After a couple more listens it's grown on me a lot and I can now say it's AOTY. Like all their albums, it has simply required more than one listen for it to truly click. Invincible and 7empest are as great as any Tool song at their best, and Tool at their best have always been a slow burning band.
2019 AOTY
It keeps getting worse with every listen for me, just like 10,000 days did.
>Tool releasing AOTY
That's a yikes from me dawg.
Yep, but I am looking forward a version of Chocolate Chip Trip without the fruity loops on top.
Second day listening, still shit... When will it be better?
not gonna happy kid
when you clean the wax out of your ears
30th of August
>fruity loops
actual modular synth programmed by Danny. Every been to a Tool show lately?
AOTY in 1996 and 2006.
Undertow had the misfortune of being released in the same year as In Utero, Siamese Dream and 36 Chambers, and Lateralus is second only to Is This It? in 2001.
But then to be fair, earning the title of AOTY in 2019 is pretty low hanging fruit when the most acclaimed albums are by garbage like Ariana Grande and Billie Eilish whose music is aimed at little kids.
I thought about that... Im fucking cursed for pirating it early
>10,000 days
cmon dude
>An album with Vicarious, Jambi, The Pot, Rosetta Stoned and Right In Two on it
>Not god tier
Cmon dude.
>e most acclaimed albums are by garbage like Ariana Grande and Billie Eilish whose music is aimed at little kids.
[citation needed]
yeah 10,000 days is garbage compared to Ys
I can relate to this.
Citation for what?
I really like whole album, espacially Culling Voices. Tempest does not click with me.
even you could do something like that
>Soundtracks For The Blind, Upgrade and Afterlife, All The Pretty Little Horses, 330 003 Crossdressers exist
>The Drift, Ys, Silent Shout exist
>Pale Bloom, Arrival!, New Brazilian Funk, Simian Angel exist
Listen to more music
probably the bit he quoted i would think, that arianne grande and billie ellish are representative of the most acclaimed music in 2019, which is total bollocks
the clipping's cause of a bungled rip, right brehs? ;_;
The new Tool album is six rehashes of Schism and one rehash of Third Eye. There, I saved you the download.
this is the first album in years that actually seems to get worse every time i listen to it
oh FUCK dude i haven't listened to silent shout in so long
i'm not even being a dick or whatever, i've been trying to listen to it, but it's like every time i do, a bit of the novelty rubs off and it just feels lame and soulless. maybe it's been too long and i simply don't care about tool as much as i did 13 years ago. and maybe that's ok
>one rehash of Third Eye
which one is that?
Can we all agree Reflection is the best Tool song?
The final track reminded me a lot of Third Eye. The rest of the new album is just self-plagiarism of Schism, The Grudge, Parabola, etc.
They're never making anything as good as Lateralus ever again.
I was in the same boat, Listened to it on the freeway and suddenly it did. Autistic statement of the day from me, its not a good "sit still" song if that makes sense, was dope soundtrack
Seemed more Undertow era to me
This is the most accurate description. It all sounds the same now. I mean that one song is cool...but they have really just devolved into something that sounds like a bunch of drunk metalheads jamming in the basement. Undertow will always be the best. It's a perfect album except for that faggy part w Henry Rollins
>Oh, new tool song
>Open on YouTube
>As expected, 2 whole minutes of stupid syncopated sounds, with redundant bars and adding little on each 2
>Close the tab
Tool was a literal marketing ploy, the same as mine inch nails
Hardly anyone liked the sound nor the edgy shit, but journos shilled the impression that liking them made your music knowledge superior
A literal 2deep4u marketing gimmick
i've never listened to tool. what album do i start with
Would start with songs not albums: 46&2, Schism, The Pot, Stinkfist, The Grudge, Right in Two. Then go on to full albums.
>garbage like Ariana Grande and Billie Eilish whose music is aimed at little kids
Shut up boomer
Melon collie or vitalogy
Most of their really long songs change a lot so I disagreed. Pushit, Rosetta stoned and lateralus constantly change.
Can someone recommend songs similar to "Hooker With A Penis"
it's almost as if that's their signature sound
>not mentioning wings pt1 and 2
cmon dude
How do we fit Fear Inoculum here, guys? I would add a blender linking to all latest 4 albums.
Band of disgusting pigs. Maynard is a pedo rapist of young boys
It used to be my favourite song with Wings part 2. Now it's top 3 with Descending.
Literally every song on Ænima
Same. I think I like Culling Voices best so far, followed by Invincible and Descending. Maybe 7empest will take a few listens, but I honestly don’t think this album is as good as their previous four
it's soulless Lateralus
there, I saved you listening to it.
What this guy said but also listen to Undertow and Opiate
I've listened to their entire discography (and I've been listening to Aenima all day). I meant songs by other artists. Hooker With A Penis is heavier and more aggressive than most Tool songs and I want more music like that. Wikipedia claims the song has elements of hardcore punk and thrash metal, so I'm probably looking for something within those genres but I have no clue where to start.
Stop raping children, Maynard
There’s a reason this album is so critically acclaimed. Kickass entry level thrash album
I'll listen to it, thanks. I've only listened to a few scattered tracks by Metallica previously.
Make a line off 10000 days that says “too exciting, I want every song to sound the same”
>and Lateralus is second only to Is This It? in 2001.
Out of all albums you cod have vhosen to say beat Lateralus in 2001,you choose Is This It??! An embarrasing post.
You listen to Pantera at all?
That's every album now. I'm trying to find a good way to declip it.
The chug chug chug chug chug of Invincible I can fuck with though tbqh
God damn this album is fucking boring compared to everything they've ever done. It's a slow album with zero payoff.
I’d maybe give them a shot. Here are a few to start but they have a lot of good tracks
try some swans
10,000 days is a good album and only brainlets buy into the meme that its not.
It is objectively better in every way than lateralus.
>people can't possibly have different taste, and if they do, they're idiots!
this is the worst meme of them all
Corporate Sellout Trash.
Tool are no different than Imagine Dragons.
amazing take
Theres no such thing as selling out anymore
aside from 96 you have exactly 0 valid points
this is not even regarding tool albums: you have shit taste and you should feel bad even spreading these ideas anonymously
>Corporate Sellout Trash.
well now I've got some advice for you lil buddy
>t. TOOL management
worst shilling on the board right now, worse than billie or clairo
Yes hello this is Tool's manager. Please buy their album, it's good. Please get the word out to the rest of the degenerates on this japanese jerkoff board, maynard and the boys need new yachts.
stop shilling, it's obvious and pathetic
I hate this board, too, the song Fear Incolum sucked though. Not even gonna listen to the anything else of it.
Its not about taste at all.
Obvious and pathetic, those sound like Tool lyrics. Speaking of Tool, are you aware they have an album coming out on August 30th? Be sure to pick up a copy.
Hooker with a penis
Tempest could literally be 10 min shorter and have the same impact
Chocolate chip trip is the most creative track on the album and it’s hardly even a song.
After 10k day sleeper and now this, Tool have OFFICIALLY lost their touch
You autists spreging too much about some generic rock band.
how is it not? 'album is good' is an opinion, regardless of whether you think that's true or not. there's no objectivity to stating anything is good, since 'good' in itself is not an absolute to begin with.
I was going to check it out until this wave of relentless shilling began, this marketing campaign that will attack Every Single Post that is critical of the album, and has to control the narrative at all times on the board. It's obvious, it's disgusting. I'm totally turned off by it, the music has to be awful if you need to shill it this desperately
>closer track of (probably) final album is the album's designated "angry" track (which Jerk Off/Swamp Song/Hooker with a Penis/Ticks & Leeches/The Pot were on the respective previous records), which will be interpreted by saying "hurr orange man bad" by most
>interpreted by
*interpreted as
i'm not super into the album, but it has its moments. while i pretty much hated fear inoculum on its own, it definitely works a little better when played as part of the album. it's also not a good benchmark for the rest of the songs by any means, almost all the other tracks are better
Maybe it's not for the developmentally disabled?
>the pot is designated angry track of 10k days
>not right in two
also, while it is more about the general state of disarray and corrupt politicians and whatnot, it's definitely got a little bit of 'orange man bad' on there, since any rational human would agree that 'orange man bad'
This. Shilling is out of control. Band members themselves in every thread losing their shit over criticism, unable to deal with opinions
hi, maynard
>thinking Yea Forums is still relevant enough for pr reps to actually post here instead of realizing it's just a bunch of stoners circlejerking an album that they've been hyping on the sidelines for 13 years
yeah, it's not 2012 anymore
Lol terrible deflection that only shills use when caught. Anyone who knows anything knows the board ia filled with shills when new albums are about to drop
>orange man bad
>maybe we shouldn’t be importing hordes of openly hostile third worlders
Which one is “any rational person” more likely to agree with?
>take 13 years to release album
who's looking forward to their next album in 2032?
I've heard it multiple times already, and I've gotten it stuck in my head already but it's just a decent album. it's not AOTY, its not a great album, it's not THE TOOL ALBUM EVERYONE WAS WAITING FOR. it's above average, sure, but we live in a time where average is some spoiled rich girl singing about boys or a black guy yelling really loud.
>First listen
>Every song feels the same and has the same slow-ish but rolling tempo with no real breaks inbetween and no emotion
>Three listens in
>Songs now feel richer and more diverse, album starts getting good
>Six listens in
>Can't stop listening to it
Well. This is going to be a good week.
Can’t wait to listen to it while looking through the album art and the video in the packaging. Looks nice desu
i don't doubt that there are shills, but tool fans just needed one excuse to come out of the woodwork. this board has always had its fair share of them, and now they're just coalescing more. it'll die down once the album actually comes out. it's still laughably paranoid to assume all of it is shills, especially for a band with as big/dedicated a fanbase as this one
Muh ya gotta listen to it a bunch to 'get it' shilling has been done too much for this album. You guys are too obvious. Fuck off
You can tell howfake these threads are because nobody shares links and you boomer shills don't realize nobody can listen to this
well considering one of them is based on speculative racism and has no bearing on reality, i'd say orange man bad is still the more rational option.
the 'openly hostile' people come in with passports you idiot. whether they bribed someone or got them with all the money they make selling drugs is neither here nor there, they're not the ones actually risking their lives to cross the border
Yeah. I'm glad we got something good. Yes, it might not be an instant all-time top tier classic but holy shit... This album feels like drizzle and rain after the longest drought
if they do make another album it'll probably be 5-6 years at most. this one took so long because of lawsuits/injuries.
there have been links in like 3 of these threads, but the wetransfer and two of the megas have already been taken down. keep up
nice try, shill. except i'm not stupid to believe you're gaslighting
LOL torrent the fucking album you loser, what the fuck?
i know it doesn't matter what i say, but thanks for the laughs dr. schizo
>larping that the average mu poster torrents albums
you guys are really bad at shilling
100% what shills say, every time
>torrenting albums
slsk and direct downloads are way better options though
helmet's betty is prob the closest equivalent to harsh tool
so you're a narcissist who thinks he's cracked the code because he calls people shills and thinks their denial is proof?
I don't understand these shilling replies. Are you not able to torrent files? Do you not wish to? Why can't I post that I liked this album?
This is like concentrated "don't enjoy things" serum. Only found on Yea Forums
Listen to the band Wire
Right in Two is mostly quite mellow, only towards the end there is some uproar music-wise. Contrarily, The Pot's lyrics maintain an aggressive tone all the way through the track, similar to the previous albums "designated angry tracks".
You have to admit the shilling is pretty bad for this, the threads have been fairly obvious to anyone who is used to seeing this with new album drops from major bands. Acting like it's paranoid to call it out seems weird, unless you're a total newfag
it's ok, i liked it
I literally only came back to Yea Forums because of the Tool threads. I kinda stopped visiting around 2017 though I'm active on another board.
I'm the opposite actually.
It's not even about whether "orange man bad" is reasonable or not. The point is that the closer track of what probably is Tool's final album should carry a way more universal and abstract message than being just an overly long angry track shouting at some politicians.
I was expecting a Reflection type of ending too. Maybe they truly lost their touch.
typical shill. you have an excuse for everything
just tell your boss you got exposed
Anyone else has the feeling that if one were to cut the instrumental parts of each song and cut them into about a dozen per song, then play them all at random, it wouldn't make much of a difference?
Are the lossless ones legit, or are they just "lossless" reencodings of the MP3 ones?
Yes. The album is full of identical riffs and moods. Compare this to Lateralus where each song had it's own distinct character. Like Schism is completely different to Lateralus and The Patient is completely different to Reflection.
We had a foreshadowing of this on 10k Days already, a lot of meandering and recycled motifs there also.
When did you schizo kids turn up on mu exactly?
i imagine he's a /pol/tard since they tend to fall for conspiracy theories pretty regularly
Fuck, now I'm sad because I've waited so long for this album and I truly hopef it to be something special. I should've of known after 10k days that their magic is gone. Maybe I just grew up but there's something missing on FI that made Tool such a unique and exciting band.
It's fucking good you cringey fucking contrarians.
You can still hope that it'll all somehow make sense once the 7 minutes and 28 seconds worth of segues are released.
Its so fucking boring like holy shit. None of the songs go anywhere and are just 10 minutes of gyitar arpegios with Maynard moaning in the back.
MBDTF>Tool's entire discog
I am also feeling this way, but more so.
it sounds like lateralus had a waterhead baby with 10000 days one tried to flush down the toilet, which didn't work cause of its big head, so you had to pick it out of the toilet to throw it in the trash
What was the post you replied to saying?
It’s fucking great. All you negative faggots had me worried, yesterday.
>no one bad has ever illegally crossed the border
this is a good example of cognitive dissonance.
it was a photo of john lennons penis
They do like many bands like them do (NIN springs to mind) become an institution. They are no longer artists but simply doing what fans expect from them. Churning out things by the book that have worked before.
>i have no reading comprehension
>the 'openly hostile' people come in with passports you idiot. whether they bribed someone or got them with all the money they make selling drugs is neither here nor there, they're not the ones actually risking their lives to cross the border
notice the mention of bribes and the fact that having a passport doesn't necessarily mean it was acquired legally. sure, i could have used a 'for the most part' in the last sentence, but i figured you'd be smart enough to get that i wasn't speaking in absolutes. guess not.
the difference between me and you, is you're speaking on pure moral conjecture, and i lived in el paso for 22 years. you're absolutely delusional
>Marketing play
Have you ever even listened to the discography? Trent is a sperg who's consumed by music, and the albums evolve. Edgy? Sure, but how the fuck is it a marketing ploy?
Unironically rekt. Fag's 15 years late with that meme
I like IGOR
>t. hasn't listened to anything past With_Teeth
Who that broad
even the lyrics say "calm b4 le torrent cumz"
what is he on about
no, the difference is you operate on baseless assumptions/generalizations, and you speak in absolutes. that's just not compatible with reality
>people are upset that its inferior to 2 10/10 albums
The fuck did you expect?
Why do people hate 10,000 Days?
Second listen put me to sleep, and not in a good way like Mezzanine. First listen I thought at least Descending or Sevenempest had some value but it's all mediocre the second time around
Fear inoculum is basically 120 minutes of a tool jam session and oh yeah they’re in their 50s. 10k was good but not a worthy successor to lateralus. They shoulda quit after lateralus
i speak in experience, you pull out of your ass and deny reality. faggot
>120 minutes
I'm sure someone will correct you but the album is such a slog that it definitely feels that long.
Whoops. 1 hour 20*
I've been listening to Tool since I was like 12, in 2002 or so. I went through the Lateralus phase for years, but honestly now I'm over all the tryhard math stuff and pseudospiritual shit. Even Maynard himself said Lateralus the song was a bit tryhard of him and a "dick joke" . I think for listening enjoyment now that I'm a matured 29 year old man, Lateralus is at the bottom.
You know, even thought I pirated it early, I still intend on buying it when it comes out. So, really no one loses out. No bad mojo here.
maynard tries to deflect all criticism of his own navel gazing as a joke. it's because he's a coward that is too afraid to actually state what he believes in, because that would require conviction that he doesn't have. so he pretends to be cryptic and vague to avoid it entirely.
I agree with that. I've seen and heard plenty of interviews with him and he pulls the cryptic and vague bullshit all the time as if he's actually some quiet genius (he's not) but what he said about Lateralus made sense.
what he really said was, that was the most important song ive ever written, i fucking am smarter than you guys, but im not going to say it, because i'm a pussy
Subsequent Tool releases were improving on one another up until Lateralus. 10k Days was considered to have broken that trend and thus a letdown.
Oh I see, thanks
expectations are the best mood killer. just listen to the albums and decide for yourself.
10.000 was my first tool album and I liked it that's why I never got the lukewarm reception it's gotten
same here actually. Lateralus quickly became my favorite but the 10,000 days hate has never made any sense to me at all. and i think Fear Inoculum so far for me slots in just behind Lateralus and just ahead of 10,000 days.
because it's not as metal and hardcore metal fans are traditionalist neckbeards. Same reason they hated Sunbather
It's when people started realizing that Adam Jones can only play one riff and stretching it out for 10 minutes or more is fucking exhausting. And the Lateralus 2.0 label fits 10,000 Days well
huurrrr corrupt politicians god I'm smart
Aenima>Lateralus>10,000 Days>Undertow>FI
FI that bad?
To them, yes. Listen to it yourself and see what YOU think about it. I enjoyed most of it. Chocolate Chip Trip was a wasted slot for a complete song, in my opinion. Solid 9/10 for me.
No, I like it, I just think the rest of their albums are stronger. It may surpass Undertow with future listens
>1/7th of the album was a "wasted slot."
>the album is 9/10 good
How well did some NIN tracks from 2005-2007 age where Trent was basically being butthurt about Bush? Should the possibly final Tool song suffer the same fate?
it's just a 5 minute segue trying to max out the 80m cd limit. I'm sure the other 3 segues weren't in there for a reason.
>I don't like it so it must have no value other than occupying space even though occupying that space isn't necessary at all
Ok, 6/7. Better?
>1/7 of of a Tool album tracklist can very well be much less than 1/7 of the album's actual running time
what a surprise
CCTrip is incredible
>what a surprise
I hope you die in some kind of freak explosion involving confetti.
That segue is actually just 1/18 of the total running time of the full album (all 10 tracks including the yet unpublished ones).
Merkaba, part two.
No! According to these guys it should be 17/18. Change it back.
i fucking love cctrip, one of my favourite tool segues. close to merkaba for me
You do realize that Tool tracklists at least since Aenima were more or less heavily inflated by listing short segues/intros/weird shit as separate tracks?
>if you dismiss the segues, Aenima is just 9 tracks instead of 15
>if you consider EBA a part of The Patient, Mantra a part of Schism, Parabol/Parabola and D/R/T as single tracks, and ignore Faaip Oiad, Lateralus is just 7 tracks instead of 13
>if you consider Wings/10k Days and Lost Keys/Rosetta Stoned as single tracks and ignore Lipan Conjuring and Viginti Tres, 10k Days is just 7 tracks instead of 11
This time they basically did the above to begin with for the physical release, save for that one wierd track.
In 3 years, the main thing people will say about this album is "Chocolate Chip Trip was the only worthwhile track." Screencap this.
So basically there's fewer tracks on this album than all the previous ones.
except Merkaba was long and trippy in comparison to CCT
Given that there's 6 proper tracks and 1 or 4 (depending if physical of digital release) segues, that seems to be that case.
They could have easily inflated the track list by separating some quiet/slow intros or long instrumental codas into separate tracks, but they chose not to for whatever reason.
It hasn't fucking come out yet.
Kill yourself if you think 10k days is bad
>advocates for mass genocide of non-retards
Who are you talking about? I never did that
Gee, can't wait to hear another album where Maynard just half-asses and trys to sound like Puscifer because he was too retarded to take care of his voice. I bet him pushing 70 by the time they deem it worthy to record will also improve things a lot.
Bros I need help
What’s the time signature at 5:55 in Descending? During Maynard’s last verse
Is this meant as a portmonteau of "pussy" and "Lucifer"?
Chocolate Chip Trip is the only song on this 6/10 that isn't a soft rock dronefest.
just finished. maynard had one foot out the studio while recording descending. all that energy from the live performance was missing. invincible still sounds really good, tho. 7empest is overrated as fuck, and culling voices will be the underrated track. same with pneuma.
7/10 at best
No. It's one of Maynards two other side bands and very likely one of the reasobs these hacks took 13 years for seven tracks because this littke diva is too busy making wine in Arizona and trying to be le weird guy with his Puscifer side project when he isn't le emo long-wig guy with Perfect Circle. Fuck Maynard. He was always Tools weakest link and the most replaceable.
so all their other albums I love are?
>It's one of Maynards two other side bands
That I know. Still, he must have had some kind of intent with that name. So, is the above most likely?
what is it even meant by this
But that's not how things work
>slow burning
>He was always Tools weakest link and the most replaceable
Without the Maynard cult this band wouldn't be able to move any records. I don't particularly think he's good but the weak link is objectively Adam
this is the dumbest thing i ever heard
You’re just a plen bro, unironically end your life
Album is good, it just doesn't blow me away
- why is maynard so absent on each track? Descending is among their best work but it feels a little unfinised because of this.
- why are there so many recycled guitar parts from previous albums?
>-why is maynard so absent on each track?
He really doesn't wanna be there, all the interviews he's given over the past few years basically make Tool seem like a financial obligation
>why are there so many recycled guitar parts from previous albums?
Because Adam Jones is a hack
Branch off from 10000 Days "I would like to hear a mashup album of just these songs"
No, its pussy fur
First listen was a solid 8/10 for me. Wouldn't be surprised if it makes AOTY.
start listening to 7empst from 12:20 to the end
if this track was more of this, it would be one of my favorite tool songs.
that being said, pneuma is easily the best one that wasn't released early. album descending somehow sounds worse than the live version.
I must have fucked something up with transfering this album to my phone, so i never even heard that part. I didn't like sevenempest at first but that just made me cum in my britches
The cover art has slowly grown on me BOIZ
7empest seems like an homage to older Tool in a way, it doesn't seem to overly fit with the vibe of the rest of the album but I still chimped the fuck out when it got going
Anyone can confirm the rumor about the hidden disc inside the CD case?
Listening for the first time i must say i dont like the production the guitars sound so harsh and too upfront imo.
please tell me where slow burning became a neckbeard meme? instant gratification should be the neck-beards thing, internet/video game/porn addiction, microwaved chicken nuggets, fast food for dinner every day, and < 3 minute pop songs
>album descending somehow sounds worse than the live version.
It's funny that you say that, because I found it was the exact opposite. Any reason for that?
>Any reason for that?
at least for me, it sounds more metal during that alabama performance. perhaps it's just the rawness of being live, or the fact that I've been listening to it nonstop for months now.
on the flip side, I prefer the album version of invincible over the live version. weird how that works.
Well I also prefer the album version of Invincible, but mostly because it has an additionnal small solo that I've never heard in one of those live versions. But otherwise it's pretty much the same.
As for Descending, I found that the added vocal effect do add a bit. And the solo is more interesting because it's two guitars and not just one.
The cool ass guitar solo part with the gong sounds way better live, i think it's maybe too clean on the album or not loud enough. i can't exactly narrow down what it is
I'm definitely enjoying my fourth listen but if I'm being completely honest it feels like each song doesn't really have their own personality. They don't feel totally distinct from one another
Every tune on Aenima feels different. Every track on Lateralus is its own thing. This is also true of 10,000 Days. Jambi sounds nothing like The Pot. Stinkfist sounds totally different to, I don't know, 46&2.
Descending feels just like Invincible IMO. Pneuma seems way too long and almost indistinguishable from Culling Voices. The only tune that seems to stand out is 7empest, and I don't know if that's just because that song seems to make the album come alive for the end.
Maybe this'll change on further listens. Even 10,000 Days has had 13 years to percolate in my brain. Or maybe it's just way too hot where I am and I'm just getting over a cold so I'm not in the right frame of mind.
I agree with the feel of similarity. most of the songs blend together and are almost indistinguishable at parts. But for me Fear Inoculum actually stands out, I guess because there are different sounds in it. Also Pneuma feels more memorable than 7empest for me, since the latter kinda sounds like rehash of Jambi and Rosetta Stoned. Culling Voices is just ok I guess, but I feel that it's a grower. the res with the exception of Chocolat Chip Trip are just ok for me.
Overall it feels like there is less creativity and outgoing than even in 10,000 days which was really cohesive despite having diversity in sound.
Will it be out in physical stores on Aug 30 or will they start to send it out to stores on the 30th and they get them the next day or so?
I want to buy the CD but I'm not sure if it will actually be there on the 30th
>Implying Tool ever did anything better than Sing to God and Ys
it's what we do
audio engineers program synthesizers - read liner notes you fucktard
All the songs have soft intros with buildups. Just a different construction than most other tool albums. Also if you listen to album as whole, the album goes softest to hardest final build up. I think most people that don't like it wanted something in your face right when you hit play like The Pot.
I always get the feeling die-hard Tool fans never listened to 70s prog like Can, Faust, or early Brian Eno, or never listened to prog metal like Devin Townsend, or never listened to post-bop like Charles Mingus, or afro-jazz like Fela Kuti, or hard bop like Art Blakey, or post-punk like Killing Joke or Pere Ubu, or post-metal like Jesu or Neurosis, or industrial like Einstürzende Neubauten, SPK, or Test Dept., or mathcore like Converge, etc. because they just sound so bland and tame, even compared to their own contemporaries like NIN. So to say they're so mind-blowing or the greatest thing ever at least seems to indicate the listener has no idea what else is out there.
I'd say he prog nerds that have infested and make up a lot of the die-hard TOOL fans now is why we'll never get something as unique as Aenima or Lateralus. Prog nerds are the worst. TOOL rose in popularity because of that and embraced it.
Go listen to Swans and be men, ya nerds.
The expectations are insane, but justified. Consider the evolution up to 10,000 days and how varied that album was. Now consider that everyone of their albums has at least two songs that are agressive and corrosive feel to them. Starting with opiate their most angry and in all honestly cringy and immatre release which is full of edgy songs, Undertow with Disgustipated which is one of their more experimental and bluntly anti religion songs, Aenima, Lateralus with Ticks and leeches, and 10k with Vicarious and Rosetta Stoned that while not exactly angry, is very wild and multilayered.
In all their previous work they've had really strong moments and crescendos with everyone just banging and Maynard "AAAAAAHHHHHHH" is in almost eveyone of the albums, and somehow maintained diversity of sound while sounding like Tool. In this one, it's a very cohesive effort, almost too cohesive. A large part of them sound very similar. There's no "bad" song, but they blend in way too much. fear and Pneuma sound great in context because the rest of the is so congruous, with the Chocolate Chip Trip being the exception.
ive listened to it 3 times so far. its total garbage.
> I don't particularly think he's good but the weak link is objectively Adam
>Because Adam Jones is a hack
Yep, sad too because he really does drag down an otherwise good band.
Imagine caring about the opinions of people on this board who think 10k was bad
Based. 10k Days is still the best Tool album
I like Swans, ISIS, Neurosis, Irreverisble. Those bands are just not as consistent to scratching my balls as well as Tool does.
I dislike Devin Townsend because it feels bland to me. I also dislike Converge because it sounds like Metalcore and I can't stand that genre. I'll definitely add some of the bands/artists you quoted to my "to-listen" list.
I don't believe that Tool is the greatest shit either. That would rather be Vektor if you ask me. It's just the one that, for whatever reason I can't pinpoint, I like the most. And no one actually manages to sound like them either, from my experience.
Lol dumb thot got what she deserved
I've listened through the entire discography of:
Devin Townsend
Porcupine tree, and Steven Wilson in general
King Crimson (prog rock just feels contrived to me, to the point it becomes hilarious. It has to be done right to be good, King Crimson and Pink Floyd are the only worth prog rock bands and I've listened to Yes, Rush, Caravan , Genesis, Can, VDGG, EL&P and all the big bands and none of them are good imo, only King Crimson and Pink Floyd.)
And I think Tool are and sound better than all of those bands Except for Pink Floyd and King Crimson
Also except for a few of the artists you mentioned, you must like a lot wankery incoherent nosese just for the sake of it being weird.
Its just a matter of taste m8.
Neurosis is boring
Lmaoing at that dude trying to sound special and mentioning a bunch of bands from diferent genres while no one of them are objectively better than Tool.
10,000 Days at least had riffs. This, so far, is boring as fucking shit. I'm only on Pneuma and I already want to stop.
Stop shilling, you disgusting child rapist. Nobody cares
Maynard rapes children
7empest sounds like some Avenged Sevenfold bullshit bros. It's over for Tool they're done.
the only slightly good part of the album is the
>acting all surprised when you're caught in a lie we know better it's not unlike you
in 7empest
Tempest is really good. It fucking shreds. But Descending is the best imo, that middle part holy shit. Heard it live a month ago but this is even better. Culling Voices is a beautiful track too. The only one i dont like is Pneuma. Way too long.
Comes out on the 30th
Be sure to get the one with the screen and charge cable!
cant wait for the interludes. one of them leaked and it sounds cool.
>one of them leaked
Came in the thread to say this, so yeah FPBP.
Albums generally always grow on me, this one doesn't. On 10k days I still listen to Rosetta Stoned and Jambi occasionally, but FI is turning to be just sad and uninteresting.
>Close enough so I can smell you.
>I need you to feel this,
>I can't stand to burn too long.
>Released in this sodomy.
>For one sweet moment I am whole.
What happend to good Tool lyrics? Ever since 10k days Maynard has been all about contrived retarded shit.
Maynard anally rapes young boys
I say fuck yourself fuck yourself
You piece of shit why don't you just go kill yourself?
>no one of them are objectively better than Tool
Most of the bands he mentioned are better than Tool in one way or another, the thing is it's hard to compare Tool to other bands because most "alternative metal" groups have the sense to not write 10 minute songs when their guitarist plays at the level of a 12 year old.
Hi, Maynard
Recent Neurosis yes. Heavier Neurosis though I can't buy you saying that about.
Of course, I will!
It means spirit.
Fuck off pathetic shill
Stop raping kids, Maynard
The drum sound is so fucking good on cctrip
Is a rumor about a disc inside the case. Is needed to broken it. Is so crazy, but original. Is like the hidden artwork on Undertow case. (Sorry for my english).
>Disgustipated which is one of their more experimental and bluntly anti religion songs
say what? i dont see it.
as far as Christianity goes, opiate is by far the most uncomfortable to listen too. id know because i am christian and it bothers me, but that song is a 10/10 if there ever was one. the ending of it sends me through the roof all the way to the moon
hello fellow tool fan, what country to you live?
Howdo you feel about Maynard's satanic cult rituals where he anally rapes young boys under ten years of age?
Not him but the preacher thing in Disgustipated is pretty ridiculous. Then again just about every metal band put out an anti-televangelism song, not sure if it's anti-religion as a whole
What's the best song on this and why is it Invincible?
Does he get special powers from doing that? Might be worth it if it's good enough.
CCTrip because it's the only thing that sounds different and isn't 10 minutes long
doesnt bother me.
he has needs, i like do
never realized he has a giant centipede tattoo. fuck that is kinda cool as far as a tattoo goes, i had a giant asian centipede as a pet when i was a teenager. it was absolutely terrifying and disgusting bu really cool. i still have a relly horrible centipede nightmare every year.
my God shut the fuck up already, the only rapist here is you, goddamn retard, no one fucking cares shut the hell up
CCTrip is the GOAT.
In what language does "pneuma" mean "spirit"?
Kinda right. If they would have taken that and added a couple of riffs it would have been 15/10 but actually it's really similar to Merkaba which is a decade old. FI and Pneuma are pretty distinct though so those three are standouts for me.
its an ancient greek term I think.
>the CD that comes with the album package is now considered a "secret bonus item" because nobody these days knows what to do with a CD, and the MP3 download coupon is what represents and constitutes the music release to them
>Merkaba which is a decade old
user, I don't know how to tell you this...
Fuck, i saw one of those teens react to cassette tapes videos and half of them legitimately didn't know what it was or never saw one in person before. Made me feel absolutely ancient. I still have my cassette and big ass cd collection on display and organized, got my original tool cds, lots of rare/handmade grindcore and black metal cds and of course my prized gerogerigegege's. My opiate cd (one actually manufactured in 1992) still plays without skipping and sounds great. How long does it take for a disc to deteriorate and become unplayable?
yeah yeah more than a decade I know.
Kek. Aw fuck I didn't catch that... Arrghhhhghgh t.t
Something like two decades I think (a live recording was released on Salival in late 2000).
why does he look like that? it's a little bit harder to enjoy tool knowing the singer looks like such an ugly edgelord.
The clipping is just in the vocals at some parts, right?
he's an honest quirky cunt
The mohawk isnt real. He is just a bald guy who wears jeans irl. He has looked drastically different every few concerts for like 30 years of touring.
Also, undertow hillbilly Maynard is best maynard
he sold his fucking soul to make a record dipshit and you bought one.
Hong Kong cop
Why would they opt for a small shitty Chinese screen packaged in a cd case? When they could have done a much better UX with a interactive website or app?
Heyy fuck you buddy
>muh physical media
it's just kinda cool to have.
money, you stupid fucking moron
>implying the same people that buy a $50 cd wouldn’t pay the same price for an app + flac.
No they wouldn't, that's why this particular decisions was made by a team of marketing and distribution professionals.
What the fuck are you talking about you stupid fucking moron. You have no fucking idea about purchase behavior you fucking dumb shit.
this, Descending best and Pneuma too long and boring
Holy shit. Listening to album first time now. Just finished pneuma and paused. Daaamn I loved it, the last third of the song sounded like something from at the heart of winter by immortal, except if immortal accidentally got too stoned and sleepy. It was fucking great.
So far
Fear inoculum -7.0
Pneuma - 8.1
Havnt listened to anything so far except FI a court times, invincible and descending I haven't heard. So far it's really cozy, warm and hypnotic, but also gets me pumped up and rock my head back and forth with the heavier/build up shit. Loving it so far.
I call bullshit on this one. Why would Adam want you to BREAK the precious packaging that took him months to come up with??
Descending is the best song. Are you there yet?
The preorders in my country (in Europe) are $100.
Is the album supposed to have some sort of coherent narrative?
>FI - liberation
>Pneuma - enlightenment
>Invincible - depression
>Descending - desperation
>Culling Voices - paranoia
>CTT - psychosis
>7empest - rage
wheredo you live? fuck that's expensive
>Germany: 85 euros
Europe has ripoff prices for this album unfortunately.
damn tough luck. youll find it cheaper in a few months im sure? im lucky i am american (puerto rico) so only $50 for me. i can buy two copies and ship it to you for cheaper than 85euros
Fear Inoculum - 7.5/10
Pneuma - 8.5/10
Invincible - 9/10
Descending - 10/10
Culling Voices - 6/10
CCT - 7/10
7empest - 9/10