Is there any album more doomer than this? Earth is literally Venus. In 5 years you will die if you set foot in a non-climate controlled environment
Is there any album more doomer than this? Earth is literally Venus...
kgatlw ranting about climate change again woo
Anyone who brings up Venus when talking about climate change is an idiot who knows nothing about how earth's climate works.
>taking this fucking album seriously
The album's about exodus to other planets due to our own world's degradation. Hence Mars, Venus talk etc. The irony is that in a lot of ways it'd actually be easier to build floating colonies on Venus than try and eke out a sorry radioactive desert bubble existence on Mars. Take that how you will. I agree that thinking Earth will become Venuslike is an incredibly pedestrian view
>uses politically relevant topic as subject matter for new album
>really just an excuse to make thrash metal and expand into ANOTHER genre
>tfw even if climate change doesn't kill us the superbug will
>The album's about exodus to other planets due to our own world's degradation.
so it's an original then
they've been using that topic since Stu stopped writing about being a drunk loser. At least as early as I'm in Your Mind Fuzz.
Don't usually listen to their stuff, only heard that Fishing for Fishies had environmentally conscious tones
Mediocre, inauthentic, dishonest, rips off thrash metal from 4 decades ago despite the fact that there's been 4 decades of progress in metal, because they can't whatsoever compete in that arena and resort to nostalgia pandering as they've done their whole career
So does Flying Microtonal Banana
Gotta be honest, only listened to Nonagaon Infinity since everyone was losing their fucking mind over it. I hated it so I didn't listen to anymore until now with ITRN. If I ignore the lyrics, it's fine.
This is basically the plot of Cowboy Bebop.
wtf do you even mean?
he is possibly confusing the planet Venus with the Venus Project.
Fight Fire With Fire is a much better apocalyptic album opener than Planet B.
Specifically there's two colonization waves in the album. The rich go to Mars while Earth is shitty but still sort of tenable, then the remaining poor who are still alive escape to Venus after the superbug plague and by that point rivers are running black and the Amazon is a desert (but they're still mostly just fleeing smallpox ii)
not an argument
pseud trash, also not an argument
nigger you're just repeating yourself now
>reeee throwbacks bad
go be a nigger somewhere else
>labcoat men and guberment told me the world is end, guess i'll follow their orders to save da blanet like a good cucky wucky
You should check out Carole and Tuesday same creator but takes place about 50 years after full immigration to mars
>science man bad
>look it snowed haha take that liberals
>know nothing about science and have never readresearch paper in life but bill nye say 99% of scientists think we die so i give up life for blanet
>i bet uve never red the one or two papers that agree with me haHA take that LIBERALS
its an anti capitalist album
>hurr hurr im gonna post this on r/therighcantmeme deez dumdums dont even believe in science lammaooo
get a room
All the buzzwords in one post.
Listen to pic related, it is a single track concept album about the same stuff
bye billie