist?
donald "cowboy" cerrone, a ufc fighter that joe is pretty good friends with and has had on the podcast numerous times
Just seemed like he said a joke that seemed way funnier in his head, blurted it out like an autist. I don't think he really meant much by it
dude he clearly wasn't joking, never said he was joked, complained about how he would have to apologize, and had to have joe smooth past it. he unironically considered cowboy a racist because of the way he looks. the irony is hilarious
Stop making threads about this douchelord. He was just projecting on Cowboy his own feeling: Maynard is afraid of blacks. He's a gigantic faggot, please cease new threads with his faggot face
>never said he was joked
Because that ruins jokes
>complained about how he would have to apologize
because apologizing for jokes is retarded
He's always had that douchey dry sarcastic sense of humor
dude he was very. very clearly not joking. nobody took it as a joke. it wasn't dry humor, there was nothing funny about it. he just said yup that dudes racist. thats not a joke. there's literally nothing funny about it
the more you respond to this, the more people will troll u, monkeybrain
it isn't funny, because it's not based on anything logical to be a joke where one could laugh at it. what he was really doing was slyly interjecting his protest of rogan for having cowboy on the show as a guy who fits the 'joke' stereotype. it's a complicated exchange there where maynard is just a giant pussy and wants to confront joe on why he has "racists" on his show, and he finds this cheap delivery system but then backs off because he has no spine.
Maybe Cowboy really is racist
well im clearly kidding cant you tell by my dry humor what am i gonna have to apologize now?
Chad /heem/ poster
throw that Bob Marley wannabe motherfucker out of here
since when has he been a bob marley wannabe
>it isn't funny, because it's not based on anything logical
There is humor in the absurd though
Since we systematically removed him, like you would any kind of termite or roach.
literally nothing fucking happened hahahahha get a life
except its not absurd, it's very clear to everyone involved that he quite literally connotates cowboy and people like him with racism, free of charge, in his head. he did nothing to suggest otherwise. nothing in that entire exchange was funny, it was just one petty coward making a jab at an interviewers friends and then backing away when called on it like a fucking roach
Well it isn't an absurdist comment he made, though. He knew very well he was making a snide comment, and Joe picked up on the meaning. The point I'm making is that there is no humor in how he presented it, logically-speaking. It's a nasty thing to suggest, it isn't funny. If it was intended as a joke, he wouldn't shy away from it, he'd laugh
you are picking apart a regular conversation between two friends.
nothing happened
i don't know what the fuck kind of passive aggressive snide ass friends you have, but no it definitely isn't
>he'd laugh
MJK has never laughed once in his entire life, but he's always making snide sarcastic remarks.
clearly you have no friends
Everything happened. It revealed so much about Maynard's character. He's a cringey fedoralord
so that was the smoking gun... lmao
people who accuse you of being racist aren't your friends pal
imagine needing to defend to maynard about this
the fedora indeed was the smoking gun
so Tom Segura and bert aren't friends? They have a running joke about bert being racist
see but they're actually joking, mjk here was not
Maynard is a boring, pretentious cunt who has very little to do with Tool's complexity.
The most interesting part of him is that he sings in front of gifted musicians.
When does he say this? give me a time stamp
He can say what he wants to, even if he's not serious.
Whether it was serious or a joke, Maynard is still an unbearable cunt and this just made it worse. The fedora was just icing on the cake
you are coming off as someone who's mad at the world hahaahhahahahhah fucking loser
>h-he can't insult my m-maynard!
There's also a moment in that interview where Joe touches on the topic of having a daughter and something about how scary it must be knowing how guys are.
Pretty awkward because of the whole thing with him fucking 17-year-old groupies via elaborate vetting process of vetting young audience members.
younger than that. and little boys for ceremonial sex magick.
wait what? plz explain im not big into tool
The "ceremonial sex magick" part checks out.
The "little boys" part is a dishonest and unhelpful distraction from the core issue, which is that Tool is trash and their PR shills should go back to plebbit.
i know some things you don't know, and believe me that he rapes little boys as part of his crowley cult's rituals. it will come out sooner than later
Mind blown
And 1 yr between opiate and undertow
Basically for the past 25 years, it's been common knowledge that Tool, like many occult-inspired rock groups from that era, would send their staff through the audience at concerts to pick out teenage girls who are "Maynard's type" and give them a special version of the aftershow pass (pic related).
lol wtf? is there a source on that cuz it sounds made up
if they had balls it would have been albums per year
they have the least balls of any band to ever exist. fucking babymetal has more balls than these geezer columbine shooters
Based Maynard
This is 100% true if you go down that rabbit hole.
Someone recently dumped screenshots of tour reviews that mentioned it from the early 2000s.
Examples are not hard to find.
what fucking boomer ass website was this posted on lmao it looks like total bullshit
not really. based would be girls *wanting* him but he has nothing but accounts of girls feeling creeped out, thinking he's rapey and him saying things like "you're not like other girls!" when the girl walks out after discovering him naked and wanting to get away. definitely not based. if you're a tool fan you probably knlw someone who was put in this situation. it's why maynard refuses to meet fans. gross
If you can't pick out a piece of fuckmeat and take her backstage after the show what's even the point of being a musician?
where's even a link to the interview
I think it is more tarnishing of a reputation when his entire schtick is being this modern day sage that has reached enlightenment through study of the occult and the use of hallucinogens. Instead he is a dirty bald insecure manlet who preys on his fans.
Nah this is about girls genuinely wanting to meet the band with boyfriend and friends, and then being separated and forced into a situation where sex was expected and they were utterly disgusted. And always picking underage girls. He's a pig.
Review archive at
It's where all the boomers used to discuss their theories about Maynard's turds being pyramid-shaped fudge nuggets.
>boomer me this
>boomer me that
>anything pre-2007 is "boomer"
Okay, as a lvl29 wizard apprentice, how do I get into this shit?
>discuss their theories about Maynard's turds being pyramid-shaped fudge nuggets.
made me chuckle. I enjoy the music, but this is very true.
I would agree but it’s the Joe Rogan show so I imagine some part of old Maynard just wanted to watch the whole thing burn.
Okay but Cerrone is a trump fag and trump fags = racist soooo where was he wrong? lmao
its the newest one he did with joe rogan
im not giving that faggot any clicks
i have never gotten the "old manard was based and crazy!" meme, he has always seemed like an insufferable pretentious pussy, the kind of kid that wears BDU tops as a jacket and draws the edgy S symbol on all his notebooks. and i like tools music
It kind of died down once everyone realized that
>10k Days is not a decoy album which would be followed by a "proper album" later that year
>mixing the two Wings songs and Viginti Tres does not yield any secret message
>there is no actual puzzle involving the album artwork
tool is the sort of band that unironically believes their own bullshit, while simultaneously trying to deflect criticism of their bullshit world views by trying to pass it off as satire. anyone past the age of 22 should see through this sort of schtick, it's why i stopped being a fan of keith buckley. that dude is high on the smell of his own piss
joe lets all kinds of retarded shit slip.
anyone else catch him totally ignoring it when that one comedian in the gillie suit pulled some shit out of his ass about a super advanced radar system called Pristori because joe misread the name prinston and the radar in quesiton is actually a SPY-1D from the fuckin early late 80s? its the one where joe is in an astronaut outfit, somewhere around the 30 minute mark.
what the fuck are you talking about my friend
>early late
i had a stroke, Late 80s
i never watch his comedian shit, joe is not a funny comedian and his taste in comedians is usually just as bad. i like tom segura, but only on stage. the idea that comedians are just funny all the time is just proof people will consume the lowest levels of any art form
im just saying that comic completely made some shit up on the fly like he knew what he was talking about and joe caught him dead ass lying and just was like unphased. very weird moment.
it would be duncan trussel saying bullshit, watching him talk about float tanks was the cringiest fucking shit i swear
Yeah but some of the comics are not on there being funny at all and offer profound insight about many topics. They're people. You're being narrow-minded if you think all they are is funny people and that that's all they offer while talking for hours. I mean re-read your post, you just owned yourself.
or they out themselves as making shit up like they know what they are talking about reflexively and you can never take them seriously again.
>all they are is funny people
actually i don't think any of them are funny, they're almost all universally unfunny, unoriginal beta males with complexes
Dont you fucking talk shit about the S symbol motherfucker I will shit in your mouth
Remember that time that OP didnt know what the fuck he was talking about? There were 2 fighters that came out and said Cerrone called them "niggers" MJK's not a casual like you; he's actually friends with some of the fighters like Holly Holmes and Cat Zingano
>There were 2 fighters that came out and said Cerrone called them "niggers"
sure he did
That wasn't the comic Duncan Trussell that said that, that was Jamie, Joe's tech guy. And all he said was literally that the Princeton radar was really advanced, he just called it something else because he misread it. You're fucking retarded
check out Duncan Trussell btw, he's cool
i thought it was duncan, ether way the Prinstons radar is ancient.
>the S symbol
also its not even a radar the prinstion is decrepit aging USN Cruiser.
whats up duncan. fuck off, your comedy isn't good and you're the worst person on the podcast. im glad you had cancer
I CAN'T BE RACIST, I HAVE BLACK FRIENDS is the most common racist deflection.
you can't have black friends if you're racist. or do you not know what that word means ya dumb nigger
fucking zoomers
>you can't have black friends if you're racist
Why do you think it's always the Stacy Dashes or the Milo Yiannopolouses that get paraded around? It's always "I know you're a minority, but I'm gonna ignore that fact because you're agreeing with my dated ideologies really hard right now".
Actually, this is proof that boomers have a critical mass of NPCs propagating the edicts of their boomer overmind. Fuck you, boomer.
Maynard rapes children