Other urls found in this thread:
Latin American Simpsons memes are kino
>He's mad because IDLES exists
>Sneeds Now
>Formerly Chucks
Sneed before: Chuck's Fuck and Suck
Sneed now: Sneed's Feed and Seed
Sneed in the future: Chad's Fad and Sad
Somebody post that super long dickhead pepe to counteract this.
jacobin subscriber loosh hitting different (not good!)
Thanks for continuing my legacy by posting that, OP.
Great, now I can post this one.
Mods did it first
that's so true
These are both correct.
are those things meant to be bad?
The only really subversive thing nowadays is going full nazi, and basically you're a faggot.
>The only really subversive thing nowadays is going for the status quo
ok incel
Beat me to it
Nah, the annual British Punk festival is now full of gay and feminist bands.
The Menstrual Cramps were stating that anyone who wore a poppy was a nazi.
>nazism is the status quo even though anyone expressing any opinion close to nazism is shut down and attacked in any way possible
ok incel
>Punks then
>Destroy shit
>Punks now
>Destroy only shit I don't like
Yeah it's fucking gay 2bh.
I'd sneed a qt girl(male) 2bh.
ok computer
I know this is bait, but this is the dumbest fucking thing I've read in a long time
Yeah dem nazis loved interest amirite.
Oh look, another vague criticism without any substance. I've been noticing a trend of neo-nazis/alt-righters doing this online pertaining to anything remotely left wing.
>X doesn't understand basic economics
>How doesn't he understand basic economics?
> >:-O
Call out this kind of behaviour wherever you see it.
>Supporting the US president and military
>supporting the zionist in chief
>supporting disposable pawns for lockheed martin
Yeah, I don’t think so.
You can either vote for satan, or rebel and install satan in a new regime, or cause anarchy cowboy satan.
Satan best grill.
based schizoposter
why is Yea Forums filled with incel permavirgins who have no understanding of punk rock history or politics.
Conservatism isn't punk you fucking brainlet bootlickers.
>nazism is the status quo
Nuance is dead.
Take your insane, low-IQ hyperbolic sentiments elsewhere
Who are you quoting?
sjws are basedpunk
altright is dumboppositepunk or doppo punk
Says the retarded chapo tranny
It's so punk to have the same stances as nearly every big Amarican corporation lmao
Neither is neoliberalism you faggot.
Punk has no limits you faggot.
You do whatever the fuck you want. If you want to write songs about how much of a faggy bitch you are and how much you love being a woman (male) with a mutilated penis and a bleeding asshole that can't hold your shit in your rectum, then so be it.
Punk allows such massive faggotry.
But that doesn't mean I'm not going to call you a faggot, you faggot.
Why is everyone so desperately trying to appear "punk" anyways. Its been nothing by tryhards and hypocrites since forever.
Why are leftists so obsessed with incels
corporations don’t have any lasting “stances” beyond making profits. if acting like you’re a friend to trans people reels in profits then that’s what they’ll do. this is basic shit, dude.
neoliberalism is mostly an economic ideology btw you uneducated american
Punk has died after the 80s and you can't prove me wrong
Exactly, all these people parroting liberal shit propagated by the media are just useful idiots
They gotta gaslight otherwise their political movements lose steam.
Remember guyz, the republicans were the ones that ended slavery. *wink* *wink*
The fact that corporations ally with "marginalized" people only shows that this mindset is the actual status quo in today's society, because it reaches more people. Therefore it cannot be punk under any circumstances.
Damn, somebody triggered the hicklet. This is why there's no good right-wing punk.
It's mutated into an abomination.
And shit like the stuff in OP's pic arguably contribute to the concept called accelerationism.
So does me calling you a faggot though.
it’s all projection
Paki here. I unironically love IDLES and Parquet Courts. Also your grandkids are gonna be brown. tee hee
idk what to tell you if you can’t separate globalist corporations with economic interests from the current status of the social world, with social stigmas, standards, cultures, belief systems and everything.
Why is there no real left wing punk?
Why are they all democrat liberals now?
What happened to the people that went to gigs wearing nazi shit purely because it pissed off people?
Why are people so lame and gay now?
haha nice pic user
why can’t women discuss anything rationally?
yeah no, you simply don’t know what neoliberalism is. you’re thinking of social liberalism.
All the good punk acts these days are lefties. Gaslight harder, bb.
>good punk acts these days
>implying there are any
I'm flattered, but I'm a dude. Incels thirsty af tonight, bra.
What makes you think he’s a woman
“my bad”
No they're not.
Left punk to me is like Swans - no boundaries.
All I see nowadays are boundaries pushed by moral knights through punk. I hate those faggots, they suck (literally in some cases).
No clubs have the balls to do anything that allows bands like old Swans now because it crosses lines of the pseudo left democrat libs.
if you don’t already know, you never will
no you’re not
It's okay, you'd probably hate them cause they don't sing about sucking fascist cock.
The status quo right now is Liberalism, which is the worst ideology possible. At least conservatives admit they hate brown people.
Leftism is totally different and way cooler
OK keep listening to your shitty music about sucking corporate cock
It's not true liberalism regardless.
It's just a nazi regime or a commie regime being pushed with a different hat on and while wearing a strap on.
>if you don’t already know, you never will
not an argument
Fuck the ramones fuck you
>It's just a nazi regime or a commie regime being pushed with a different hat on and while wearing a strap on.
I... what? Are you schizophrenic?
Imagine thinking that IDLES or JPEGMAFIA or Parquet Courts agree with corporations just because they agree with the shit corporations are parroting
>working class resistance
also known as class traitors
They are still just useful idiots, leftists don't actually care about any issues they keep taking about, they just keep spouting their bullshit to make themselves feel.
I... what? Are you a retard?
This comic never stops being relevant
You're right, I actually want to sit on Jeff Bezos's cock as he massages my back
Why does the right want to associate with punk so much? Punk is the most vanity filled movement with absolutely no regard for the music in all of history. There's literally no other subculture more pathetic than punk. Even metalcore has more artistic integrity.
>useful idiots
did you know that there’s zero evidence of lenin ever coining this phrase?
>leftists don't actually care about any issues
what does the far-left care about, user? i trust that you’ve read plenty of socialist literature in your life so i await your nuanced response.
Also known as people once upon a time.
No I just can’t understand what the hell you were saying there. What “regimes”?
>make themselves feel good*
class traitors are opportunists, not people.
Do we need this same fucking thread every day? It has got really stale
>Why does the right want to associate with punk so much?
Insecurities about their masculinity. They believe kindness is a weakness.
>lazy strawman
Leftist memes are fucking terrible lmao
Why's the alt right so obsessed with cuckshit?
What boundaries are being pushed by Swans on that track? Is it the aggression? Cause IDLES and Daughters sound just as aggressive.
I don't, I just find it funny how movement that pretended to be rebellious turned into shameless cocksuckers
>kindness is wekaneae
This but unironically
The left suffers from pathologic self destructive altruism
Which side wants to save the planet even though it'll be a difficult uphill battle, and which side wants to continue polluting and harming it because it's simply easier? I rest my case.
You don't know historical punk, neither punk nowadays. Both statements are a carricature. Go to bed or masturbate but stop believing this is relevant.
Except most people fighting the corporate machine are broke.
You have these latte drinking fags that think they're the oppressed ones and they have a comfy job in the silicon valley made possible by enforced racial and gender discrimination.
Not informal discrimination like this psuedo lefties think it is. Actual enforced corporate policies. This shit was the very shit people wanted to destroy in the 50's to the 70's and now it's just back in a different form.
You can complain about the border discrimination, but what are such people, discriminated with the above shit, left with other than prevent their likelihood of getting a job from diminishing more?
In fact you should be angry at both, but frankly some faggots are only angry at the border discrimination while falsely calling themselves left wing. You ain't shit. You're just another faggot pushing agenda down people's throats and making it harder for some to live.
>what does the far-left care about
Money and power, they pretend to fight for equality when they just want complete control
>nigger doesn't even see the regime
Read the definition, think about the status quo and then come back.
All of them.
It's almost anti suffocation of thought.
If you want to racist, be racist.
If you want to be anti-racist, be anti-racist.
Just don't be fake.
>Which side wants to save the planet certainly not virtue signaling leftists who talk about climate change while using private jets
and which side wants to continue polluting and harming it because it's simply easier?
China and India
If that’s true, then how have literally any civil advancements been made?
I like to sling shit at people on occasion.
>You have these latte drinking fags that think they're the oppressed ones
Not really. They acknowledge that others have it much worse and want to improve society to the point where the weakest and most vulnerable are protected. Take healthcare for example, leftists believe that getting injured while poor (and without insurance) shouldn't be a death sentence in a developed country.
>China and India are leftist
Certainly not under socialism
please prove that the majority of leftists have “private jets” as you describe them; it’s pretty obvious that celebrities are full of shit, user, you aren’t intelligent for pointing this out. it’s about the working class, which historically speaking have always made up the majority of people within socialist and communist movements.
China is literally communist, which is what all today's leftists want to achieve
>save the planet
Define "save the planet". Is your idea of "saving the planet" propagating ther culture of mass consumerism, nihilism and individualism? Because that's literally all you're left with if we choose to indulge in your sick, deranged fantasy of a globalist single world order where all cultures are homogenised and forced to "live in harmony". You're just as retarded as the rightoids.
The funniest part of the whole thing is how leftists are in full support of globalism and global cultural homogeny, which are THE primary goal of global corporations who push for consumerist society, the very thing destroying the environment.
Meanwhile rightoids rave on about traditionalism and communal values, the very things being destroyed by capitalism, which rightoids defend 'till they're blue in the face.
Just because rightoids are fucking morons doesn't make you any less of a retard. Ted was right. Your entire worldview is fueled by a feeling of inferiority and a craving for moral righteousness.
The anti-left believe everything from the left is about complaining of being oppressed because they want to be oppressed and complain too.
China and India's per capita emissions are less than the US's tho. Also, do you actually believe we're not gonna force them to get on board with the program too?
Except rights for women and black people were infinitely better in the Soviet Union than in the United States... This is basic history, dude.
And I believe that tax and governments fucking suck.
I don't really care how retarded it is, it's how I feel.
That's true punk.
Punk is not sucking others dick for virtue brownie points and fame.
>he actually thinks champagne socialists genuinely care about problems of others
Top kek
216. Some leftists may seem to oppose technology, but they will oppose it only so long as they are outsiders and the technological system is controlled by non-leftists. If leftism ever becomes dominant in society, so that the technological system becomes a tool in the hands of leftists, they will enthusiastically use it and promote its growth. In doing this they will be repeating a pattern that leftism has shown again and again in the past. When the Bolsheviks in Russia were outsiders, they vigorously opposed censorship and the secret police, they advocated self-determination for ethnic minorities, and so forth; but as soon as they came into power themselves, they imposed a tighter censorship and created a more ruthless secret police than any that had existed under the tsars, and they oppressed ethnic minorities at least as much as the tsars had done. In the United States, a couple of decades ago when leftists were a minority in our universities, leftist professors were vigorous proponents of academic freedom, but today, in those of our universities where leftists have become dominant, they have shown themselves ready to take away from everyone else’s academic freedom. (This is “political correctness.”) The same will happen with leftists and technology: They will use it to oppress everyone else if they ever get it under their own control.
I’m pretty sure China still has a state, currency and wages.
>If you want to racist, be racist.
Yeah, I don't think SWANS ever advocated for this. Such a libertarian mindset can only be adopted by a privileged few.
>it’s about the working class, which historically speaking have always made up the majority of people within socialist and communist movements.
Lmao working class doesn't care about any stupid revolution, socialists were always led by rich spoiled brats
And ironically today's wannabe socialists despise working class because they think they are uneducated and stupid
217. In earlier revolutions, leftists of the most power-hungry type, repeatedly, have first cooperated with non-leftist revolutionaries, as well as with leftists of a more libertarian inclination, and later have double- crossed them to seize power for themselves. Robespierre did this in the French Revolution, the Bolsheviks did it in the Russian Revolution, the communists did it in Spain in 1938 and Castro and his followers did it in Cuba. Given the past history of leftism, it would be utterly foolish for non-leftist revolutionaries today to collaborate with leftists.
218. Various thinkers have pointed out that leftism is a kind of religion. Leftism is not a religion in the strict sense because leftist doctrine does not postulate the existence of any supernatural being. But, for the leftist, leftism plays a psychological role much like that which religion plays for some people. The leftist NEEDS to believe in leftism; it plays a vital role in his psychological economy. His beliefs are not easily modified by logic or facts. He has a deep conviction that leftism is morally Right with a capital R, and that he has not only a right but a duty to impose leftist morality on everyone. (However, many of the people we are referring to as “leftists” do not think of themselves as leftists and would not describe their system of beliefs as leftism. We use the term “leftism” because we don’t know of any better words to designate the spectrum of related creeds that includes the feminist, gay rights, political correctness, etc., movements, and because these movements have a strong affinity with the old left. See paragraphs 227-230.)
Bro, stop. Kaczynski was obviously a brilliant mathematics guru but his historical and political knowledge were shoddy at best.
Swans probably give zero fucks about such issues because they went further than such flesh bound issues.
>rights for women and black people
Is that supposed to be a good thing?
If they gave zero fucks, how do you know they're leftists?
Because that's literally all they do
Your understanding of the world is shoddy at best. Continue being a left wing deranged moron bemoaning capitalism all the while supporting all of the systems capitalism pushes for the sake of its self-propagation. You're a fucking neanderthal.
Only with equal lefts.
Because they give zero fucks.
You ever heard of the left hand path?
>socialists were always led by rich spoiled brats
Please provide evidence for this? What difference does your class make if you obviously support socialism?
>And ironically today's wannabe socialists despise working class because they think they are uneducated and stupid
Simply vague. Would you not agree that education in poverty-stricken areas is hard to come by? No one thinks they’re “stupid,” just not conscious of the socioeconomic oppression they’ve faced on a generational basis their whole lives.
You sound like an unhinged class traitor. No wonder you’re a fan of Ted’s politics, lol.
>who is Jayne County
>You're a class traitor!
>now excuse me while I go on raving about how everyone in the world needs to get along into a single globalist culture free of conflicting ideas
>wait why the fuck are globalist corporations founded on american commercialism having such an easy time spreading into foreign markets and in turn accumulating ever more power? Clearly the right is to blame!
I don't see how I could be considered a class "traitor" when I never was part of the plutocratic elite in the first place. You, on the other hand, fit the bill perfectly.
Lol, civil rights was defined by "people giving a fuck". Slavery would still be legal if people didn't give a fuck, and I'm sure Gira's opposed to slavery.
> socialists were always led by rich spoiled brats
Mind you I'm a leftist, but right-wingers or other people who come with this always make me laugh. It is pretty obvious that many active leftists were from upper classes, but it's just the fucking same with right-wingers, centrists, and everyone. You have a greater chance to find the educated milieus in which people talk a lot about politics if you're from the upper classes, and you have greater chance to feel involved if you have the same kind of upper class habitus. IT'S THE FUCKING SAME WITH RIGHT-WINGERS. Acknowledge that.
> they think they are uneducated and stupid
You don't actually know any leftist, stop believing a cliché is an argument, it's just an other full-tard statement. There are always people from different social backgrounds within political movements, I know leftists and radical leftists who are from working-class families. I'm myself from a lower-middle class background, my mother is working-class as well as half of my family.
You realize that globalism is an economic philosophy, right? Marxist-Leninists like myself are more concerned with socioeconomics and national sovereignty against imperialism than whatever crappy attempt at pointing out hypocrisy that you’re on about here.
>culture, social dynamics and global politics are unaffected by economy
Based retard.
Oh I understand. you think “globalism” is some kind of cultural thing. Yeah dude I’m pretty sure that’s just a right-wing stereotype against leftist beliefs (which encompass much more than Ted’s vague analyses, BTW). Stop reading /pol/.
You are still a slave to globphomo
they obviously are but your argument is that leftists want some kind of cultural melting pot where we all hold hands and smile like in a fucking cartoon, and that’s not the case. uneducated people like you always resort to conspiracy theories.
What do they want then? Why do they push for migration so hard while smearing everyone against it?
then why are all prominent leftists and leftist parties pushing for mass immigration and multiculturalism?
>Slavery would still be legal if people didn't give a fuck
It is still legal, it's called bondage.
>What do they want then?
read lenin
>Why do they push for migration so hard while smearing everyone against it?
because statistically it’s not as bad for society as people on the right pretend it is. if anything immigration makes crime rates plummet.
i used to be a right-winger myself, by the way. it’s something you grow out of once you get an education.
>read lenin
LOL fuck off
>mass immigration
vague buzzword that’s meaningless in the real world
because again, it’s not as bad for society as right-wingers make it out to be. marxists don’t shill for it nearly as hard as social democrats do, by the way.
>i used to be a right-winger myself, by the way. it’s something you grow out of once you get an education.
>immigration makes crime rates plummet.
Source: my ass
>i used to be a right-winger myself, by the way. it’s something you grow out of once you get indoctrinated by jewish glonohomo agenda
afraid of learning something new?
you’re speaking to an ex-right winger here, buddy. this shit’s not as frightening as /pol/ or neoliberal establishment makes it out to be.
>read this
>get educated
Why do so many leftists love saying this? Do they really think they are smart because they studied some bullshit social sciences?
>it’s something you grow out of once you get an education
>paying for "higher" education
>going to a marxist indoctrination center "university/college"
how is this related to music?
sorry, you’ve gotta figure it out for yourself sweaty
your fault for taking a suggestion to learn something new as a personal attack.
Lol you are probably a civnat cuck who thinks PJW, Molyneux and Styx are alt-right and got derasicalsed by Contrapoints
just for the record. i love how right-wingers have made intellectualism and education out to be this bad, wrong thing. speaks for itself loud and clear.
>vague buzzword that’s meaningless in the real world
Yes, large amounts of people from different parts of the world migrating to places like in Europe and in America has zero effect or meaning in those countries. To all those people who have to live together, "mass immigration" is just some abstract idea that has no effect on their lives. Idiot.
imagine the lunatic that spent their time drawing that
I don’t like drumpf but YIKES
>per capita
What they mean is indoctrinate yourself by reading my biased sources
nope. you’re free to try again, though.
People that aren't continuously doubting themselves do not understand the true nature of the universe.
When people align with "left and right" I think "that's how they control you".
You know you can get an education without attending a university, right? It's called the local fucking library
>(((intellectualism and education)))
only things leninism is “biased” against are imperialism and economic oppression.
>i await your nuanced response.
shut up fag lol
lmfao yeah okay, i totally trust that that’s what you do on a regular basis.
Project your lack of self-discipline harder faggot lmao
theres nothing more rebellious than sucking a dicka and pretending to be a woman
quit making excuses for having a shit-tier education, you walking dunning-kruger victim.
Once upon a time, intellectualism and education meant becoming a monk for a monastery.
>I am against corporatism and extortionist economic policies
>lol uneducated right winger doesn't have millions of college debt, such an uneducated simpleton
Imagine being this much of a faggot
Multiculturalism literally is the manifestation of the "melting pot" fetish. Multiculturalism is globalism and globalism is the vehicle of capitalism without which it cannot sustain its imperialist nature.
It's only gay if you're not a woman.
typical american believing his country is the only one on the planet
Rent free
And still, more projection. I bet your degree is gonna be real useful, fucktard
You think lefties are the only ones complaining about unis?
The left/right bullshit is there to divide you in order to distract from the real issue - corporations, that indirectly control and influence those institutions, manipulate the game so that you need to buy from that institution in order to work for it. Doing so makes sure you are bonded to that system of corporations for the dough to pay off the debt.
Sounds like a pyramid scheme or something similar right?
But then you compare the alternative systems and historically they simply do not have the system to sustain enough produce in a state.
So why aren't we just burning everything in anger?
>You're a fucking neanderthal.
mad as fuck lmaoooo
>because statistically it’s not as bad for society as people on the right pretend it is
Are you taking the fucking piss? How fucking sheltered are you? Are you seriously going to deny that London, for example, past ringway 2, is anything else but an uninhabitable dystopian shithole? Because that's the product of mass immigration and multiculturalism - a fucking disgusting run down, crime ridden shithole, where the non-british-people who were brought in for the cheap albour live purely to work the service jobs needed to keep the bourgeoise living in central London comfortable. The fact that you think multiculturalism and mass immigration aren't propagated purely for the sake of capitalism show just how deluded you are.
London is a shithole like all metropolises.
They exist for a reason too.
seethe punkcel
I was recommended some pro immigrant punk song the other danny something or rather. One of the worst songs ive ever listened to
No, what I was talking bout is how leftoids complain about right wingers not going to universities that will make them in the literal sense of the word bankrupt.
But pretend to be against corporations and capitalism.
Anyway I agree with your sentiment tho
Danny Nedelko? Sounds literally like Kaiser Cheifs lol
Internal frustration that some men are not sticking penises in their roast hole.
Women just want the D user. There's no excuse if you're looking.
Not really, central London is pretty confy and nice. It's also mostly white. London past ring 2 is like 5% white. Coincidentally it's a fucking slum.
yeah thats the one. sounds so formulaic that its painful
Speaking of race, why are people worried about race and not the obsolescence of man and the rise of the machine?
Even if that doesn't become an issue, chances are people will modify their complexion in the future, to the point where they may not only have whiter than white skin, they may not have real skin at all.
Why are we living in the 50's with politics still?
That's not gonna happen any time soon, I've been hearing the gene edited babies argument since the early 2000s
I don't know. I'm bringing up race because london is a perfect example of capitalist ruling classes promoting muticulturalism and immigration purely for their own gain.
What about prosthetics, cyborgs?
>capitalist ruling classes
Machines actually. People lost control a long time ago.
>going for the status quo
Are you retarded? You are implying that pretty much anything mainstream is related in a positive way to nazism. Yeah, we can agree that totalitarianism isn't the way to go, but thinking that the goal of natsocs is preserving the "status quo" is laughable.
>hurr durr free shit for everyone
>you are stupid, user
>explain yourself, incel. Why can't I have everything for free?
Prove it.
>modern punk
the same could be said of conservatives that nearly every major company supports conservative causes through lobbying and funding. and name one famous person who was actually successfully had their life ruined by saying bad things about gay people, they routinely bounce back from it with little repercussions
>these people are in their 50s
>nearly every major company supports conservative causes through lobbying and funding
Lol what
Most companies are economically far right but socially far left
It gets better, they realized how retarded that was and left it off the album only to have a muh russia track named after Putin's fucking dog replace it.
all of those things are counterculture now
>every major company supports conservative causes
London is a fucking shithole
Oh look all those companies put a rainbow on their logo, so that means they must be totally pro-LGBT and they actually care about people!!11111 HOly fuck and kek you've solved it
Show me a single one of these companies taking up alt-right symbolism in show of conservative solidarity. It shouldn't be too hard for you to do seeing how alt-right is the status quo.
How many of them changed their logos back immediately after pride month ended?
yes that's how pride month works. It's a scam.
>Moving the goalposts to alt-right instead of right
Nice try bootlicker.
I never said the alt-right is the status quo, but conservatism and liberalism (these are literally the same shit in reality) definitely are. And it doesn't matter what type of symbolism they take up for a short moment, their actions matter. They don't give a shit about people, especially not poor people and/or minorities.
Do you want another month? Wanna take the blacks'?
I wish trump was a actual fascist, not a cocksucker like you
is that why you faggots hide behind the backs of cops during your retarded ass pride marches?
being pro-lgbt is center left and being alt right is far right. show me a single company taking up communist symbolism as thats a much fairer comparison. most of those companies do support center right politics though, uber especially has been trying to deregulate and limit labor standards in order to crowd out public transport and taxi drivers
It always was
Who the fuck are you talking to, schizo? Stop making up strawmen and pretending your imaginary enemies are caricatures and present an actual argument.
Uber fires you if you don't drive to the roastie to the abortion clinic.
>an actual argument
You mean like your shitty buzzword insults? Practice what you preach you hypocritical faggot.
Not even an attempt, got it.
Never seen rightoids throw around cringe terms like "bootlicker". Meanwhile leftoids cry about how Russia is homophobic for not allowing gay pride marches when that is false and they simply refuse to provide police protection. Seems like boot envy to me.
>Never seen rightoids throw around cringe terms like "bootlicker"
Why would they say that about other people if it only fits them? Liberals are right-wing, dipshit. You're literally talking about the same people and not pointing out a schism at all.
>gay pride is right-wing
Not in America you retarded cunt.
>what is femoids
>what is fren
>what is cultural marxist
Its true though. Guess which "white" majority country commits so many war crimes, acts like a fucking victim, forces down world throat progressive garbage and worst of all tries to conquer with crippled "USA" help whole world
Imagine being a unironically a fascist lmao
Fascism is the ultimate bastardization of politics, where aesthetics are more important than actual substance, where people are willing to put the elite in power and justify their bootlicker tendencies, no surprise that most alt righters are political illiterates who don't actually understand the nuance of politics
>literally 2012 reddit meme
conservacucks really are cutting edge arent they
america is a lame dystopia, who cares what’s standard in america?
Cringe. How do you decide which issue makes you far or moderate ? Wasn't radicalism advocating violence or destruction of certain groups of people ?
Seething chapofag
as a general rule, the more equality you push for, the more to the left you are, and the more inequality you push for, the more to the right you are.
I want politics strangled in a cage like Epstein. Your substanced politics is an abyss of child fucking. Give me the aesthetics instead.
based schizoposter
Leftists push false equality at the cost of freedom
vague buzzword that means different things to different people
you are such a faggot
Yes, they are
youre retarded
Nice, where are the arguments?
no, the new punk rock is just screaming because you would like everyone to, please, shut the fuck up for a second. the new punk rock is being angry at the world for no good reason
I hate people.
People suck.
>Liberals are right-wing, dipshit
americans will take a simple political term, turn it around, put it upside down, fuck it into the ground, confuse it and then reverse the meaning another 3 times. it's truly fascinating
>posts unsubstantiated insults
Why do you expect people to put more effort into this conversation than you do?
Gayest and most biased definition i heard.. but hey! Cambodia was pretty equal by that definition.. the most in fact
>Liberals are right-wing
Lmao, anyone to the right of Chomsky is right wing to these faggots.
"bootlickers" is the most forced meme i've seen in a while. Nobody said that shit until a few months ago, and now every tranny in the world says it 24/7
Hey, fren is universal, incel chapo tranny
its actually pretty accurate, the only problem is that equality is a abstraction incomparable with reality, hence why leftist governments always fail in that goal (and in running their societies in general).
>using "bootlicker" while supporting big government
Nice understanding of politics, faggot.
>incel chapo tranny
Bootlicking, dilating, sex-having, incel, seething, nigger-loving, r*dditoid, femoid, mascoid, normalfag, neckbearded, cringe inducing, bluepilled tranny.
most marxist-leninists agree that pol pot was a revisionist and wasn’t interested in pursuing socialism (unlike the USSR under stalin)
Idealizing the white nuclear family is 100% counterculture. You will be osctracized for supporting it.
>Le bootlickers xD
Everyone submits to some form of hierarchy, it's just human nature. The reason they don't lick boots(which they certainly do, just not to the said entity they despise) is because no one is willing to give a tranny a boot to lick.
>companies only wanna make profit!!!!
Go woke go broke is a thing for a reason. They eat the loss because they are pushing an agenda.
marx actually discusses the myth of human nature very extensively in das kapital.
Could you elaborate a little on it, i dint read the book :*
Stalin would send you, tranny or faggot, into a camp
>the careful detail on his puffy, hairy asshole
Gillette CEO said they don't regret losing 8 billion on their woke marketing
>Go woke go broke
a phrase coined by a man who isn’t even an economist? lmfao
last i checked nike and gillette were doing just fine
Stalin’s LGBT policies were iffy but there’s a reason why pretty much all modern Marxist-Leninist organizations support the LGBT community, and it’s because of the self-criticism principle central to Leninist thought. Read a book sometime.
That's because they can most definitely afford such losses.
>hurr durr free shit for everyone
So you are the stupid one actually
>Conservatism isn't punk
>the originators of punk as we know it, Ramones, were conservatives
you retarded
I hope this inherently biased meme pic doesn’t construct your worldview; I hope you’re smarter than that.
You know no one's gonna read an entire book because you failed to properly make an argument, most lazy way to run away from getting btfo'd ever
ITT: white people
This has to be fake
>white people should dramatically lower their quality of life so that they can reduce pollution by 5%
>China and India? Well they’re poc so they can continue contributing the remaining 95% of pollution
This is why no one wants to engage with planet activists—they willfully ignore the real problem. The proposed solutions are insignificant and do not address the primary culprits. Identity Politics simply matters more to planet activists, and people recognize this.
>post Insults
>hur read a book
Not an argument
Why are lefties completely unable to argue simply straight to the point?
You essentially argued that Stalin was homophobic and transphobic, and I argued that while it’s a shame, no modern Marxist-Leninist (the ideology Stalin created himself) is either, because of the self-critique principle. Don’t take suggestions to learn something new as personal attacks next time.
>per capita
I did. Got a 2 by David Duke and 1 by Varg Vikernes. Some others can be found too but these are recent
>Marxist-Leninists like myself are more concerned with socioeconomics and national sovereignty against imperialism
marx was in favour of free trade because he wanted to erode the ties that bind nations together and dissolve them to create misery in the life of workers specifically so they would rise up, he literally advocated economic liberalism because of how socially destructive it was.
The number of gays prosecuted under Stalin is nowhere near the number of gay men killed in the Holocaust. Stalin’s criminalization of quote “homosexual activity” wasn’t enforced very much, and it’s not like homosexuality was very much accepted anywhere else in the world (considering it was the fucking 1930s).
>you argued
No I didn't schizo, or is everyone a samefag in your demented mind?
You can't argue here right now because you don't know shit you weasel faggot.
All you can do is direct people to your ideologues
>bootlicking is inherently natural
Alt righters are the true cucks after all
Sure thing, schizo.
ay i get your suicidal tendencies reference its ok
I'm not alt-right though...
This is why Anonymous posting is such a hassle, it just creates confusion like this. Next time don’t interject conversations.
Keep running coward
Not even an American. Liberals are literally right-wing because no matter what of liberal you are, you always have a relationship with capitalism and as long as you have that, you will always be right-wing. Read a fucking book about economics or political theory for the first time in your lives.
You interjected a convo and you’re shocked I thought you were the one I was arguing with? Are you sure you aren’t just projecting your own mental illness?
Look at this weasel and laugh lmao
>you have to be an economist to see that companies lose money when they become political
Wow I didn’t know economists had magic fucking eyes
ignorance will be the norm until right-wingers stop taking suggestions to read books as personal attacks. keep fighting the good fight.
>Everyone submits to some form of hierarchy, it's just human nature.
Imagine being so brainwashed. Get help man, educate yourself and stop justifying your oppressors.
>if you eat food you have interacted with capitalism
>if you have interacted with capitalism then you're a right-winger by definition
>therefore infants are right-wingers
great logic, dude
Why don’t you answer my questions if you’re so inclined to include yourself in the middle of debates? The only weasel here is you.
Do you live in a house with no power/running water living off of wild game and plants you yourself cultivate with a wife and 12 children? No?
Tough luck, buddy, you're a cvckold sucking on the dick of society :^)
>>if you eat food you have interacted with capitalism
And where the shit did you pull this magic out of?
>read a book
Is not an argument, you don't say "read a book" and pretend you won the debate, no one is going to read a book because you couldn't formulate a point without the help of your brainwashers
SHIT reading comprehension. You forgot the part where he mentioned that “no matter *what kind of liberal you are*, you’re a capitalist, therefore you’re right wing.” Fucking retard.
>dude I could just tell you the thing from the book that helped me form my worldview
>but think i’d rather tell you to spend hours of your own personal time reading it yourself haha checkm8 bigot I don’t have to explain shit
Impressive debating
What questions? Are you legit mentally retarded? I gave you questions
Your only answer was
>b-buh you interjected
I called you a coward for not answering anything
>buh buh you interjected
There is no alt-right nigger. Its a term coined by liberal media to scare young libtards to radicalise them into sjw, and then antifa zombies
No, you don't understand. Literally read a book about political theory and one of the most basic bitch things you will learn is that liberals are capitalists and therefore always more towards the right-wing. It's not so hard and it's not meant as an insult, it's literally telling you to learn the most basic shit so you don't make a fool out of yourself.
a groan of tedium escapes me
>There is no alt-right
>liberal media
>young libtards
Holy fuck lmao this post is the holy grail of Ben Shapiro buzzwords.
Leftism tends to try to oppose human nature and subvert/pervert it. Social hierarchy is an integral part of almost all animal life. You, the skinnyfat pavement ape, are not above nature and never will be, it is absolutely delusional to think so.
Why are alt righters so politically ignorant?
>le human nature meme
Read Das Kapital. Marx discussed this extensively.
Fuck off I am not gonna read your champagne socialist kike
>yes. i say regulary word nigger in sole purpose to piss off oversensitive sjws. how did you knew?
They’re walking Dunning-Kruger victims who believe that their faulty intuition is all they need to understand everything that life has to offer. I used to be one of these types, it’s a vicious cycle.
>Leftism tends to try to oppose human nature and subvert/pervert it
Source: my ass
>Social hierarchy is an integral part of almost all animal life
And so is rape and/or polygamy, but let's do what animals do, huh?
Instead of appealing to an authority on this "issue" like Marx and directing me to him, how about you elaborate yourself as to why countless of years of evolution are just a meme?
>no right wingers you don't understand, what's actually best for you is to vote for mass immigration and turn your kids into trannies
Nah thanks I'm good
Because their systems actually work unlike soicialism
>I’m ignorant and proud!!!!
I’m not even a Marxist, buddy, but you’re embarrassing yourself.
hope you know thats from a muscle fetish photoshop blog
>waah why I need to educate myself about complex problems before talking about it, why we can't debate using buzzword- filled memes
Stop throwing fits about things you know nothing about and nobody will insulta giù about your ignorance.
Okay NPC
how many bigots did you call incels or racists today?
>implying you could even define socialism if I asked you to without Googling it first
Who are you trying to fool here?
And? You are missing the point
Ignorance is bliss I suppose.
You are a coward who keeps dodging my question, if you can't argue in your own words then fuck off
all political thought is either a rejection or embracing of nature.
whereas leftists deny the natural order of things and attempt to pervert them, rightists base their system on the cruelty of the natural world(be it then being unaware of it or not, because they're mostly dumb).
>le appeal to nature xDDDD
Are rape and polygamy abolished? Do they not exist anymore?
Keep larping as if you're something higher, skinnyfat pavement ape behind a screen, fake it till you make it.
Keep fighting the good fight, friend. I used to be a hardcore alt-righter, it’s truly something that you just have to pull yourself out of if you care about nuance (and self-challenge).
nigger are you seriously trying to cite Marx on the question of the natural and biological proclivities of humans?
You are ignorant for reading a book about some privileged retard who has no idea how society and economy works
Marx fags are the worst
>get called out for fallacy
>continue acting schizophrenic
Source: my ass
>natural order of things
vague and not an argument
>Le Dunning Kruger meme
Funny because half-educated yuppie libtards who namedrop it are the textbook example of this phenomenon
dude wtf you just debunked marx
three volumes of das kapital destroyed!
I told you to read a book about political theory and nobody even mentioned Marx, but you're so fucking schizophrenic that all you can see is communists everywhere. The Red Scare truly is alive and kicking I see.
You just keep proving that you have no idea what you’re talking about, I love it.
>no u
Ad hominem
I don't know a single person from the alt-right who became a leftist, that's just not possible, you might become softer over time but once you get redpilled you can't go back. I know lot of moderate people who got radicalised in recent years though
I love how this image gets posted almost everyday and it always devolves to socialists losing their shit over the fact that leftoidism is the status quo now
but user, hunter gatherer societies were egalitarian and involved public ownership of goods as well as having no documented hierarchies. wouldn't that make capitalism the unnatural one?
>Source: my ass
What exactly are you trying to convey with this? That all thought means nothing unless it's been approved of by some authority or "proven" in small scale labs backed by corporate interest?
>m-muh red scare
Fucking pathetic lmao
It doesn't, it doesn't and it isn't though, but cool loaded language, bro.
Why are alt righters so scare of educating themselves and learn more about the nuance of politics? Its because they are afraid of knowing that their views are flawed ?
Libtards are masters of double think, they often believe shit that makes no sense
Yeah, the Red Scare is pathetic, you're entirely correct.
>Its because they are afraid of knowing that their views are flawed ?
It's a combination of this and their ignorant comfort zone, they're just so used to it. It's easier to just target an imaginary enemy i.e. Marxists/Jews/the media/minorities etc. etc. and be done with it than to actually think for yourself and/or educate yourself.
But Stalin unironicaly did a good thing. Faggots are constantly dragging our culture into gutter of moral decay. They are weak and effeminate. Death to lgbtbbq
That’s the thing, though, once I got off the fucking internet and started reading political and social theory, everything about the redpill seemed so pseudoscientific and doubtful. It was a long, painful process of constant self-doubting.
>I know lot of moderate people who got radicalised in recent years though
lmao historically speaking bro, centrism is the perfect open door to fascism.
my point was that marxism and liberalism are literally opposed to one another. show some humility and just admit you’re uneducated.
Why do you assume that? You know that this could be apply to your view as well right?
Explain how is this the case then
its a question about the first order steps in the process of formulating a left or right worldview.
The left is idealistic, in that they generate a system analytically and attempt to project and conform the world to fit their particular model. Hence the proactive nature in which they push their politics.
The right is empiricist, in that they observe the world and formulate a model of action that coincides best with the pattern of the world, hence why they tend to be passive in their politics; its about maintaining the model and only slowly adapting it to the change in the world over time (as seen how traditionalism and conservatism function).
Why do leftists always need to overcomplicate everything? I noticed multiple times those people always speak a lot without making any point of substance, their "nuance" is pure smoke and mirrors.
Literally the same thing happens everytime, check the archive retard, everytime I check mu this same thread is somewhere in the catalog
You've already been proven in this thread that corporations are left wing through pushing things that don't benefit them in the short or long term, but you conveniently avoided responding to those posts, hmmm I wonder why?
>hunter gatherer societies were egalitarian and involved public ownership of goods as well as having no documented hierarchies
Incorrect, there was a clear leader, it almost always being the strongest, biggest male. Goods were mostly food and hunting weapons which needed to be redistributed among the pack in order for it to survive
>wouldn't that make capitalism the unnatural one?
You are absolutely correct.
Why are you still pretending red scare is real when the left has complete control of all major media
Then why else do you spout it?
Paul Joseph Watson is not a role model.
Hunter-gatherers tend to have an egalitarian social ethos, although settled hunter-gatherers (for example, those inhabiting the Northwest Coast of North America) are an exception to this rule. Nearly all African hunter-gatherers are egalitarian, with women roughly as influential and powerful as men. Marx defined this socio-economic system as primitive communism.
The egalitarianism typical of human hunters and gatherers is never total, but is striking when viewed in an evolutionary context. One of humanity's two closest primate relatives, chimpanzees, are anything but egalitarian, forming themselves into hierarchies that are often dominated by an alpha male. So great is the contrast with human hunter-gatherers that it is widely argued by palaeoanthropologists that resistance to being dominated was a key factor driving the evolutionary emergence of human consciousness, language, kinship and social organization.
>Incorrect, there was a clear leader, it almost always being the strongest, biggest male
Politics are inherently nuanced and complex, if you don't believe that then you're just a proud ignorant
>muh the left muh the right
Okay now assume that your imaginary schism doesn't actually exist in reality and that liberals aren't left-wing but are rather right-wing. Just try it, if you can.
Can you elaborate more on your personal experience user? I'm interested about the kind of psycology behind this people, i think it can be helpful to find a way to really communicate with them. I think most of the people debating with them itt are taking the worst approach possible.
>once I got off the fucking internet and started reading political and social theory, everything about the redpill seemed so pseudoscientific and doubtful
What kind of social theory? How many authors were Jewish?
>It was a long, painful process of constant self-doubting
It's more comfortable to believe a comfortable lie than ugly truth
>centrism is the perfect open door to fascism
Kek I love how lefties accuse everyone who is not a hard commie of being crypto fascist
>Politics are inherently nuanced and complex
They are really not, it's just a question of power
You're right the red scare was pathetic we should have been lining those commie hollywood pedophile up against a wall.
>antisemitism and neurotic hatred of communism is somehow not indicative of fascism
You’re not a very honest person.
which side of the political spectrum came up with trumps 4d chess and qanon again?
>concede to the definitions that benefit my position right now or you lose the argument!
Wtf are you talking about
You should rather line a pistol against your schizophrenic skull.
>commie hollywood pedophile
you forgot to add “tranny” and “jewish” somewhere in there.
>trumps 4d chess and qanon
Boomer larpers
There wasn't any trannies back then thanks to Hitler burning the research.
No, concede to reality and admit you're wrong and better yourself, but whatever.
Damn, that’s deep. You should write a book, you know a lot.
JIDF going strong today
there I did it
So you are implying that your political views are not inherently good and just evil on secret?
/pol/ has really melted your brain isn't it?
>liberals are right-wing
literally nobody except no-true-scottsman commie retards believes this. its the same type of delusion that compels them to call anyone who isn't a straight Red a crypto-fascist. they literaly have no conception of cohesive political theories that a rational person can hold beyond their narrow band.
>say stupid shit
>get called out
>ur defending da joos lol
>it doesn't exist because theres no written record
If you wanna read a book go read Oswald Spengler's Decline of the West instead of your communist trash
very intellectually lazy to just assume all of your dissenters are jewish
Read a political theory book and stop imagining scenarios and people that doesn't exist in reality in your head for a change. Liberals are inherently more right-wing than they will ever be left and there is nothing you can do that will change that.
Knowing is half the battle.
I have. Your point?
im well aware. this is proof that they did exist, not the opposite
Must be easy living to just call everything you don't like "communist trash" and live in ignorance, huh?
The left has been pushing the Overton window to their side for at least 50 years
There are almost no real conservatives left in Europe
>400 replies
Fucking retards
>the left
You keep saying it, but it still doesn't manifest itself in reality, buddy.
>There are almost no real conservatives left in Europe
>dumb lefties this everyones a right winger! obviously the truth is everyones a left winger
What did you think about it
How many times does socialism have to fail until you admit it's not possible?
>you go read a book instead of me justifying me retarded ideas
not even trying
>yeah, fuck those commies man they want to brainwash me but they don't know that I'm already brainwashed
First ""surgery"" or how i call that mutilation was done many years later
You are still completely clueless
Go watch Yuri Bezmenov and see how easily people like you are manipulated
>How many times does socialism have to fail until you admit it's not possible?
Until you learn to put coherent and unique thoughts into the real world and not boomer-on-Facebook-esque tripe that people who haven't a read a book since high school constantly parrot.
Explain how are my ideas retarded then
Yes they existed in Wiemar Germany with the child prostitutes and snuff porn. Then they didn't.
The justification for everyone being right wing in this thread is that they engage in capitalism.
Let's say that's true for a moment, that means everyone living in capitalist society is right wing economically.
Ok case closed then, what about social politics?
You think everyone is socially right wing?
See >n-n-no ur brainwashed!!
Damn if only we had the CIA in Nam.
Retards, it's obviously not ok to be socially right-wing, or they wouldn't get banned and silenced on every major social media platform
try and imagine for a second that people in this thread have different opinions and definitions of what right wing means. There is no distinction between economic and social politics. They feed into each other in such a way that it is impossible to separate. If you are economically capitalist, you enforce social politics that harm minorities.
burden of proof is on you to explain your claim
define "left"
define "right"
illustrate the full extent of the left-right spectrum including what is "center"
define "liberalism"
articulate a correlation between "liberalism" and "left" or "right"
pinpoint where liberalism would fall on it
Whoa Capitalism is woke now.
So if a communist piece of shit gets a kicked off a website it means that he is not ok? Right?
Ok? Is there any reason people should care more about minorities than themselves?
Point of personal privilege: Punk music marginalizes people with hearing sensitivity
besides humanities natural biological drive to help each other? no
I'll pass it along to Fat Mike comrade. Punk shall only be played at 2 and 3 amp levels.
There is no biological drive to help each other.
I mean it depends on the political party...
Obviously in america they're connected
its literally a documented fact of humanity
Only a brainwashed person would say that
Replied to the wrong post. It was meant for
You might not believe this but saying the n-word isn't the same thing as saying the 14 words. There's plenty of racists throughout America's history that didn't know or care about Hitler.
You most certainly have not, you haven't even read the books you yourself keep shilling here. You're just using them as a shield to dissuade poledditors into debating you.
And if you're economically left you enforce social policies that harm whitoids
Ok but be more upfront about it
you mean the middle and upper class. it’s a class issue, kid, your race is irrelevant.
Then why say "minorities"?
sorry that wasn’t me. anonymous posting is still shit.
rising tide lifts all boats. it would be only benificial to white people
Most modern white nationalist organizations are explicitly anti-capitalist, get with the times.
It's not shit if you actually read the post I was replying to instead of being a spaz
Ok, I'm pretty sure mass immigration, lgbt acceptance, anti-white brainwashing doesn't benefit white people
Not for the person whose blamed for putting them in the boat.
>mass immigration
you know there are white immigrants too right?
>lgbt acceptance
you know there are white lgbt people right
>anti-white brainwashing
lol you really believe this?
>Incorrect, there was a clear leader, it almost always being the strongest, biggest male
Literal biological predisposition towards to treating tall people as leaders.
Do you not have eyes? Do you not analyze your surroundings? Why do you think that the 6'2 chad is always the center or attention while you're sitting in the corner of the class citing communist ideals to the other losers?
im literally a 6'3 commie and this is absolutely not true
>>anti-white brainwashing
>lol you really believe this?
No one hates white people more than white people, you truly are crazy.
There’s literally no gray area with you people. Your entire worldview is an Internet-groomed cartoon.
Why do you ignore reality so much
How is it beneficial for europeans to have their countries flooded with millions of african migrants?
Lgbt vote majority left and minorities are way more likely to be lgbt than whites so it doesn't matter
>lol you srsly believe these thousands of documented cases of university professors openly discriminating against whites exists?
He says, on a Malaysian hide tanning guild.
Ironic than the most beta looking men are the ones who are preaching right wind ideas
>How is it beneficial for europeans to have their countries flooded with millions of african migrants?
this isn’t happening anywhere except your own mind. do grow up.
There is literally no reality with you people. Your entire wordlview is just an idealized illusion of the real world.
>le stock image of fat communist.jpg
>le ideology which wants to take from the rich and successful and give to the poor and lazy is le alpha
Leftoid ignores reality again
>correlating wealth with success
>correlating poverty with laziness
You dress this up like you’re being cutting edge but this is rhetoric that comes straight out of the ruling class/status quo.
You gonna' do anything about it, smelly prole? :^)
If that is true then why most alt right men are mentally Ill virgins with anger issues?
Because you're a retard who bases his political views on anecdotes
Just don’t pretend like you had to think very hard to come to those conclusions. Very surface-level analysis of class differences indeed.
So you do concede that you are a loser?
Lefties are oversocialized, whereas rightwingers are not, resulting in the ugly ones to not beg and grovel for pussy like the left counterpart and thus never get it.
What is true is most of times blatantly apparent. You can theorized romanticist bullshit happy land ideologies as much as you want, you will always remain a lazy prole :^)
>What is true is most of times blatantly apparent. You can theorized romanticist
Do you speak this awkwardly too?
Oh no, a typo, guess all i said falls flat now :^(
If they hate pussy so much. Then why some of them literally kill for it?
wait are lefties just mad poor people or are they armchair bourgeoisie that just do it to benefit themselves? I need to be up to date on my propaganda
Your entire post was a “typo”. I’m assuming English isn’t your first language, because damn dude, you’re all over the place.
You're right, i am a balkanigger, survivor of cummunism
They are losers who are either monetarily poor or poor in character/soul. Proles are not people.
They don't hate pussy, they having to work for it.
You survived a classless, stateless, currencyless society?
*hate having to work for it
bit hasty since the thread is about to finna get pruned.
Just want to remind you commiebros that if you're not a tankie, you're a lil bitch
I survived an attempt at a classless, stateless, currencyless society. I do agree that it does sound like heaven, but i don't lose myself in such dreams.
unless you own a company/apartment complex/any other mean of production, youre a prole also