WTF I hate Morissey now
WTF I hate Morissey now
not this shit again
I cannot fucking wait until morrissey dies because people who disagree with me politically deserve personal threats
now let me tell you why I have the moral high ground
>the last unwoke pop star
quite the opposite actually
When will the phase 'woke' go away?
THE FIRST TO DO TIME, THE FIRST OF THE GANG TO [spoiler]check 'em[/spoiler]
He's actually the wokest pop star
. How can you listen to this shit? Pleb. Go listen to tool instead.
Why do people keep bullying Moz. He did nothing wrong.
extremely based post. Smithcucks btfo.
He does not conform with the singular way of thinking society tries to push, therefore he is the enemy.
He stated the obvious fact that human beings have a natural inclination toward keeping with their own tribe.
AKA literally hitler
when racism goes away
wtf I didnt know morrissey is jewish
Racism will always exist because it's part of our human instinct. So never. Shame.
America, your head's too big
Because America
Your belly's too big
And I love you
I just wish you'd stay where you is
When the helicopter rides start.
isn't it cultural appropriation?
When woke idiots go away.
nice trips
And literally Muhammad Ali:
"A sparrow wants to be with a sparrow. A robin wants to be with a robin."
So never?
>the post millennial
>pitchfork format
>implying zoomers are woke in this way
i fucking hate conde nast
He's assuming the preference of others and then generalizing. That's not very smart.
>"human beings have a natural inclination to breathe"
>hurr durr how dare you assume other people's preferences, stop generalizing them
literally this
Wokeness is a spook
wait I didn't bother reading the article is it pro or anti woke
Yaaaasss king slay
>not woke
WTF I love Morissey now
when something more obnoxious comes along
Him and Billy Corgan are pretty much the only non faggots in music. What is it about bring against eftist faggotry that is so damn appealing and cool??? That’s the real counter culture punk rock attitude instead of being a sheep that rides the woke wave to show you’re one of the good whites and virtue signal every chance they get
spooks can be useful social shorthand, in this case we all know it represents the social value divide in America but we don't want to type that out every time
What about Roger Waters? Being anti-Israel might seem way more "rock attitude" than being anti-leftism like Moz
every other hipster in the big cities is anti-israel
yeah nobody really gives a shit except christfag boomers
being unwoke is a good thing
wow tool is so good huh danny Carey eat my asshole yumyum yum
I want Maynard shit on my chest and I'm gonna ruin every thread by talking about the new tool album that sounds like the last tool album that came out
morrissey is more centrist, he's kinda racist against arabs/south asians but he leans left on a lot of stuff like lgbt, environment, economy
when you wake up
the only true arbiter of wokeness is how much you agree with this
I Cannot Fucking Wait Til Morrissey Dies
>3rd rate mc ride ripoff liked only by fantano rich white kids
When Moz dies he'll be remembered forever unlike this balding meme hack
Someone wake him up!
peggy will drop a classic within the next decade
suggesting Veteran wasnt a classic
what has he said that's racist again?
How is wanting to preserve British culture racist?
Most people aren't woke. Not even the people who write about it. It's all bullshit for hate clicks and money. People are making money off turning others into mindraped extremists. It should probably be illegal.
Centrist is shorthand for "not woke enough to sit at the cool kids table"
When blacks and blacks-by-proximity-wh*toids aren't dominating music and pop culture
It’s not British culture if it’s only white men
I suppose Zimbabwean culture needs to include whites in it as well
ahh no sweetie. Britain is for the anglos not just any second rate white
fuck u m8 - wojiecj czrzrzwizski