Yea Forums please recommend me more THOTPOP like this:
Yea Forums please recommend me more THOTPOP like this:
First time listening to her. I like it
FKA Twigs and Kelela
Also, this
art hoes are going to age so terribly. it's going to be hilarious. used up and washed up sagging roasties. no children to call their own.
it's Slutcore, zoomer
it's dreampop, the difference being it's made by Tumblr hoes
their aesthetics are EXTREMELY similar
There are plenty of people who live happily without children lol
an entire generation that has been sold that 24/7 instant gratification is the way to live. they will regret it.
do you live a pleasureless life?
no, I just know how to balance my dopamine levels unlike you art hoes and cumbrains
>t. pseud
don't necessarily disagree with your sentiment though
I'd fuck her to be honest family
everyone is a pseud to you
shut up faggot lol im not doing mdma every morning my dopamine is fine
Try debbie harry
Our world is shit because ppl like you keep reproducing. that makes me not want to bring my children to this awful place
Like this?
Nope, just faggots like you.
Why is Rina the only good current Pop singer?
then why are u so depressed all the time?
Can you please stop posting trannies? thx
she’s pretty good. aluna is ok sometimes too.
fucking clones, is this what people consider dream pop nowadays? fuck me
sooo thot pop is cool but thot trap is where it be fellas
Genre suits women better desu
>24/7 instant gratification
like when incels goes in murderous rampages when they can't fuck EVERY girls they meet?
>have cyberpunk aesthetic, the same shit used & re-used since +3 decades
honey, it's just stale and _passé_, really nothing to be made about