Glad assholes like this don't make it far in the industry nowadays.
Never happened, but still based
>lol so randumb time signatures with wacky lyrics lmao XD
>u just don't get it bro it's avantgarde!
fuck craptain beefshit
Fuck boner hope that fag dies
>lol so randumb time signatures with wacky lyrics
you unironically don't get it lmao
lmao you really don't like his shitty music, you just pretend to enjoy it for cred. stop lying 2 urself.
incredibly based, and I like U2
>I like U2
for the same reason you like the bands you like I suppose
what kind of question is that
>if im retarded everyone else is too
Look at this dood
But U2 is shitty corporate stadium pop rock for boomers. You're better than that.
And you are a poor soul posting on Yea Forums who is probably older than 23 and still lives in the basement of his parent's house
your point is?
and you're parroting Yea Forums's opinion of a band you clearly never gave an actual chance
you're better than that
>not being a boomer
>not liking objectively shitty pop rock music makes you a 20-something neet living in your parent's house
Imagine being this clueless and having bad taste in music.
You need to be 18+ to post on this website.
Nobody in their 20s except flyover christfags like this shit
>Nobody in their 20s except flyover christfags like this shit
it's called "college rock" for a reason, user
>hurr durr if you still dislike my shitty band you're underage!
Your optimism is misplaced, U2 are unfortunately still quite popular.
Notice how the part I greentexted wasn't related to your opinion you colossal retard.
It's mostly about you claiming that what you were saying was objective in any way. get over yourself.
>college rock
In 1982 maybe
College rock is a term that hasn't been used in like 20 years, and U2 were firmly mainstream pop by The Joshua Tree.
>yfw you realize that was the name Don gave him for induction into the Magic Band
U2 is fucking trash you massive fucking idiot.
>generic production
>mediocre and predictable songwritting
>chessy/annoying vocals and lyrics
And yes, even their post-punk phase is terrible. They are objectively bad. Get over it, stupid.
Not an argument and you still can't defend your shitty band. Get better taste.
literal child
U2 are the most tryhard sanctimonious sanitized bullshit put to tape. No wonder Apple and the NFL love these guys.
we get it, you're autistic