The great debate, you can only choose one.
Which one is it Yea Forums?
The great debate, you can only choose one.
Which one is it Yea Forums?
not this shit again
AXL BY A FUCKING BILLION. I would love to be Axl's friend, Kurt Nobrains? I would love to be his personal tormentor and eventual murderer.
literally only boomers would choose axl rose
Literally only gaybies would choose Kirk. Nirvana only appeals to a homo centric audience of course, because even straight ones who have a fetish for "grunge" prefer AiC or Soundgarden.
This is a fucking retarded debate because they were from different genres
The only thing that made them similar is that they both were fanboys for old school rock and both wanted to be different than everyone else
Axl even liked Nirvana , Cobain was probably rubbed the wrong way by Axl's antics and Courtney Love made them hate each other
Yeah but they had a rivalry
at least kurt had the sense to shoot himself before he could become a fat mockery of himself
axl probably impossible to get along with but his story pretty crazy. at like age 17 he left his home and hitchiked to cali. he then wills himself to be biggest icons. pretty amazing story. either never got into hard drugs or kept himself clean enough. he's a force of nature. i even like lana del rey's song about him
not sure about cobains homelife, but he had a good group of bros around in the music scene. in early 90s to me vedder was a bigger personality, but cobain won out in the end. cobain's music meant more personally to me. but its also hard to explain how incrediblly and powerful appetite for destruction was in the culture late 80s early 90s.
I think Axl would be really easy to get along with
Oh wow that's real funny not
its funny because its true
>Courtney Love made them hate each other
Story behind this? I still find it amusing that she got into a physical confrontation with Kathleen Hanna in front of a crowd and Hanna's response according to Melissa Auf Der Maur was: she screamed at the top of her lungs: “I challenge you to a feminist debate in any university in America!”
Axl rose. Kurt was just a massive faggot
The alternative notwithstanding (although you got me I'd go with Axl) can you imagine what hanging out with Kurt would be like? If you didn't bring any heroin he'd probably look straight through you
Edgy af
>this wave of contrarianism distaste for Nirvana will last at least another 5 years
what did Axl produce that was noteworthy after Appetite for Destruction? all the comments here are notes about 'personality', who seriously gives a fuck about who had the better zingers in interviews?
Kurt would KO Axl in a fight, he has junkie's resistance.
if you actually believe this youre a fucking idiot
Axl's a pussy from the midwest, Kurt's a lumberjack from Seattle.
Axl can murder a buffet
>all the comments here are notes about 'personality', who seriously gives a fuck about who had the better zingers in interviews?
Well, I guess that's a fair point but I think we all know by now alt rock fags and hard rock/metal fags tend to not like the others genre 9 times out of 10 so any talk of music is going to be biased
But if you want my opinion, Axl was a more talented songwriter and singer than Kurt by a landslide, considering Kurt could only do one of those two things and it wasn't singing, and he also was a mediocre guitarist at best since even I can play his songs and I suck.
>this wave of contrarianism distaste for Nirvana will last at least another 5 years
Nirvana is and likely always will be one of the most overrated bands in the world, not everyone has to like them and those who don't aren't hurting their legacy compared to the millions of ballwashers, and the same could be said about Gn'R. But on this board in specific I would say that there is a heavy lean toward Nirvana and alternative music in general over hard rock music, so don't see why you're bitching when you're the majority.
There is no way in hell Kurt would beat Axl in a fight, Kurt was a total wimp. People in Seattle go to college and hang out at coffee shops, Axl was regularly brawling and people in the Midwest are not soft, they're the true working class. Fighting is the norm.
Axl could write a ballad, had lyrics that were coherent and was a rock star. Kurt was anti-rockstar and just a fad (thats why he shot himself). In the end Axl is more genuine and based. He was true to himself and disappeared to feast on burgers. A true american icon. The Brando of rock.
hanging out with kurt would be cool because he was my childhood idol and he had good taste in music
He'd probably hate you and tear you down for idolizing him and lecture you about how you're ignorant for liking rockstars.