Holy fuck, it finally clicked after 3rd listen.
This is easily AOTY
Holy fuck, it finally clicked after 3rd listen
not hard, this year sucked so far.
Lateralus=Aenima>Undertow>Fear Inocolum>10.000 Days
Reminder that what you all have done is wrong and the exact reason you wont be getting another Tool album. Hope youre ashamed of yourselves.
it's their final one anyway
10k days leaked early too
This. You can hear it.
They are all going on 60. Nobody will want to hear a 70+ year old Maynard or a stiff Danny with joint problems once they choose to record something nes in 15 years. Odds are this is as much TooL as we'll ever get. So enjoy
Their free now, no contracts, I think they will release a big finale
That's Stockholm Syndrome setting in
I feel like they are moreso free from the neverending hype cycle that was this album. They will either have a followup in the next 5 years or they will be done entirely.
Have sex.
They'll release one more in 3-5 years and then that'll be it, it may or may not be good. Danny gets 2 solos instead of 1 and Maynard gets one whole song about wine
I'm just going to stream it anyway.
maybe, I guess alot of people are not expecting anything else from them now, they might suprise us
unironically hoping for this
It hasn't and this is bait.
Maynard is a serial rapist pedophile. He rapes boys age 8-10 anally because his belief is that it gives him power
>it clicked after 3rd listen
daily reminder that this process is called habituation and you're basically forcing yourself to like it