What the fuck was his problem?

What the fuck was his problem?

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not this shit again

>Henry complains a lot. He acts like it was Vietnam or something. You're in a fucking rock band! Like wait a minute. It's not that it was easy and all this and that, and sure and this and that. But to me, I look back at it and well, I had a ball! We were in a fucking rock band! And I'm gonna whine about that? You know, sleep on a floor. Big fucking deal. Like I can't sleep on a floor? What, am I gonna snore improperly because I'm on the floor? What's gonna kill me? It's like get over it, guy. You're in a fucking rock band, and this isn't the jungles of Vietnam. And to pretend that it is, is a little bit scary. It was a blessing! It's a privilege, you know? You know, if he had went to Vietnam or something, you know what I mean? It's not like he was called to duty. But it was a fucking rock band. Get over it! Go catch up on your sleep and on your way. You know?

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get in the van

Pretentious, pseudo intellectual, phony liberal, etc etc

>I've seen some things man. And some stuff

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Grew up with single mother.

good ol Greg "theres another dollar in here somewhere" Ginn

He needs to eat blood. But he is trying to detox.
That's his problem, man

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Mom says it's my turn on stage

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based af

Unironically white men

Pay the band Greg

deeply closeted, beta insecurities, etc

Give him a break. He saw his best friend get shot in the face.

You'd think that would make him a hardened man, not a beta male who works out a lot to make up for his naturally sissy ways.

all i get from that is that greg ginn has a fixation with the vietnam war. he probably had a father who was there and filled his head with stories. i'm projecting here but it feels accurate

>Rollins is childless by choice and says that he has not been in a romantic relationship since his 20s
That's his problem.

He's quite clearly autistic.

The other thing is that in all fairness to Rollins he was the lead singer and Ginn was in the background

He's a narcissist. He once went on a comedy radio show and insulted stand up comics (not knowing he was on the air with one of the most quick witted stand up comics who quickly reprimanded him and made him look silly) claiming his spoken word bullshit was something better, when it's not, that crap is fucking awful....him, Corey Taylor, and Scott Ian should all be executed for that shit

>tfw childless
>relationship status - never

I kinda wish I didn’t have crippling anxiety to spew shit in everyones face.