He either gives Tool a 10 riding on a hypetrain or gives strong 6 just to troll people and drag views. No in-between

He either gives Tool a 10 riding on a hypetrain or gives strong 6 just to troll people and drag views. No in-between.

Attached: 922e2ccc2b313845ac9bbe26515f2be5.png (1600x900, 1.47M)

what’s he looking at bros?

why do you care

Or he gives them a 7 like he fucking will you retard because that's fucking obvious

He should give it a 2 just like Pitchwork did. Tool fucking sucks.

He put the single in the "meh" section of his weekly song segment so there's no way it's a 10

a black cock

Fantano gives a 10
>hypetrain pandering to tool fans fuck him
Fantano gives a 9
>hypetrain pandering to tool fans fuck him
Fantano gives an 8
>he's hedging his bets fuck him
Fantano gives a 7
>so typical so obvious so middle-of-the-road
Fantano gives a 6
>knew he'd give a 6 i called it
Fantano gives a 5
>he's being a contrarian whore for views
Fantano gives a 4 or below
>OH NO NO NOOO hehehe

have i covered all of your potential knee-jerk reactions, OP?

You know he browses Yea Forums right?
He's going to read your post and do neither just to spite you.

this, hes completely devoid of taste
his reviews are always whatever the popular opinion is and its looking like the majority says 7-8

Hi Fantano

i unsubscribed when he gave the new slipknot album less than a 7
feels freeing in a way

unironically this

Slipknot fucking sucks but fantano is definitely a fag


fuck fantano and fuck this board

WANYK is at least a 7.5/10 objectively

His gf prepping the bull

I'm feeling a strong to light 9 on this prediction.


fantano does it again

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 72K)

As if Complex would permit him to internalise a Yea Forums opinion in 2019, Fantano's a drone

Attached: Aaarghhhhhh.png (1536x2905, 135K)

noone cares, OP

Isn't that obvious? He's looking at himself reflected in the window.

unironically this

This. Who fucking cares what he thinks? If you like it, good.

8/10, will play it safe. just like they did

He’s watching me having sex with her ebony girlfriend

He looks like such a fucking insectoid nu-male in this picture

He's going to give it a 6 , maybe a 7.

But who cares , if you like the album enjoy it (invincible is really neat btw)


Does he though? I don't watch his shit but is it something he said himself or did Yea Forums pick up clues and signs in typical schizo fashion?

light 8 coming

fantano used to browse Yea Forums back in the day, he referred to it in his aeroplane over the sea review and some other Yea Forumscore albums I believe
I doubt he still does so regularly though, this place is an unbearable shithole nowadays and fantano became more of a mainstream poptimist, not to mention if someone discovered he browsed a nazi website it'd be the Fader affair all over again

Attached: fantano mu.gif (332x311, 1.43M)

>nazi website
Yea Forums is pretty left wing, and this is an anime website

He will probably receive death threats if he gives it anything less than a 7

>Yea Forums is pretty left wing

>anime website

Attached: AE19D0C9-384A-4E45-AF2A-075FD681A4CE.png (772x2344, 774K)

A 6 would be suitable on his scale. I would give it a 3. Boring af.

listening to IDLES doesn't make you leftist if you're seething the whole time

most of the site is /pol/ lite nowadays

You cracked the code

if you think he's gonna give tool a 10 you are genuinely retarded

He gave all the billie elish tracks meh and we both know how that went some pr agent is going to pay him big money to give it a decent 8. Dont be surprised during the review he says the track grew on him. At least cuckgau doesn't get paid for good reviews. I'm surprised anyone takes his opinions seriously when there all bought

He will give it a Devent 7, screencap this.

He's pretty harsh on bad mixing, and this album is full of weird mixes. It doesn't feel so much cohesive.

That's why he gave also a 10 for the Daughter's album: It is probably one of best rock album mix in the last decade.

Anthony is a tranny, right?

Ok riddle me this.
If fantano doesn't give it a 7 or 8, what'll you say?

wont say shit but ill be genuinely surprised

Who gices a fuck? Who the fuck watches Fagtano or give merit to his opinions anyway?
Because he is.