Why do zoomers hate Tool?

Why do zoomers hate Tool?

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they’re fucking boring and the fanbase is cancer

I'm a zoomer and I don't hate tool. I think they're a little masturbatory but I don't hate tool. I hate NIN though.

everyone hates Tool

Overrated wank with pseud lyrics. It's like progressive buttrock.

Im 35 and dont remember Tool being very loved by critics in the early 2000s. Some people were hoping Tool was going to save alternative rock around like 2000/2001 and Lateralus was a disappointment.

Because my wannabe-GenX, Joe Rogan-watching, drughead friends never fucking shut up about tool.
They're like a higher tier of obnoxious than the redditfags that never shut up about Radiohead.

Its like the last bastion of elitism for people.
"bro have you heard tool bro tool's great top notch tool is amazing you gotta listen to tool bro you just didn't listen to it right bro try this song tool is perfect"
Literally kill yourself

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it’s not zoomers, it’s people with taste

All the songs sound the same.

They don't

>people talk about a popular band who made genius music
What the fuck do you expect

Because zoomers know Maynard raped an 8 year old boy in the ass for a sex magicl ritual per his satan cult, and they don't think it's cool like boomer tool fans do

Found one

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i initially got into them because of their distinct angry groove sound back in undertow/aenima

their "enlightened" masturbation tracks which are basically their meat and potatoes post 2001 do not sit well with me. after listening to their new record 4 times over the past 2 weeks, i think i can sum it up with 'vacuous'.

2 days*



Its not that i hate tool, i just think that they're boring proge and that there's a lot of actually good and forward thinking zeuhl/rio/avant-prog bands that would deserve their acclaim instead

i was a sweet innocent girl until maynard raped me and ruined my life

>I don't hate tool
OK opinion
>They're a little masturbatory
P R I M E opinion
>I hate NIN
Bin-worthy opinion holy shit

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imagine not being able to appreciate tronts genius

Yeah can i get that uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh WITH uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh TEETH uhhhhhh

a genius doesnt always strike gold, doesnt mean theyre less of one, especially when theyre created one of the greatest and most iconic albums of all time

superior teeth album

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same reason xoomers and boomers hate tool. because tool sucks ass

mmm hmm

Correction: Maynard is a pretentious wanker and brings the band down.

But, he's a great lyricist and the band is fucking amazing.

Getting a backstage pass isnt rape sweetie.

I don't know if they do but the scary gen-x alternative thing is nothing to do with dabbing, flossing little conformist shoppers. If they liked Tool i'd be disgusted with them. That would be like those faggots that were all about the 60s hippy music in 1992, seriously wtf?

like what you want but there's good stuff i don't listen to because i don't like it.

they generally have the attention span of a fruit fly and cant focus on something for more than 3 minutes

don't hate the player hate the game. in their heyday tool was the 2019 suicide meme, everyone was spell bound by them. we're simply products of our generation, zoomers will be the same with whatever dumb shit they listen to.

Cause I dont listen to the works of some degenerate cult worshipping heathen gen X'er. I only listen to the godly works of power metal, gregorian chants, and deus vult music. Dont talk to me or my music tastes ever again you aetheist scum.

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Zoomer here. Do not hate Tool. My Gen-X dad hates them though. Mainly just because his wife's stoner ex-boyfriend liked them though.

Can't answer that. I can answer why all my musician friends hate tool. I believe it is because it is a very technical band that a lot of musicians can't emulate due to not having enough skill. This makes them angry and unable to relate to the music. It is a form of musician envy.