is being transexual the secret to making cutting edge electronic music?
Is being transexual the secret to making cutting edge electronic music?
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is being electronic music the secret to making transexual cutting edge ?
>cuttimg edge
Lol. This is just industrialized/glitched out pop music.
Wendy Carlos is definitive proof
dorian electra isn't even trans and her music isn't even cutting edge.
and arca's lyrics are fucking TERRIBLE but no one cares because his audience is 90% white americans
Honestly, this is a fucking trend now. Uboa too. What is it that connects transness to experimental electronic music?
>100 Gecs
>cutting edge
Forcing genres together and having it sound like shit is not innovative.
i dunno
You're right. Their. Sorry.
I'm pretty sure when Dorian was born the doctors didn't say "Its non-binary!" so i would say their trans
gettin a lotta small truck energy in this post
Being non-binary and being trans are two different things.
>sex and gender are the same
Non-Binary is under the Trans umbrella, but not all Non-binary people call themselves Trans.
for free critical acclaim in condé nast publications yes it'th the lil thecret
if you're not european and making industrial techno or blown out low fidelity meme house you're not making electronic music worth listening to let alone breaking ground anywhere with anything for anybody
i'm willing to entertain some of this shit if it's novel in some way or technically proficient but i find durian electro particularly offensive for a number of reasons. fuck themselfves and fuck you for posting that near me
these peoples shit is awful and are only distinguished by their particularly desperate fishing for attention.
being non-conforming doesn't make you trans at all. that's what non-conforming is.
again, it's fucking trash tailor made for people with ADHD or ADHD-taste that also want to appear sophisticated.
have you actually listened to any of them or are you just mad at new music existing
non conforming isnt non binary dummy
SOPHIE is a woman
im stanning so fucking hard rn
Rym is full of trannies
Bourgeois homosexuals do nothing all day but pat each other on the back
They're literally the same thing.
If you're non-binary, you're not conforming to either of the binary gender types. You're something else. You're non-conforming.
No one said or even implied she wasn't.
Trannies are obsessed with glitch art because it's the easiest, most self indulgent way to feel like you're producing something meaningful
Dorian Electra's album is pretty good, I must say. First time listen here
dora the electra was horrendous
arca's solo work is fucking stupid
sophie is just making the same shit she was making in 2013 and riding free publicity
hundred gex is borderline fascist in a refn kind of way and i only see it getting shilled not discussed
this shit isn't compelling at all it just clicks with the current editorial cosmology around tran volks de couleur and associated haute garbage. i have no time or patience for it. good luck convincing normal people to give a fuck one way or the other because you can't quite purchase that from a publisher
Can’t believe Adam and Steve is such a banger
Why would I care about making normal people listen to this?
Yeah, why not
why buy a career just to "express yourself" and not make money from it
How fucked in the head was this dude from 1-10?
Also heard he stole all the credit and that the rest of the band was more involved
This kind of music was never meant for the straight white boys of Yea Forums anyway
then who is it for and why aren't you reaching them?
Music was never meant for delusional retards who cut their own dicks off
rich parents
disgusting pedophile who fucked his daughter is about to die from leukemia LOL can't wait hnestly :)
devoted popper-huffing gays who are always on the frontline of pop/electronic/club music for decades now
okay now answer my other question
It's true tho
Disco, house, techno, rave. All gays.
can i get some info on this
Sophie has fallen off real hard since 2013, she crossed into self parody with Oil of Every Pearl
You seriously think disco, techno, rave, house had any impact from the gay community or that they make up the majority of their listeners?
Delusional ignorant faggot
mentally ill always make the best music
Gays started the trend when it comes to dance music.
Stop revisioning. It's cringe.
Name one (1) good mentally ill music artist
LGBT culture and dance culture have always overlapped
Don't be dumb
>the majority of disco's audience is straight and hyper conventional
the absolute state of reactionary dullards
Disco at it's peak was one of the most popular genres in the world
Gay people make up what? 3% of the population?
Despite making up 0.001 percent of the population...
What does that even mean, what is LGBT "culture"? Gay bars? Drag queens?
How do culturally illiterate retards like you even find their way here
What trend? If you're implying they were the earliest listeners of genres like these you should back it up with some kind of evidence
Because LGBT culture is so important and significant right?
disco's audience at it's height was in fact very straight and very conventional which is why normal people got bored with it and "The Gays" innovated in the background
STDs and domestic abuse
Gays never innovated anything lol
Disco, house, techno was first made by straight afro americans
Yep nothing gay happening here. Just us straight dudes dancing hetero-ly to the straight man's disco
Pretty sure they've had a mastectomy, seems pretty trans to me
invent? its just dum dum dum dum...
non binary isn't about being in opposition to the binary gender types its someone with a gender outside of the binary. gender non-conforming is when you dont conform to the societal standards associated with your gender. Theyr're obviously distinct categories. The white stripe on the trans flag is explicitly for nonbinary people
>white people are responsible for all degeneracy
>white homosexuals stole all of their culture from black people
isnt arca just a gay man?
>in this picture you can see gays dancing
Does that make rap white culture considering majority of it's listeners are white?
Who are you quoting?
it's a shameless ad hominem
it was pop music and all over the radio
Is there truly a music genre that LGBT can call their own, or is more like they are one of many subcultures that built up larger music subcultures primarily in prominent cities in particular western liberal nations at certain points in the later half of the 20th century up to now?
Yeah this new tranny deconstructed club type shit seems to mostly be innovated by trannies.
Dont care enough about it to look into it's past that much so who knows
the latter
ignorant people love to turn shit around. house and techno music is inclusive til you forget why it existed in the first place and are so offended and so threatened by acknowledging gay and queer culture being the dominant force in all of it.
It existed in the first place because a few blacks in detroit decided to mess around with samplers, not because a few faggots liked sucking dick to it
Well that's good since I just love my straight white based and male rock albums for doomers.
>hasn't seen the video for "flamboyant"
they still have their titties
was. came out as trans a while ago
tragic "opinion" arca's solo stuff is amazing learn theory
aight arky lemme hop to it
Shut the fuck up, stupid cunt.
um guys....
The only people I know irl that are actually into more cutting edge electronic are lgtbbq whatever
I know lots of straights into ""EDM"" festival crap but the most experimental stuff is lost on them.
Because you're gay and you only hang around gays, everyone I know that's into experimental edm is straight
Dropped so fucking hard
please be b8, what the fuck
privileged rich bitch
Wrong and I'm right
no it's the secret to making npc's think you're making cutting edge electronic music
dorian's cancelled sis
On the contrary, they're both faggots
ugh jfc
Deconstructed club is just discount Autechre beats with some lazily glitched pop melodies over it.
more like cutting penis lmao
>tfw you try to make an album with your shitty politics and it sucks
It must be tough not being a lefty in the current year
And sophie, arca and 100 gecs aren't trash because they're lefties right?
not only do dorian electras vocals suck but also the instrumentals arent interesting
The only thing those things are cutting is their genitals and mental health
It's because they make good music
Only Arca made cutting edge at some point, now he’s a cringelord
Horrid taste
arca's a good case study for how being absorbed by your own sexuality rots your ability to focus on literally anything else
At least he’s got a qt Spanish bf
Arca isn't trans, he's just gay
this sucks
show me where the future of pop music is going
remember the toilet scene in trainspotting
>Well that's good since I just love my straight white based and male rock albums for doomers.
very based, friend.
Can anyone recommend stuff that’s catchy and noisy like Sophie?
wtf this sucks
deleting all of their scrobbles
Based schizo poster
yes user.
Wendy Carlos
Throbbing Gristle
Transgender not transexual m8 (or I think at least, idk what they've got going on physically down there).
Also not calling them awful albums but there are plenty just as good or better from recent years and I wouldn't call any of those cutting edge or influential etc. (though I've got no clue what the bottom left is -- guessing it came out recently cause I haven't kept up with Yea Forums or new music for the past 4-5 months or something.
Really sucks that you have to tranny check everything thesedays... It's turning me off from Orange Milk Recs.
>ywn save her
feels bad bros...
t. retarded anglo