Whats some BIG DICK music?
Whats some BIG DICK music?
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why the fuck is the top half of hte bottle colored in
Never noticed this before
this is why. The pic was made to see who looks at her boobs and nothing else
the first thing I looked at was the weird nose
this says a lot about our society
Big Black, of course.
Songs About Fucking is an essential big cock staple
yeah i'm an LA driver, got a need for speed
i had a heart once, now full of material greed
yeah, i'll rock my strut like i'm the alpha dog
though my cognition is in a london fog
forcefeed me those raw eggs, i'll scale those stairs
i'll shoot the shit with the barflies without a care
i'm the best i've ever been, you'd be wise to buy stock
ego bolstered by the bitches when you've got a big cock
yeah my heart is empty but my stomach's churnin'
boozed the night away, yet still i'm yearnin'
for some real connection past valley girl inflection
doesn't matter if they swoon when i walk in their direction
yeah just make an appearance like a proper scenester
flit eyes at drunk miniskirt queens heard yonder
i'm no party animal, but i'm not just talk
bitches look at you reverently when you've got a big cock
big cock, yeah
this whole song is an ego trip
i care not, yeah
It says a lot about how nice boobs are*
that too
Redpilled and based.
That we live in one?
It says more about art. All images have a focal point that draws the eye. Large breasts are normally a focal point in any image they are in because i want to suk them i want milkies
Who is this pale milk giver?
Dyscarnate is full of Testosterone
Those are nice tits for a man
some weeb mexitrash
Who the fuck is this girl? She’s posted like twice every week
actually if you look at the lower part of it, it's been colored in as well
Type O
gg allin
bump cause I’m still trying to figure out
>agrees with nice boobs
>posts a boobless loli
>trump hat
How many layers of irony?
The objectively correct answer
Maybe someone's name was written on it?
it doesn't retard
her asian boyfriend is behind the bottle and op couldnt handle a amwf couple
stop trying to tempt me im 5 days into nofap
Best I can do at this time is big balls
This, don't know why it took so long to be posted.
heres a link youtube.com
because Yea Forums forgets this board is about music too often
well her face is pretty mediocre I ain't lookin there if she had a pretty face I'd have noticed sooner