Yeah I like krautrock

>Yeah I like krautrock
>Can, Neu, the list could go on...
literally 99% of Yea Forums. You plebs.
Give me some very good krautrock that is not super niche but niche enough not to evoke a cringe reaction in me

Something more niche than Neu but less niche than albums with

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Other urls found in this thread:

>give me music
Fuck you bitch. Go find it yourself on rateyourmusic or some shit.

Krautrock is such an established “patrician” genre by even boomers that all the good albums have been discovered and popularised.

i'm not spoonfeeding a worthless faggot such as yourself

krautrock is a small genre of bands

Can, Neu, Faust, Popol Vuh and Amon Duul II are literally 95% of the bands ever mentioned in krautrock discussions
Tangerine Dream being the remainder 4%

What's the sweetest of that sweet 1%, anons?

Name them all then.

Malesch by Agitation Free

>2000 ratings on RYM
>200k views on YT
We need. To go. Deeper.

Give me something below 1000-1500 ratings on RYM, with 20k-100k views on YT that is very good

Can, neu, early kraftwerk, popol vuh, ash ra, guru guru

i think that's most of it

Ah yes. That shit, boring and outdated band, yes.

Brainticket, Yatha Sidhra

is ash ra related to sun ra

There's like about 50 krautrock bands. Not hard to sift through the genre on your own.

SAND, Kraan, Hoelderlin, Gunter Shickert, Guru Guru, Broken Door, A.R. & Machines - can name specific records if anyone’s interested.

the fuck is this retarded nicheness calculus

>lmao i dunno jackshit about krautrock lololol

Nektar, Embryo, BröselMaschine, Birth Control, Kluster, Cluster, Harmonia, La Düsseldorf, Ibliss, Ashra, Ash Ra Tempel

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i really wish this whole site was like Yea Forums where spoonfeeders like you get banned on site

>yeah i still don't know anything about krautrock so i'll just play the tough guy on tha interwebz
XD to bad this is not Yea Forums lmao

Ash Ra Tempel and Agitation Free sound interesting

Any more very good bands that you'd recommend?
Your top, medium-niche recs?

Lime by Mugstar

Important note

Don't listen to any other krautrock band expecting Tago Mago or Neu. Please listen with an open mind. Thanks

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imagine if we had a board with a userbase that actually cared about its board quality

that's why Yea Forums will always be the best board despite its faults

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I know this. Even Tago Mago is nothing like Neu!, and krautrock is just an umbrella term