I miss vaporwave so fucking much bros.
I miss vaporwave so fucking much bros
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it hasnt gone away my guy lol
crazy how the peak of vaporwave was already 7 years ago
Me too, user. Me too.
What are some decent recent vapor wave records or artists?
Same. Blasted some on my speaker while I made bacon and eggs this morning.
Death's Dynamic Shroud, George Clanton (and his side projects), Telepath, Saint Pepsi (although that's more future funk), even Haircuts for Men
There's a lot of shitty vaporwave that just slows down an 80s/90s song and adds reverb, don't listen to that.
The best vapordave is yet to come.
Check Windows 96.
Does this mean post-vaporwave is on the horizon? What kinda stuff will that bring?
post-vaporwave tried to be a tag on bandcamp for years now. i dont ever see it getting off the ground
Check Vapor Memory.
I'm currently addicted to Windows96. Especially his most recent album, enchanted instrumentals and whispers
George clanton is like the most basic distilled normie entry tier vaporwave.... it's not even good
every other vaporwave artist is a twitter warrior so pick one
The guy I was replying to asked for vaporwave, so I gave an entry-level artist. What's the problem? 100% Electronica is a good listen.
Windows 96 is great. Their new album was good ambient vaporwave, still prefer 100 mornings.
NEURON check him out on soundcloud
Telepath is the best ambience in the field, Luxury Elite is really cool if you're in the mood, and other than that Vektroid, Catsystem Corp., Whitewoods and Phoenix #2772 are the best things I've found. Best to just illegally download a bunch of albums and just listen to them at nighttime
Only came into this dead thread to just say that all of you idiots have the most basic shit taste in vaporwave and for people to not listen to anything they say. They are shills for their labels/artists themselves. Vaporwave is dead and they helped kill it. It's a corpse that is being picked at by vultures. Let it die or take heed against the mainstream 'vapor' artists: Telepath, George Clanton, Nmesh, DDS etc are all anyone ever posts in these useless, pointless threads and they are mediocre, overrated shit.
I only came back to Yea Forums after being gone for months to see if anyone was even talking about music, and surprise, they're not. Nothing has changed and it only gets worse. Vaporwave threads are the worse they have been or ever will be and Vaporwave as it started and should have remained is long over. All that remains are the vultures and people (stupid teens, etc.) that have no idea what they're even doing or what it should mean getting involved.
Fuck you all. Choke on your shitty vinyl records.
PS: Pad is a cunt and so are all the main labels (Infinitipool, Neoncity, Dream Catalogue, Sunset, Orange Milk, etc)
you should subscribe to pad chennington
Va:10 on my pet flamingo, new cat corp\telepath collab, looking through sheets - broken transition, new ahero
Pad is a cunt but don’t you dare call DDS mediocre
A lot of sad boi rap culture is using vaporwave elements OP. It's not completely dead.
Embrace Future Funk homie, specifically Yung Bae
Uninspired garbage tho
kys retard
>has only listened to the uninspired garbage
>thinks thats the entire genre
kys tourist
fuck that guy
It's still around and well alive, I have a thread up rn about the new dds album. 2814 came out with an album recently too
listen to epson
fla.mingo, sangam, fm skyline, lacon