How come this video says a redditor leaked Tool's new album, I thought a Yea Forumstant leaked it in that series of threads a couple of days ago?
How come this video says a redditor leaked Tool's new album...
Other urls found in this thread:
I also remember there being a tbread on Yea Forums where OP took a photo of the packaged CD
Yea but he didn’t do shit. Also that photo originally came from reddit
reddit band
Those were just reposts of images already on reddit. They bamboozled us.
That was all reddit. The threads here constantly linked to reddit. But you could say we were watching closely.
Nah, everything posted here was from reddit...
They were bait threads, and toolfags fell for them hook, line and sinker. Yea Forums didn't leak the album
To Maynard?
To mods for linking illegal content
Yea Forums is reddit as fuck
why is the physical version the one with the shorter tracklist? why not keep it the same through all platforms. At least in tools case they should have included the tracks in the physical release and cut the digital one short
Well that's disappointing, what's my motivation for buying the physical version now?
they were 44 seconds short of maxing the cd.
Isn't it supposed to be 10 tracks?
CD has only 7
Digital has 3 segues
yes Yea Forums watched reddit leak it and then leaked we leaked it here
Couldn't fit.
I fucking hate this guy his content is so boring and uninspired
You’re gay
Hello Justin
Stop doing youtube, start doing gay pornography
have you heard his bands music? dear god it is horrendous
You're gayer for defending him.
>le epic mustache, epic brooding state and deep voice
This guy is soooo boring
Didn’t know he had a band but the way he looks gives me the kind of vibe that it’s garbage. Let me guess, it’s shitty, uninspired “progressive” metal or djent?
It's a metalcore trap fusion, so pretty close.
oh and the band is called "Jynx" if you want to kill your ears
What a faggot
Imagine playing in a trap metal band when you’re like thirty oh my god
vacuous drivel, i can't watch this anymore
Why would you want this site to be promoted in the first place? That's what made it go to shit. Yea Forums should be like Fight Club, you don't talk about it. But no, instead you'd rather post fucking youtube videos about it and have it publicized to the whole world. pathetic.
Holy shit
He's 34. 35 in December
The rules never fucking mattered. Keep acting like you know shit and didn't come here in 2016.
Reminder that what you all have done is wrong and the exact reason you wont be getting another Tool album. Hope youre ashamed of yourselves
Jesus Christ, you're retarded.
I didn't download the leak though, that means Tool is visiting my house to perform their 6th album just for me
keep spouting shit you know nothing about. Yea Forums isn't and never was a secret club. It's always grew at a fast rat.
Your reading comprehension indeed proves you to be retarded. I'll leave you be now.