>saves metal in you're path
Heh, nothing personal kid.
Saves metal in you're path
i dont see anything wrong here
So what's their backstory in kayfabe? Did they break out of a mental institution? What is it?
they raped Vinnie Vegas in blackface
Saves from what?
Stop hogging all the metal and I am not a pathway.
You need to learn some manners kiddo.
>Vinnie Vegas
I read that first as Vinnie Jones. Was funnier that way.
Something about removing image from music and getting lost in the emotion that the mask represents or some bullshit like that, they have a lot of pretension when it comes to making excuses about their image.
I would respect them more if they were just honest and said "I saw Mr Bungle in the early 90's and I thought it was cool"
>actually saves metal
slipknot is part of what ruined metal
try wearing a mask and do crazy stuff in public, it's liberating because you can go all out without feeling embarrassed
Why do people care about what does what to metal?
Remember when you used to listen to music to enjoy it or have fun with it?
Grong Grong did it first pleb.
What the fuck is "it"?
I doubt anyone in slipknot listened to grong grong, but they definitely listened to Mr Bungle and they even tried to emulate them musically early on.
Fucked up bdsm masks.
Seriously, that band was whacko and it's no wonder yanks never heard of them, barely heard of them here in Aus 2bh.
Look them up.
They ain't what Mr Bungle was though. Grong Grong was another level of weird.
Tool isn't metal.
Umm.. tools are metal generally sweaty.
You've never been in a workshop before hun?
I've listened to grong grong but I've never seen them visually, I always recc them when people are looking for noisy post-punk
I thought they never had any catalogue except a few tapes of their shows while touring with Dead Kennedys??????
They released one proper album in the 80's, and a compilation of stuff when they got back together a few years ago, I dunno I haven't listened to them in a while.
No probrem, user-sama
Yeah, but the guy's a crippled heroin overdose survivor now.
Their new stuff is not going to be like that odd curiosity in the 80's that was called Grong Grong.
>saves a genre that's doing better than most in the underground
didn't like grey chapter, how's the new album in comparison
better, not as good as vol 3 though
kek what a bitch
these faggots are over the top edgy and it overshadows their S/T and Iowa. At least their newer shit they've toned down the pretentiousness but holy shit watch any of their interviews around the time they became big, it's just a complete over the top cringe fest
in terms of the music, they weren't particularly special in 1999. Korn, POD, Deftones, etc had already been releasing music for the best part of the decade. And they weren't even the first band in nu-metal to wear masks and put on an edgy persona. I do still enjoy a few of their songs for nostalgia sake but the grammy nods are unwarranted as fuck
I also don't like them because I am a woman and do not like penises that are not in me right now.
Wait wait where is my accordion basher? And my piano smasher?
I also feel like this but I am a man and I want my boipussy sloppy and wet
Residents did it first pleb
Slipknot is everything wrong with metal you utter faggots.
Are you being bigoted user?
I am a lovely woman.
Slipknot is what I need after listening to Slipknot.
yes boipussy is reserved for boys only. your disgusting pussy isn't needed here tranny
Until you get arrested, the mask gets pulled off and everyone sees the faggot underneath
What if I was a hermaphrodite?
U dun goofed user.
New album is better than the last three.
You shouldn't use words you don't understand.
don't reply to me about not knowing the definition of a word when you don't even know the definition of the word yourself
Nah, Slipknot might be shite, but at least their edgy Halloween costumes still repulse the hipster urbanite and yuppie scum
Bands like this are everything wrong with metal anymore, making all these entitled hipsters come into it and think they can start rearranging the place
I agree
I stopped listening after the disappointment that was Vol 3 but listened to the new album out of curiosity and ended up enjoying it way more than I thought I would. I need to know what the fuck happened on that forth album though because it was straight up horrible from start to finish.
Most of the guys in this photo looks like catalog models. Metal should be ugly music for ugly people made by ugly people.
>Metal should be ugly music for ugly people made by ugly people.