>Yeah I like krautrock >Can, Neu, the list could go on... literally 99% of Yea Forums. You plebs. Give me some very good krautrock that is not super niche but niche enough not to evoke a cringe reaction in me
Something more niche than Neu but less niche than albums with
>give me music Fuck you bitch. Go find it yourself on rateyourmusic or some shit.
Nathaniel Hernandez
Krautrock is such an established “patrician” genre by even boomers that all the good albums have been discovered and popularised.
Ian Johnson
i'm not spoonfeeding a worthless faggot such as yourself
Jordan Garcia
krautrock is a small genre of bands
Levi Sanchez
Can, Neu, Faust, Popol Vuh and Amon Duul II are literally 95% of the bands ever mentioned in krautrock discussions Tangerine Dream being the remainder 4%
What's the sweetest of that sweet 1%, anons?
Brandon Watson
Name them all then.
Christian Moore
Malesch by Agitation Free
Alexander Lewis
>2000 ratings on RYM >200k views on YT We need. To go. Deeper.
Give me something below 1000-1500 ratings on RYM, with 20k-100k views on YT that is very good
Julian Brown
Can, neu, early kraftwerk, popol vuh, ash ra, guru guru
i think that's most of it
Kayden Wilson
>kraftwerk Ah yes. That shit, boring and outdated band, yes.
Nolan King
Brainticket, Yatha Sidhra
Caleb Young
is ash ra related to sun ra
Blake Torres
There's like about 50 krautrock bands. Not hard to sift through the genre on your own.
Jaxon Sanchez
SAND, Kraan, Hoelderlin, Gunter Shickert, Guru Guru, Broken Door, A.R. & Machines - can name specific records if anyone’s interested.
Ryder Nguyen
the fuck is this retarded nicheness calculus
Juan Bailey
>lmao i dunno jackshit about krautrock lololol
Charles Adams
Nektar, Embryo, BröselMaschine, Birth Control, Kluster, Cluster, Harmonia, La Düsseldorf, Ibliss, Ashra, Ash Ra Tempel