if you were born in 2000 but grew up on and like Nintendo 64, Star Wars, and 80s music, you're not a zoomer. Boomer and zoomer are mentalities.
If you were born in 2000 but grew up on and like Nintendo 64, Star Wars, and 80s music, you're not a zoomer...
So wait, when this board is talking “boomers” it’s actually millenials?
What if it's PS1, the Matrix, and shit like Red Hot Chili Peppers and Billy Talent? am I zoomer enough?
why are gen x and millenial erasure the new generations war fad
why are generations wars even a thing
the shitty people of the new generation take the place of the shitty people of the old generation and likewise with the good people. it's all divide and conquer distraction tactics
There were 8 maybe 9 good games on the N64. The controller was aids
It all depends on how old your older siblings were. I was born in 2000 but I'm a zoomer since my brother was only 2 years older, so we played GBA, Ds Lite and Wii games growing up.
My friend, also born in 2000, had a much older brother, so he played Mario 64 and Melee growing up. Ergo, he's a boomer.
Also, this isn't music related.
divide et impera
i was born in 2000 on a third world country so I grew up on boomer media.
I guess global inequality isn't that bad, after all.
imagine thinking this chart is accurate
That seems to be Nintendo's biggest failure consistently. Constantly making stupid, gimmicky controllers. Even with the Switch this trend is alive and well.
No boomer is 1981-1994
is this some retarded meme I've missed or do you guys actually not know what boomers are?
Which is funny because their first two consoles had excellent controllers. The only one after that's not totally perplexing is the GC
Hey guys, I found the idiot who made this "meme"
>"Yeah i'm totally a boomer, fuck the zoomies"
what i find funny is that people simultaneously write off nintendo as being for casuals while turning around and saying they are totally perplexed by a regular controller with a screen between the left and right sets of inputs, or a regular controller that's in two pieces
>19 year old zoomers who were 5 when Web 2.0 came out and grew up on Bieber, Adventure time, and iShitty are now trying to cram themselves into the old school
1980-1999 is literally Millennials you fucking morons. Boomers were two generations before that.
Never call me a millenial again you fucking millenial
Back in 2015, zoomers born in 98-99 were universally hated for being "fake 90s kids", the Bieber-loving generation who didn't even remember 9/11, and were firmly slotted into the "First of the new school"
But now in 2019, zoomers born in 98-99 are universally beloved for being "based Black Ops 2 zoombers", and try to cram themselves into the "last of the old school"
Be proud you're zoomer boy
I was born in 1976 and your thread is gay lol
I start to feel old tho
Times change gramps. You're in your mid 20s and still have no job HA
This is the thread that will explain to me the criteria used by /mu in tagging generations
Boomers =?
Genx =?
Thanks in advance mu, you're driving me craiziiii.
I'm born in 1579. I'm a vampire btw and we don't use generations, we use blood viles.
Boomers start at 1946 and end in 1964
Gen X starts in 1964 and ends in 1982
Gen Y (millennials) start in 1982 and end in 2000
Gen Z are the latest generation to complete their cohort in 2018. Babies born after that are part of "Generation Alpha".
Boomer and Zoomer are just mindstates yes.
Most people here are just Doomers anyway
Txs user.
Its been established that I'm an xer.
Sooo why all the fuzz around Zoomers?
There's a lot of buzz around millennials and zoomers ATM because they're the young'uns of the now and a lot of the older generations are doing the usual "What is with these k-razy kids?!" thing that pretty much always happens with humans.
Lol fuck off.