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Melodeath sucks.
I can't stop listening to pic related
I need more lucky luke metal
We’re in here
first wave black > second wave black
That'r really nice, wow
>poop > shit
stop pretending "first wave black" exists
have sex
kys fruit
Has anybody else listened to this? I found it because I followed Antiq records on bandcamp after I bought the new Véhémence album.
Having sex isn't metal.
Listen to dopethrone
bengali edition
More like the Crypt of Gays
This album with a mid-paced, bone chilling slow burn with a "say more with less" approach, dissonant, dread-inducing, atmospheric, thick and chunky, dark and eerie, filthy, cavernous death metal album without dishonest riffing released on Dark Descent is pretty good.
I'm listening Infernal Battles by Deathspell Omega. it's not bad but kinda boring. should i try another album by them?
first wave black metal is just a fancy name for thrash metal with satanic lyrics
something something monumentum something is their best one
Fucking jannies, more autistic than Yea Forums even, well let’s discuss metal.
Rape is Metal.
thanks, i'll give it a listen.
shitty noisecore
If you’re a nigger maybe
get out of here stalker
I’d cornhole them both
You mean all three.
Samael - Blood Ritual
and yet its better than any black metal from the 90s
>listening to metal in 2020-1
Name three good gothic metal records that aren't Type O Negative, or the subgenre will be erased from existence.
What three albums do you choose?
> wah this isn't popular anymore
I'm not sure what constitutes gothic metal. Does Mindrot - Dawning count?
I don't know anything else
More bands that sound like this
Make me.
but thats one of their worst albums user
What is some good metal for someone who likes the taste of cock?
Ok fine more bands that sound like THIS
Paracletus is their most accessible album, Fas is their least accessible, their latest (Furnaces) appears to be excellent and fairly challenging, Si Monumentum is too long but has some truly great tracks such as the two Sola Fides.
The Drought EP is a great starting point for modern DsO. In reality all of their post-SMRC releases are excellent and worth checking out.
Judas Priest.
Cringe and yikespilled
some other shitty black metal on relapse
or the first Axis of Perdition album if you want something that sounds like Codex Necro
Pensees Nocturnes - Vacuum
Not really feeling it so far.
ngl telling goth bitches I like BVB has scored me tons of pussy
I can't think of a single BM band put out by Relapse. That band wasn't either.
Whole of the Law is their best! Then it's In the Constellation, then Codex Necro, then Eschaton.
i wish there were, thats my like 3rd favourite album for all time
fucking end yourself my dude
>see holocaust pic
>look up band
>see they’re polish
I just don’t get it, weren’t poles the most harshly persecuted of all of the groups? Why would they praise it?
How do I trascend normieness bros, I really like Megadeth and Death don't really know where to branch out from here
>why yes I am going to buy a mid-paced, bone chilling slow burn with a "say more with less" approach, dissonant, dread-inducing, atmospheric, thick and chunky, dark and eerie, filthy, cavernous death metal album without dishonest riffing released on Dark Descent
NSBM is essential closetcore
are you kidding? thats in their modern "holy shit we need to be deathcore influenced" phase
it's as simple as
Constellation = Hell Is Empty = Codex Necro > When Fire Rains Down From The Sky > Eschaton > Domine Non Es Dignus > Total Fucking Necro > Passion > Vanitas > Whole of the Law > A New Kind of Horror > Desideratum
Poland was absolutely full of Jews before the holocaust, hence why they were the main target
Most of them were exterminated, there are quite literally zero jews in Poland now
Listen to White wolves kommando, Absurd, Satanic Warmaster, Goatmoon, Fullmoon (pol), Graveland, Burzum
>first wave black metal is just a fancy name for thrash metal with satanic lyrics
Does that mean Jump in the Fire by Metallica is a first wave black metal song? Deliver Us To Evil by Exodus is a first wave black metal song? The Conjuring by Megadeth?
It's almost like it didn't actually happen the way you've been taught. Weird huh
>why yes I am going to buy a mid-paced, bone chilling slow burn with a "say more with less" approach, dissonant, dread-inducing, atmospheric, thick and chunky, dark and eerie, claustrophobic, filthy, cavernous death metal album without dishonest riffing released on 20 Buck Spin
Yeah. That was pretty ass. What's up with DSBM being a clown genre?
You're not wrong but to be fair the Conjuring could be considered proto black metal
Unironically based list
Back to your containment board.
Those are first wave of ghoul metal
It’s almost like eastern europeans are delusional huh?
What's dishonest riffing?
Anything involving a banjo
Thanks I like Burzum a lot, I think when venturing outside of the popular stuff I get turned off by flat out ferocity or brutality of the riffs, I very much like Megadeth and Death for the quality of their riffs
when there's riffs instead of spooky dissonant cave noises
Hell is Empty was a warm up for Constellation, but other than that we would agree except for The Whole of the Law. I missed Vanitas and Desideatum as I sensed that they were repeating themselves and Constellation was something of a peak for the era. When I picked up TWOTL I was blown away by the first three tracks and thought the standard held through the whole record.
A difference of opinion, I guess.
thanks man, i'll check it out.
The Yea Forums equivalent to ludonarrative dissonance
that guy has a 65 IQ
What's on the coffee cup
for me, it's in the Nightside Eclipse.
Greasy fingerprints.
What about the image
That guy probably watches Sargon's 5 hours videos, he isn't an NSBM fan.
This picture is actually what commies are like though
here are the real NSBM fans
What the fuck is wrong with that front guy’s face?
You seem to have the impression that they leave the house.
> wah this does not accurately depict the NSBM scene
they all look normal except one guy with birth defects
Varg a cute
>When I picked up TWOTL I was blown away by the first three tracks and thought the standard held through the whole record.
i guess that's where we differ
those first 3 tracks are top tier AN, and then everything that followed was, to me, things they can bash out in their sleep. completely unspectacular, if inoffensive to the ears.
I prefer albums like Vanitas in comparison where it has a couple of absolute god-tier tracks at the start, then a couple close to the end too, at least it's less of a slog that way
He was a Yea Forumstant too, look here.
Varg or Quorthon?
There's girls on here?
who invited reddit?
it's a G.I.R.L.
it's called a faggot
Probably a lot of people here because of the tool leak last night if I had to guess
I don't need to have a vagina to platonically appreciate his superior nordic genes.
Nazis ITT getting BTFO
jealous much?
Yeah and they're in the 15 Tool threads, not here.
Who invited /pol/?
>adult is shorter than the teenagers
Nazis ITT getting BTFO
So you're a homo sexual non-white person with a race play fetish
Whatever floats your boat
>American patriots
>kekistan memes
Those obviously aren't Nazis you retard.
Pol doesnt need an invitation
everyone should appreciate nordic purity
Stop shitting up the thread, fagolas.
Yeah that's the problem, they can't take a hint either.
Nah, too late. It always starts the same time of night, even on Sundays. Strange.
At least NSBM has some good albums/bands
Can you even name one good commie band? Didnt think so buddy, they havent a place here.
Any futurist metal?
Putting an end to the nazi debate with this controversial ranking of Black Sabbath singers
Tony Martin > Ozzy > Ian Gillan > Dio
Fuck Dio
I wish the reddit fags in this thread would actually talk about music
inb4 neckbeard deathcamp
Fuck you Dio rules man
So you then contribute to even more spam? You're just as much a fag.
>Fuck Dio
>>American patriots
Exactly... Nazis getting BTFO by American patriots. Retard.
The collective of Yea Forums's userbase is incredibly delusional
I look pretty much exactly like that dude and women still expect me to pursue them instead of coming up to me like the chad meme is supposed to represent
It's so fucking enfuriating, nowadays literally nothing is good enough for women to """lower themselves""" to go for a guy they like; men always have to make the first move: FUCK THAT
Khonsu - The Xun Protectorate
Are there any commies that aren't soimales, trannies, or fat people?
Dio sucked, both in Black Sabbath and solo
He's only acceptable in Rainbow
Commies that actually, you know, staged revolutions and led armies.
u for real
Dio was fukken sick m8
how can you not like him. legit curious
they both suck because bm itself sucks ass
even then i'd rather go to grindcore if i wanted half baked politics because at least it makes it more fun
That's the kind of people communism itself enables and glorifies, so no
Kill yourself
actual commies, not US larpers who under a real communist state would be executed on sight
He just never clicked with me, i don't know
I tolerate him in Rainbow because I love the music behind his voice, but I've always found his solo stuff incredibly boring
Here's a redpill that will change your life forever:
Ozzy was a shitty singer and Dio could hit any note flawlessly. Dont believe me? Try to find a good example of Ozzy singing, and compare that with Dio.
Ozzy has good tracks but its not even comparable when it comes to vocal talent
Quorthon is alright but Varg is top qt
Why would you go on the internet and just lie like that?
no one fucking asked
Whats some good intellectual music besides RABM
I guess I can agree in that sense Dio is a flawless vocalist on the technical side, but sometimes doesnt suit the sound to some extent
but fuck me I consider his ability to more than make up for it
whatever man, i hope you one day re-listen to Heaven and Hell and find yourself warming to it
Rainbow is his best, but thats when I'd consider him to be 10/10 rather than "tolerable"
Yea Stalin? what a soiboy. Oh Lenin? total fucking mangina. Mao? definitely a fat tranny.
>exactly 3 days go by after the commie diaper-filler sperged out and seemingly got banned and it starts again
really makes you think
If this isn’t peak /fit/ i don’t know what is
fuck nsbm, fuck rabm, fuck nazis, fuck commies. fuck /pol/, fuck women and fuck you all
I'd desecrate that ass
more like fuck ur mom looole
You know the drill boys
Anarchist skinheads (anarchism isn't fucking red) or even nazi skinheads are nowadays the only individuals who take themselves seriously enough and are ready enough for a survival of the fittest scenario in the current political sphere of collectives, the rest are worthless twitter users
And now go ahead and cherrypick a couple pictures of people unrelated to those I'm describing just like you cherrypicked a couple of communist figures who don't represent the actual mass of people who presently hold those ideas
And after they get into power they kill off everyone considered a threat, meaning everyone that is not a braindead farmer (smart famers get killed). This is why communism always fail.
>im not retarded im just pretending
you're really wheeling that one out? christ
With your long hair you'd make for a perfect woman user.
Based purge
Dick goes where?
into pusy ofc
I agree, that Rainbow > solo > Sabbath/Heaven and Hell
All me
meh i prefer men who have so much paint on you can barely tell they’re people
>neckbeard deathcamp
Horrible music that's only popular because le evil nazi low hanging fruit.
Listen to Dream Evil until you like it.
Is there anyone in the mainstream metal world deserving more respect than these two motherfuckers ?
> Said they'd never play live, proceeded to decline offers up to 100.000 euros to play festivals, kept their jobs as teacher and mailman
> Made whatever music they felt like doing without any consideration for fans' expectations
> photos of ski vacations in album booklets
Goddamn that's fucking hot.
Someone should tell Hellhammer to stop niggering around.
The thing is they don’t even want the attention or stardom. They just enjoy what they do. Supposedly they’re really friendly.
Nocturno seems pretty irritated most of the time.
who has the best hair in metal?
I nominate the guy on the right
im not a huge fan of darkthrone but fenriz just seems like a solid dude
any interview and all he does is shill music he likes and have a good time
A woman wearing a hellhammer shirt and a leather biker jacket.
Not to piss on your parade but the way Fenriz has always tried to act like he's a pioneer or an OG of every fucking genre he has touched (be it death metal, black metal, traditional heavy metal or even fucking punk) is just embarrassing
He's a black metal musician, not a hardcore punk rocker for fuck's sake
The times he has pretended his band is something it's not have all been awful
Josh with his yiddish/poodle hybrid fro.
I think he’s just really introverted, never heard anyone say anything bad about him
>The times he has pretended his band is something it's not have all been awful
It's whatever the fuck he wants it to be, it's his band retard.
Are you saying that if Fenriz says The Underground Resistance is not black metal he's wrong and everything Darkthrone will ever put out will forever be black metal ?
21st century's thrash masters
looks pretty badass
industrial era devin > New Age symphonic whatever devin
its like they grabbed two mexican thrashers and made them write any thrash riff they could come up with and slapped that into the mix of a band that's lacking ideas
I didn't like the latest fenriz's work, at all.
>its like they grabbed two mexican thrashers and made them write any thrash riff they could come up with
sounds cool as hell
Old Star is ok, at least better than FOAD era
for an act that has been going for over 30 years it's decent
>Old Star is ok, at least better than FOAD era
I think FOAD had more energy, IMO
>for an act that has been going for over 30 years it's decent
Reminder that Judas Priest put out their best record 20 years into their career. How the FUCK did they do it lads?
In my opinion FOAD is their best one, excluding the unholy trilogy
Even including Panzerfaust?
I hate this dude
jeez-louise, these riffs are too kickass for this world
Fuck Jesus.
would smash
So brave and controversial
behead muhammad
>fuck women
do it, for a change
Is there any metal songs about coming home or is that not a kvlt enough subject?
boot Buddha
>The collective of Yea Forums's userbase is incredibly delusional, I look pretty much exactly like that dude and women still expect me to pursue them instead of coming up to me like the chad meme is supposed to represent
It's so fucking enfuriating, nowadays literally nothing is good enough for women to """lower themselves""" to go for a guy they like; men always have to make the first move: FUCK THAT
Still excluding the unholy trilogy, my top three is FOAD > Panzerfaust > Total Death
why, five finger death punch, of course
Rainbow - A Light in the Black
>search library for "home"
>"Licking the Goat's Vaginal Prolapse in the Name of Baphomet"
opinions on new Darkthrone?
IMO i'ts pretty sick so far
are you kidding me?
duh, i completely forgot about this song
too many big chords and too few sick riffs
plus guitars sound too big, everything's compressed
Why did he do it?
beatles influence
Quorthon has a very kissable forehead desu
is it this guy?
Post supreme riffmosphere
more like sixsixsixhead
I want to hold quorthon in diapers
Just be glad he didn't decapitate her with a chainsaw.
what happened?
Fukk you...
Fukk you....
Fukk you jesus chriiiiist!!!
wrote riffs that are illegally hot
Type O Negative would have been cooler if women didnt like them
Is that Kevin Spacey in a wig ?
TON was created for the sole reason for Pete to get his Peter wet.
the chad embrace
spilled some beer on a christards
By beer, do you mean piss? And by spilled, do you mean smacked some bitch up?
This but only from Bloody Kisses onward
threw beer at some christian protesters or something like this
>phone poster
>shitty ass metal
checks out
really makes you think
That is a really cool album cover
It a dark and eerie, bone chilling, atmospheric slow burn
Absolute garbage (and i love Aenima)
Also not metal.
what makes you think it's a phone poster?
probably the mobile site link
Riffing is dishonest, though
gee, I dunno, might be the big old "m.youtube" thing
Lacrimosa - Lichtgestalt
Novembre - Novembrine Waltz
The Gathering - How to Measure a Planet?
>>Shitty ass metal
Inbefore not listening to the whole record and painting over it.
I listened to it when it came out and found it boring as fuck with a few exceptions
I kinda like the last track, but that's all
>mfw reading translation
funny how the same thing can be said about any nsbm, except nsbm is 100% unfunny
>mainstream metal world
NSBM can be funny if it’s really cringy
Fair enough decision each to there own.last song of the best on the album no doubt. Highly enjoyed the album myself as well as there others
Someone post the Goatmoon picture
>Blasting youtube.com
1990: black started
1995: post-black started
End of story.
everyone knows about darkthrone
Classic album. They were full-on disturbed when they made this one.
I don't.
it's as mainstream as it gets
you do
>it's as mainstream as it gets
>Everyone knows about darkthrone
I do not know about darkthrone
is purple the new true color? I don't know if it's just me but I've started seeing it more often recently on bm covers
>muh simpsons
purple is so poseur, violet is true grim
Makes 2
Can't tell if trolling or blind. It's literally one of the first black metal bands someone listens to when getting into the genre. If you're into extreme metal, chances are you know about Darkthrone. Christ, Transylvanian Hunger is regularly on top 100 lists and the like.
If you're trolling, congrats on the (you). If not, and Darkthrone is your idea of underground metal, lurk moar
>now blasting youtube.com
simpsons and metal go hand in hand
what did you say about 2nd wave?
I'm a black metal buff, yet I've never listened to Transylvanian Hunger.
zoomer neck yourself
Do hot girls even like NSBM?
girls don't really like things
Try Eastern Europe
Based. The poseurs found out about black and red after years of sick carnage. The hour of purple is now come
People always shit on Eastern Europe but they are at least white
Is there a thing like blackened heavy/trad?
Is absurd even bm i always thought they are more RAC
Mongols aren't white
most of it gets labeled black'n'roll
Maybe some of the Italian stuff like Death SS or Mortuary Drape could scratch your itch, or the last three Darkthrone albums, they've really recovered some of their quality.
I've always thought that Angel Witch was the most riffmospheric of the Trad bands
depends on the release probably. I've only heard facta loquuntur and it was so shit it put me off from checking out the rest
I don't really remember what it sounded like, just that it was shit and they couldn't play their instruments at all
I heard they got better later
What is some essentially /black/ black metal?
Death SS
Iron Maiden's s/t
for me, it's Xthlozoloth
that would be finno-ugrians
You mean dry bullshit like Craft or do you mean DARKTHRONE
Mystifier is the blackest black metal.
Sami =/ mongol
Like this youtube.com
Like this? youtube.com
I mean nigger black metal
There's a black person in Blasphemy.
yeah but I'm talking more than 1 member, like a whole band maybe
I said Mystifier, you dumb nigger.
Also Mayhem has Hellhammer.
>Also Mayhem has Hellhammer.
he's not a black african.
wait never mind they were death metal, I think I mixed them up with some other band
Close enough
no, not close at all.