What do you think of Destiny's piano playing?
What do you think of Destiny's piano playing?
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i cannot even begin to tell you what this did to my brain
go on
literally who
destiny he plays piano
hes really not as bad as he makes himself out to be
wish he'd start doing composition challenges again and make his music more integral to the stream rather than him playing shit tier games like minecraft with his boring female fwb
I hate this manlet pedophile
Judging by his face, probably some final fantasy shit
Everything about him makes me want to punch him in the face
why salt retard
squadW boys
mr mouton is a FAG and CRINGE
like comment and subscribe
isn't this the guy that got blown out by Nick J. Fuentes?
He BTFO’d Fuentes what are you talking about
>inb4 hello Stephen
If anyone thinks he got btfo by Fuentes and not the other way around they don’t have a brain
he btfo booger nick
rem btfos destiny’s bussy on the reg tho
He looks like he takes a strap on
Jesus fucking christ, this guy sounds so obnoxious and pretentious
Lol as if destiny fanboys would never admit that he lost an argument.
They did admit he got killed by Dawson and Metocuck
Name a single argument Nick gave that Destiny didn't successfully argue against.
Dawson just talked for one hour about random shit. Watch the Dawson debate again. Literally every prediction he made he was proven wrong with.
>implying Nick gave any arguments
Nick made the argument that "Hispanic immigrants are nothing like the European immigrants of yesteryear - not in any sense." Destiny then recited an objectively true historical description of European immigrants in the early 19th century - except he edited it by substituting the word "Hispanic" for "European". He asked Nick if this was an accurate description and Nick said "yes".
That's how you lose an argument real quick.
I'm not talking about Nick. I'm saying that destiny cockholsters will literally never say that destiny lost a debate therefore their opinion his debates doesn't matter.
sorry i meant late 19th, went into early 20th
wowiee this whole thread needs to be nuked from planet earth
On the converse, as someone who doesn’t like destiny, which debates that you watched has he won?
I don't have to say anything. You tell me what debate you think he lost and then give me some examples in the debate where he didn't successfully argue against the point. Show me a single btfo.
t. nigger 4thot or mulatto nigger mouton or kikenigger dan
lol I don't watch that fag but he obviously won against JonTron. Everyone knows that.
It's supposed to be about his piano playing. It's not my fault.
>Show me a single btfo.
How about when he ragequit against Naked Ape, little cockholster? You don't do that if you're winning, that's for sure!
so how can you say destiny dickriders say he wins every debate without even watching one of them and seeing what happens
Only if you lack all nuance and understanding of differences in humans. Destiny already got wrecked in the race realism argument by alt-hype and JF Gariepy.
post some quotes friend
>Naked Ape
that kid's voice is like the physical embodiment of /pol/. easily one of the top 10 funniest voices of all time
Here are a few interesting articles on Hispanic immigration.
Hello manlet faggot destiny
How can you listen to this shit? Pleb. Go listen to tool instea
what does that have to do with what i asked for
does he have a disability
look at his head to shoulder ratio
it's a good summary of their arguments about race realism and immigration. plus it's not in a live debate format so they're not extensive and detailed. I hope you're actually interested in truth.
So you can't pull up any quotes of where Destiny loses an argument is what you're saying.
Today I will remind them
Are you kids serious with this shit? Valuing the perspectives of these nerd-king nobodies and getting on Yea Forums to "debate me bro" about your shillnet-shaped political opinions? This is what beats out genuine real life connections for you? At least there was some humanity that bled through when kids used to escape to 4ch. You nerds are acting flesh and blood bots without any payroll, not even hot pockets. These little arguments are worthless, more worthless than the time you're wasting arguing about streamer political arguments. You can't be "enlightened" and be this unaware.
is this copypasta
You can watch them yourself.
In the first debate destiny is completely out of his element. In the second debate he literally admits he doesn't know enough about the subject and that he will research it. But then he researched it for a few days and realized that he was wrong and didn't do a followup debate.
Can you pull some quotes?
he is
Do you have autism, bro?
destinys community has never been so full of people who disagree with him atm lol you are like two years behind bro
I don't need to watch the entire video looking for the btfo you say is in there. You making the claim homie timestamp me.
>Slippery Nick
>isn't this the guy that got blown out by Nick J. Fuentes?
/pol really thinks this?
destiny is a complete fucking centrist idiot but he totally fucked nick. Nick is just some fucking retarded goblin who desperately wants to believe he's white.
The entire thing is a big BTFO. The fact that he cannot respond to any arguments is the ultimate BTFO.
I'm 10 minutes in and it's just going back and forth. No btfos on either side.
>gets asked 10 times for evidence
>still has nothing
this is what happens when you ask a conservative to back up the BS they're spouting
Nick "Soul Math" Fuentes
he got pegged pretty hard by brittany venti though
Never even heard of this guy until now. Thanks for the tipoff though Yea Forums. Similarly I had no idea who Fantano was
DesTINY and Spic Fuentes are both manlet spics that no person in their right mind should listen to.
Look, you can be a lefty, okay, but why would you still enjoy Destiny? His voice, mannerisms, that ben shapiro speed. He's such a faggot. Isn't there someone else that leftys can orbit?
>has destroyed JonTron, Sargon, Dick Masterson, NakedApe, NoBS, Lauren Southern, Blaire White, Nicholas J. Fuentes, Mr. Metokur, Roaming Milenial, Baked Alaska, in debates
>on one occasion destroyed those last five ALL AT THE SAME TIME
>BTFO TheAltHype so hard it turned him from a white nationalist to a neoliberal
>Styx pussied out of a debate
>Richard Spencer fears his name
>Ben Shapiro can't handle his facts and logic
>can and has destroyed every single alt-right debater by simply using the socratic method, the most basic logic people have had 2400 years to adapt to
>can and has destroyed every single alt-right debater by simply asking if they really believe what they post online and watches them pussy out and start minimizing
>can and has destroyed every single alt-right debater by simply asking them what it would take for them to stop believing their points of view and watch them flounder around
>can and has destroyed every single alt-right debater by simply looking up where they get their "facts" from and finding they're bullshit taken out of context or made up on some kids blog
>only recourse the alt-right has is ad hominems and strawmen
It's fucking over lads. He's too strong.
Lefties orbit him to call him a retard. The only people who actually respect him are centrists.
I’m not really a destiny fanboy. I think he’s probably kind of a shitty person. His Twitter is a cesspool. But he’s good at debating alt righters and revealing their “arguments” for as dumb as they actually are.
you could give a crackhead urban guerilla concept and they could out-debate most young republican twitter celebrities that isn't really an accomplishment
stop trying to force hasan
he's a turkish male tomi lahren