music for this feel?
Music for this feel?
Other urls found in this thread:
tim heidecker - i am a cuck
Johnny Cash - Cocaine Blues
trudeau is a massive faggot though which is probably why she feels comfortable kissing him
something gay... something french, perhaps
im gonna cope with having that faggot as a PM by voting him out in Oct
Is there any actual point to this thread other than weak /pol/ b8?
>voting for pajeet or the blue liberal-lites
Oh no no no no nooooooo
Mad Max for me, bud
based, same
Free Palestine
t. resident Yea Forums jew
One of the big 3 will win, and we’re fucked no matter the outcome
It’s CANADA who gives a shit!???
tame impala - the less I know the better
or any other cuckcore like deathcore
Trudeau is dope. Go shit the bed again, Bernier
Trudeau is literally a large child. He has no understanding of economics or how to run a country.
you do enough to post about it
seething tranny
trudeau is a massive faggot feminist wannabe who simultaneously interferes in the affairs of female prosecutors to benefit frog corporations
Someone needs to make a cuckcore chart or playlist
t. Gets all his news from Ontario Proud and The Rebel
Hicks gonna hick, I suppose.
only literal faggots think this prissy egoistic "let's play dress up" bafoon is "dope"
Not even Canadian, so haven't heard about those news outlets.
So you get your news from The_Donald and Breitbart? LOLOLOL. That's even worse, m8.
>le hair and socks man!
Admit it, y'all are just jelly cause conservahicks are overwhelmingly ugly and have no fashion sense IN ADDITION to lacking an understanding of economics and running a country. October can't come soon enough, bb.
Wow, Israelis are nazies wtf.