Why do Germanic countries make the best music?
Why do Germanic countries make the best music?
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Why hasn't Germany themselves made anything good after the mid 80s?
it's relative
England was pretty shit at music before rock, their best composer was Haendel, a German. No one would have expected England to become so good at music in the 1940s.
>what is techno
Germany is better at rock than England.
Scandinavians are underrated.
Because they're genetically chads
Black Americans invented the most important art form of the 20th century.
Yeah but only the Sweden and Finland, Norway was garbage
>Norway was garbage
Jazz is degenerate, soulless, hyperreal trite for slaves to capital. Read Adorno, jazzfag.
based and correct
How do you like the taste of Teutonic dick?
I am Teutonic you gay Jew.
They don't.
Nice assumption there. Also, I very much doubt that you are a Chad, or your genealogical line.
Most German philosophers were incels
well they weren't sticking their tiny greek dicks up the shitters of 8 year old kids from athens.
no, they just directed their minds to higher pursuits, you cumbrain pussy worshiper.
U fags get triggered way too easily
>reading adorno
>butthurt capitalfag
adorno was a jew hack.
So are your capitalist overlords, boomer.
why did you save that awful pic from that awful thread? incel literally didn't know how to ask for an undercut
Nazis were /fa/ though
Can anyone link some good popular German music?
cope commie.
How does that Rothschild cock taste
Where's your jawline Mr. Cutienose?
Thanks, but I meant music in the German Language.
t. Jew
Autism. Same for Finland.