What's his appeal exactly?
What's his appeal exactly?
Dunno but he’s a bonafide sex symbol
simple pop tunes with simple, relatable lyrics sung in a soulful way.
Isn't Ed Sheeran's appeal like the exact opposite of sexual
Tell that to his hordes of female admirers
Basically what would happen if John Mayer was bordering on being an incel and had features with every chart-topping artist
pretty much this
If he walked into a bar in Indianapolis on a Saturday night his odds of getting laid, rounded to the nearest whole number and expressed as a percentage, would be exactly 0.
they don't want to fuck him, though. they want to go camping with him or something.
Chuck Klosterman is a pretty good writer. He touches topics from sports to music to politics. He's funny and knowledgeable
Who he? Should I know him, or is he just a fash in the can like Billy Elvish?
Yeah before he got famous
White people adult contemporary soft pop
Maroon 5 territory
shitty pop star like Bullie Eyeball
he has that beta boy nice guy charm white girls love to be reminded of, so they know they can fall back on guys like this when shit breaks down with chad.
I had a dormmate that looked just like this fucker, he never left his room and let garbage pile up so much that you could smell the rotten smegma salad smell from under the door.
T swift likes him
white girl pop with very minor acoustic folk elements, at least in the past.
I have no idea. I don't believe I've ever heard an Ed Sheeran song. I know for sure I have never heard one consciously.
>John Mayer
That's another artist I've never heard, but for some reason anglos love
I'm on Wiley's side. Ed sheeran is a moist poser and the fact he thinks is grime is actually cringe. It would be fine if he just did his own pop thing but now he's tryna jump on the UK hiphop scene like he's the white stormzy.
He looks like one of those retarded dogs that will drown in their own food if you leave them unsupervised
Sounds pretty based to me.
white girls can listen to it to feel NPC emotions when alone and sing it along with their friends because they all know it by heart
He's a good lad who creates catchy tunes and knows where his range is. He's still pretty really in his career so I'm looking forward to what help put out over the upcoming decades