Hey Yea Forumstants, haven't been on here since like, 2015. What's changed? Y'all still like the money store?
Hey Yea Forumstants, haven't been on here since like, 2015. What's changed? Y'all still like the money store?
jaja que??
aeroplane over the sea
money store
american football
pet sounds
kid a
what a year, dude
not a lot, just everything
Trip culture is dead here
>What's changed?
the lead singer from Chvrches almost makes this board gets cancelled
a female artist named grimes become spammed and hated through this board
Bowie died
Bon Iver tried to release his own version of Kid A
Paramore went full 80s and now we like them
Lil Peep died
XXXTentacion died
Mac Milar died
We like Slipknot and Tool now
and we hate every single album that was Yea Forumscore at one point
Archers Of Loaf
Drive Like Jehu
US Maple
all made comebacks
people still listen to her? holy shit, dude. i hated seeing her disgusting greasy face years ago and i can't imagine seeing her unibrow now.
>Bon Iver
wait they still exist?
>Lil Peep
>Mac Milar
Mac milar is dad????????
at least John Lennon is still alive
Personally I still like TMS as I listen to music in a vacuum.
The greatest bands ever are
>The Velvet Underground/Lou Reed
>The Beatles
>The Smiths/Morrissey
>Brian Eno/Roxy Music
The greatest albums of all time
>The White Album
>Queen is Dead
>Chocolate and Cheese
>Tiger Mountain
>Twin Fantasy (mtm)
Just my opinions
hi user, welcome to Yea Forums
what's the chvrches story
Death grips is shit. The new patrician music is avenged sevenfold and woodie guthrie.
In 2019 98% of all threads are shitposts.
Oh hi, OP!
Brandon made a thread from a new MV and a bunch on incels posted on it calling Lauren a slut for having her hair wet, someone send that thread to her which make her getting extremely angry and tweet about why this shithole was such a sexist web
don't forget
>a rapper named 6ix9ine was shitposted the 24/7 in early 2018
>idles is not our most hated band ever because they are leftitst
>Taylor Swift went full edgelord
>she apologized for that a now she wants to pander into black people and gays
>Eminem released his 2 worst albums ever
that's all what i can remember, i only joined here since late 2017
get a load of this fucking nigger
>Twin Fantasy